Hi Everyone!

I just left that place. I tried messaging you as I saw your name but it wouldn't let me.

Um. You "left" voluntarily, you're NOT banned, right? Spunky.. confession: I suicided by mod with RedAskon. I was ready to go. I don't even dislike Red. I feel bad for him, I feel there's a huge hole in his character. But he dared me to ban myself, and I took him up on it, my choice.

What I do feel bad about are things I said to DiAnna. She didn't deserve that. I hope I'm able to apologize to her on some forum not too distant in the future.

You're going to be surprised regarding the rhetoric level here. It's like our old basement at DP but with no, and I mean NO rules. I just had a death threat today. No shit!

But I remember from chatting with you you're no weak flower. You'll do fine here. Just let me know if you need a "heads up" regarding who the horrible trolls are. There are so many LOL :)
I don't know if we are allowed to talk about this here but yes I left on my own as I won't be forced to discuss my thread in the basement if I haven't posted it there. Enough is enough. I don't need to help out a site that seemly must control speech they don't like.
Hi, i don't recognize your name. Left because a mod dumped all my threads this morning in the basement. While controversial there was no need to put them there as I really didn't want to be a part of a poop fest. I said I didn't appreciate it and that I should have been given the option to delete my threads if I don't want to participate in the basement. She said they don't delete threads. I said fine, I'll take my business elsewhere and requested a profile deletion.
Seems quiet in here or am I just looking at the wrong places?

Idk, but I am terrible troll #1.
