

Rebellious Degenerate
New to this forum, and just my second post here. . . Would like to say Hello to everyone!

I love a heated debate (as some on here know already ;-)), and look forward to same on this forum. My political views on most things could be considered to be left of center, but I agree with the right on some things. I actually prefer not to label myself politically, but if I had to, I'd say "independent". :)

I don't mind people disagreeing with me at all, as it adds to the spice of the debate. ;-) I do HATE being judged though - I'm a nonconformist, and get enough of that anyway!!

Well, time to browse through the forum and get familiar with it!

:clink: See ya'll around!

I suppose i'd better be polite and offer you a cup of tea and a slice of cake.

Someone will be along shortly to either lace daisies into your hair or roundly abuse you for you political views. Until then, make yourself at home.
I suppose i'd better be polite and offer you a cup of tea and a slice of cake.

Tea? Why tea, when there's :clink: :p

. . . Kidding! Thanks for the welcome. :)

Someone will be along shortly to either lace daisies into your hair or roundly abuse you for you political views. Until then, make yourself at home.

Not sure about the former or if I'd want it, but I'm used to the latter! :lol:
Appreciate it. Do we know each other from any other boards? Just curious.

You are on another board I used to frequent quite a bit. But you are new there compared to me. I've been posting a bit lately, but I no longer could be considered a regular.
You are on another board I used to frequent quite a bit. But you are new there compared to me. I've been posting a bit lately, but I no longer could be considered a regular.

Which board is that? ;-)
You'll have to figure it out. I don't have the same login there as here.

Hehe - does the name of the site start with a d by any chance?

;) If not, it's gotta start with a u, but I think d is right. . .
Pie are not squared, pie are round. Cornbread are squared.

Okay, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'll say Hi, pi. :)