

Jade Witt

Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. My name is Jade and I'm from Pennsylvania. Looks like lots of good discussion going on here. I'll read up a bit and see where I can jump in.
Welcome Jade. You are wrong, however, there is no good discussion here, it's all crap. None of us knows what the hell we're talking about, we're just playing it fast and loose, hoping for the best, and seizing every opportunity to poke the next guy in the eye with a sharp stick. :pke:

Just kidding.
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Welcome Jade. You are wrong, however, there is no good discussion here, it's all crap. None of knows what the hell we're talking about, we're just playing it fast and loose, hoping for the best, and seizing every opportunity to poke the next guy in the eye with a sharp stick. :pke:

Just kidding.

You were not kidding.
Howdy Jade....!

Just jump right in and express your opinions...you will take hits from time to time...but hey don't take anything personal...this is just a forum of ideas...the Good,Bad and Ugly...:cof1:

I have this feeling she will never come back here.

Desh places the envelope to her forehead...Carnack declares that Jade will never come back!...She opens the envelope...lo and behold ''I have this feeling she will never come back' is written in arabic!:rolleyes:
you are speaking on things you have no information on my friend and I have much more than you do.