Higher Education Needs More Socrates and Plato


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Over the past century, what made American higher education the best in the world is not its superiority in career training, but educating students for democratic citizenship, cultivating critical thinking and contributing to the personal growth of its students through self-creation. To revive American higher education, we need to reinvigorate these roots.

To that end, the so-called Great Books have long been the preferred way to foster citizenship. This approach is not, contrary to critics on the left and right, about sanctifying specific texts for veneration or a mechanism for heritage transmission.

Books by Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Kant, Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman as well as Wollstonecraft, Austen, Woolf, Baldwin, Hurston and Orwell are worthy of introductory collegiate courses for students of all majors. These writers address the fundamental questions of human life. They explore the ideas of self-determination, friendship, virtue, equality, democracy and religious toleration and race that we have all been shaped by.
Early in America, college was designed to make the grads educated and gentlemen. It was nearly only the wealthy who could attend. Much of it now is a glorified and expensive apprenticeship.
Over the past century, what made American higher education the best in the world is not its superiority in career training, but educating students for democratic citizenship, cultivating critical thinking and contributing to the personal growth of its students through self-creation. To revive American higher education, we need to reinvigorate these roots.

Yes; we need philosophically profound burger flippers.
To that end, the so-called Great Books have long been the preferred way to foster citizenship. This approach is not, contrary to critics on the left and right, about sanctifying specific texts for veneration or a mechanism for heritage transmission.

Books by Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Kant, Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman as well as Wollstonecraft, Austen, Woolf, Baldwin, Hurston and Orwell are worthy of introductory collegiate courses for students of all majors. These writers address the fundamental questions of human life. They explore the ideas of self-determination, friendship, virtue, equality, democracy and religious toleration and race that we have all been shaped by.
yes. but they're on Marcuse and derida, and mill, and the other critical theory divide and conquer anti-humans.
Always the dumb people bashing education.
No, always the dumb people trying to pretend easy, lameass college courses for the less intelligent allows them to delude about their own intelligence.

This allows the dullards to try to cover up the fact that they are not capable of college-level math/science,.

Doesn't take much of an IQ to soar in Greek philosophy.

FYI: Socrates was forced to drink poison because he was a GROOMER of young men, and anti-democracy.

"He (Socrates) was arguably guilty of the crimes with which he was charged, impiety and corrupting the youth, because he did reject the city's gods and he did inspire disrespect for authority among his youthful followers (though that was not his intention). He was accordingly convicted and sentenced to death by poison."
Figures he's your fucking hero.
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No, always the dumb people trying to pretend easy, lameass college courses for the less intelligent allows them to delude about their own intelligence.

This allows the dullards to try to cover up the fact that they are not capable of college-level math/science,.

Doesn't take much of an IQ to soar in Greek philosophy.

FYI: Socrates was forced to drink poison because he was a GROOMER of young men, and anti-democracy.

"He (Socrates) was arguably guilty of the crimes with which he was charged, impiety and corrupting the youth, because he did reject the city's gods and he did inspire disrespect for authority among his youthful followers (though that was not his intention). He was accordingly convicted and sentenced to death by poison."
Figures he's your fucking hero.
I don't believe you are a real person. No one can be this stupid.