Hi- I'm Minerva, and I am back. Greetings to all!


New member
Hi everybody. I have been gone for several years, but I have returned. Although I haven't been on the board myself for some time, I have heard a lot about it- Don Quixote is my spouse, and HE talks about the board.
Hi everybody. I have been gone for several years, but I have returned. Although I haven't been on the board myself for some time, I have heard a lot about it- Don Quixote is my spouse, and HE talks about the board.

welcome I feel like were friends already.
Welcome Minerva. Though he and I don't often agree I consider Don to to on a higher level than a lot of folks here. Any friend of his ....
Hi everybody. I have been gone for several years, but I have returned. Although I haven't been on the board myself for some time, I have heard a lot about it- Don Quixote is my spouse, and HE talks about the board.


Don has always been one of the good ones and he's mentioned several times what a pillar of strength you've been during his rough times!

Welcome back, Minerva.
Regarding what the Buddha is supposed to have said above:
Be careful about being too public about your disregard for other folks' beliefs. It pays to be kind and reasonable even to those you may regard as fools.
1. They are people too, and by that alone have earned your outward respect.
2. Those fools may have the local sheriff in their back pocket! Only start fights you believe worth fighting, and then fight fairly.
Hi everybody. I have been gone for several years, but I have returned. Although I haven't been on the board myself for some time, I have heard a lot about it- Don Quixote is my spouse, and HE talks about the board.

So glad to meet you, Minerva. Your husband is a real sweetie and has a fan base here. He told us how well you've been taking care of him. Hope you stick around!