Hi everyone it's me again


I recently traveled around the world. I went to nearly 16 difference countries including cambodia, thailand, china, japan, greece, italy, russia, india and brazil. Which is why I haven't been posting much. I have some interesting stories to tell and I'll post a lot of pictures soon.

I can say FIRST HAND that the attitude of the world toward americans is one of forgiveness and that we are all in this together, and that everyone has an "ok, lets be partners again" attitude. I feel a lot more proud of where I am from with our recent election.

Heres to hoping I post more in the future :clink:
I recently traveled around the world. I went to nearly 16 difference countries including cambodia, thailand, china, japan, greece, italy, russia, india and brazil. Which is why I haven't been posting much. I have some interesting stories to tell and I'll post a lot of pictures soon.

I can say FIRST HAND that the attitude of the world toward americans is one of forgiveness and that we are all in this together, and that everyone has an "ok, lets be partners again" attitude. I feel a lot more proud of where I am from with our recent election.

Heres to hoping I post more in the future :clink:

You're a huge fag.
wow what did I ever do to you? Nice to know this place is so welcoming. Maybe I'm not surprised afterall why I wasn't around.
damocles I post a nice introduction thread and then you mock me? I haven't do anything to you so I don't understand why you would do something like that to me.
damocles I post a nice introduction thread and then you mock me? I haven't do anything to you so I don't understand why you would do something like that to me.
Oh, geez. Another "victim"... augh..

Welcome to the site. Grow a bit of a thicker skin. You'll need it.
damocles I post a nice introduction thread and then you mock me? I haven't do anything to you so I don't understand why you would do something like that to me.

Aw don't take it personal. They eat their young around here.

Besides, Asshat is our local paranoid, with delusions of grandeur and latent homosexual tendencies.

Damo's all right, He's just grouchy cause someone pissed in his Wheaties.

and these are the nice guys. Wait till you run into Dixie, Yurt and that psychopath Charver.
I can say FIRST HAND that the attitude of the world toward americans is one of forgiveness and that we are all in this together, and that everyone has an "ok, lets be partners again" attitude. I feel a lot more proud of where I am from with our recent election.

Welcome back to the board.

Let me be the first to say that I find it remarkable that, during your travels, you were able to arrange meetings with the heads of state, or their functionaries, of all the countries you visited. That is quite a feat.