Hi. Knowit here.

Who is Mason. Somebody who was banned? Somebody who has more than one account? Whoever it it. it isn't me.

Whenever someone new announces their arrival it's automatically assumed it's Mason. He/she has many, many accounts.
Yeah, don't fuck up Mason.
Oh, and be aware of the 12b Rule. Doris is just waiting to ban your ass.
Not a Monte Python fan I gather. No matter, welcome.
(The proper response is "european or asian ?:)

I am a Monte Python fan. But I don't remember any bit about the land speed velocity of a ground laden sparrow. As to your "european or asian" thing, I don't know what you're talking about. Also, I think there is somebody who uses your username at the Truth Zone Forum. Is that you? If so, what are you doing here. Is this where you come to speak lies?
I am a Monte Python fan. But I don't remember any bit about the land speed velocity of a ground laden sparrow. As to your "european or asian" thing, I don't know what you're talking about. Also, I think there is somebody who uses your username at the Truth Zone Forum. Is that you? If so, what are you doing here. Is this where you come to speak lies?

Chances are, I know it. Which doesn't mean that I know it all. But enough for some interesting discussions.



Your philosophy leaves much to be desired. A war that isn't physical, should be physical. Otherwise, any conflict is called surrender. And that just isn't how nature works. Even coral will fight it out to protect their turf. Also, do you know what the most basic form of violence against others is? Having children. Anybody who does it is committing an act of war. Because war is the most likely outcome. Look at all the illegal invaders from mexico invading the U.S. Or the worthless muslim scum invading Europe. Are White Europeans trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East? And how many White Americans are trying to invade mexico. For White people, merciless genocide against the invaders is the only answer. Just as if you were dealing with a plague of locusts or mice. And if you look at the way nature works as the true will of god, such slaughter is the HOLY solution. All of life is a struggle for survival. To kill or be killed. Only a devil would advocate any other way.
Your philosophy leaves much to be desired. A war that isn't physical, should be physical. Otherwise, any conflict is called surrender. And that just isn't how nature works. Even coral will fight it out to protect their turf. Also, do you know what the most basic form of violence against others is? Having children. Anybody who does it is committing an act of war. Because war is the most likely outcome. Look at all the illegal invaders from mexico invading the U.S. Or the worthless muslim scum invading Europe. Are White Europeans trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East? And how many White Americans are trying to invade mexico. For White people, merciless genocide against the invaders is the only answer. Just as if you were dealing with a plague of locusts or mice. And if you look at the way nature works as the true will of god, such slaughter is the HOLY solution. All of life is a struggle for survival. To kill or be killed. Only a devil would advocate any other way.
looks like volsock & cfm brought their love child home & introduced it to the board............
looks like volsock & cfm brought their love child home & introduced it to the board............

Your attempt at a rebuttal leaves much to be desired. Maybe you would care to give my new thread a try. Before it disappears. It is in the religion and ethics section and is called, "The great wall of genocide. Built by you."
Your attempt at a rebuttal leaves much to be desired. Maybe you would care to give my new thread a try. Before it disappears. It is in the religion and ethics section and is called, "The great wall of genocide. Built by you."

Well if you really wanted me to go you would have provided a link..... SSShhhiiissshhHHH!!!!

I'll check it out maybe ltr... I honestly didn't find the other all that interesting.. Not that others might not... :dunno:

Well if you really wanted me to go you would have provided a link..... SSShhhiiissshhHHH!!!!

I'll check it out maybe ltr... I honestly didn't find the other all that interesting.. Not that others might not... :dunno:

If you don't find the real reason behind genocide interesting, is there anything of any consequence that does interest you?
If you don't find the real reason behind genocide interesting, is there anything of any consequence that does interest you?

I am familiar w/ it, unlike some, I don't enjoy it..........

Especially when someone plays w/ truth & facts........