Hey Gun Nuts? Obama's Serious


Come Hell or high water, he will enact more stringent gun regulation and it's about time!
President Obama will likely take executive action in an effort to tamp down the recent rash of gun violence, Vice President Biden said Wednesday.

“The president is going go act,” said Biden, who is conducting meetings all week on gun control. “There are executive orders, executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet, but we're compiling it all.”

He said last month's Newtown, Conn., tragedy — which took the lives of 20 elementary school children — “touched the heart of the American people so profoundly” and “requires immediate, urgent action.”

It is unclear what specific executive orders Obama is contemplating, though one Democratic aide with insight into the talks said Obama could sidestep Congress and bolster federally funded mental-health programs.

Biden sat beside Attorney General Eric Holder as he met at the White House with gun-control leaders, including the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence, along with victims of gun violence, including survivors of the Virginia Tech University shooting and the stepfather of a victim in last summer's Aurora, Colo., shooting.
i wish you statists would just come clean about your agenda for totalitarianism

Oh shit. We've been outed.

Yes, STY, every liberal in America participates in a conference call with Barack Obama and Hitler's personal medium to think up ways to take away your guns. We also rig the Super Bowl and force Angelina Jolie to adopt more black children to ensure Obama remains President for Life.