Hi Damocles we are your customers

where I come from, customers spend money......APL looks more like a homeless person living in a tent and crapping on Damo's streets......
where I come from, customers spend money......APL looks more like a homeless person living in a tent and crapping on Damo's streets......

He ain't gonna be happy until this site has moderators who ban everyone who disagrees with him. Many other sites have died that way. It is the way of the tyrant though and most people are natural born tyrants.
I pissed Robert off over at A2K by claiming that those who post are content creators, and that it was in his best interest to treat us well.
where I come from, customers spend money......APL looks more like a homeless person living in a tent and crapping on Damo's streets......
A customer with money still can't buy baby food. There's no profit in feeding babies. It has to be done out of love and understanding.
we are more like house guests than customers

the OP is a shit stain retard - why anyone would allow it in their house is bizarre to me
I think this place is more like a free soup kitchen for stragglers and other miscreants. Damo should be given a medal! There really should be a sign at the door of this cyber house of ill repute that reads......"abandon all hope yea who enter here" :laugh:
I think this place is more like a free soup kitchen for stragglers and other miscreants. Damo should be given a medal! There really should be a sign at the door of this cyber house of ill repute that reads......"abandon all hope yea who enter here" :laugh:

Mott says that JPP is like the Hotel California... you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. :D