Hillary and Scorched Earth

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann wrote an interesting piece that speculated on Hillary's motivation behind her continued pursuit of her party's nomination. Essentially they decided that it is her intent to bloody Obama to the point that he will not be electable come November, a sort of "scorched earth" policy, think Sherman's March to the Sea. The reason? Why, to set herself up for 2012 of course. They reason that, mathematically, she can not win the nomination at this point and if Obama wins the White House he could be there a while and by the time her next chance rolled around she'd be 69 and too old to run successfully.

This brings me to the question so many have been asking, what's the deal with the good Reverend? Why won't he shut up and give Obama a break? While I can not speak to why he appeared before the NAACP except to say he was asked and there is no reason why he shouldn't, and I only speculate as to why he appeared with Bill Moyer, soft interview, narcissistic. I did stumble across a piece concerning his appearance before National Press Club Monday. Barbara Reynolds.

It seems as though Barbara is a Clinton supporter. Barbara is also the person who arranged Reverend Wright's appearance at the NPC.

Is Jeremiah Wright a colossal disaster for Barack Obama or a press trick?
Tuesday, April 29th 2008, 4:00 AM

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright couldn't have done more damage to Barack Obama's campaign if he had tried. And you have to wonder if that's just what one friend of Wright wanted.

Shortly before he rose to deliver his rambling, angry, sarcastic remarks at the National Press Club Monday, Wright sat next to, and chatted with, Barbara Reynolds.

A former editorial board member at USA Today, she runs something called Reynolds News Services and teaches ministry at the Howard University School of Divinity. (She is an ordained minister).

It also turns out that Reynolds - introduced Monday as a member of the National Press Club "who organized" the event - is an enthusiastic Hillary Clinton supporter.

On a blog linked to her Web site- www.reynoldsnews.com- Reynolds said in a February post: "My vote for Hillary in the Maryland primary was my way of saying thank you" to Clinton and her husband for the successes of Bill Clinton's presidency.

The same post criticized Obama's "Audacity of Hope" theme: "Hope by definition is not based on facts," wrote Reynolds. It is an emotional expectation. Things hoped for may or may not come. But help based on experience trumps hope every time."

In another blog entry, Reynolds gives an ever-sharper critique of Obama: "It is a sad testimony that to protect his credentials as a unifier above the fray, the senator is fueling the media characterization that Rev. Dr. Wright is some retiring old uncle in the church basement."

I don't know if Reynolds' eagerness to help Wright stage a disastrous news conference with the national media was a way of trying to help Clinton - my queries to Reynolds by phone and e-mail weren't returned yesterday - but it's safe to say she didn't see any conflict between promoting Wright and supporting Clinton.

Complete piece...

The Clinton war machine has many, far reaching, tentacles.
Hillary will do whatever she can to win the nomination. She will throw anyone under the train she has to in order to get what she wants. Bill was like that. Hillary is like that. This is the way the Clinton's work. It is no secret.
Hillary will do whatever she can to win the nomination. She will throw anyone under the train she has to in order to get what she wants. Bill was like that. Hillary is like that. This is the way the Clinton's work. It is no secret.

Barack is like that.