
Harry Peel

New member
Hello and thanks for having me on the forum. Hope to get to know many of you in the near future and thanks again for having me on board.
Welcome Mr Peel

please don't be alarmed with some of the responses you get to this introduction post.

Lots of cussing in this site and lots of Russian bot programs

hang in there dude
Be careful (looking both left and right), some of these Posters are less than friendly. (just a tip)
That doesn't sound like Mason. Mason has a hard time making complete sentences. And his punctuation ...
I think you have the name wrong,try to get your facts straight.

Jesus Generic. You're new here so you don't even know what's going on. (shaking head) Mason made her change her name to Margo so the FBI would have a harder time of finding her. (you have to put yourself in the criminal mind of Mason to figure this kind of stuff out)
Hello Harry and welcome,

Two things.

1. Political discussion is possible, but most here simply want attention and are willing to troll for it. And they play very nasty, very mean, completely uncaring for your feelings. The worst things you could possibly think of to say to someone are said here. You'll have to have a way of dealing with that. Many, upon seeing a gutter fight, think it's perfectly normal and jump right into the slop. Some of us use the Ignore Feature quite extensively. That's what I do. If you are another conservative who just wants to unload frustration and tell liberals off, then we won't be talking. You can do that to me once, then I will place you on permanent Ignore, and I will never respond to a single thing you say from then on.

2. Since this board allows people to have multiple personalities, newbies are always subjected to assumptions by regulars that they are a 'sock,' (puppet) creation of another regular. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt until that becomes clear. So be prepared to have people think you are really somebody else playing a trick. If you are genuine, that will subside in time as your personality becomes known.

If you can surmount those two obstacles and actually join the discussions, then it is possible to talk about just plain politics here. You just have to understand that the name of this place is a misnomer. I hope it works out for you. It's not for everyone. Most newbies don't last around here. Good luck.

I see you haven't been back for 2 days. I'm not surprised. I would be pleasantly surprised if you did come back and found a way to contribute to civil discourse in such an uncivil place.
Jesus Generic. You're new here so you don't even know what's going on. (shaking head) Mason made her change her name to Margo so the FBI would have a harder time of finding her. (you have to put yourself in the criminal mind of Mason to figure this kind of stuff out)

I don't want anything to do with that guy!