Hillary campaigns robbs a supporter?

Yes, it's quite unbelievable. So unbelievable, that I frankly doubt it happened. Sounds like another Internet legend to me, when someone who didn't like Hillary noticed that she ran out of campaign money for a while and "lent" her own campaign $5M, and so they concocted a fake story about Hillary committing credit card fraud, hoping people would believe it.

If I see this Kathy Callahan person on TV and she repeats a lot of these charges publicly (thus risking arrest and prosecution if she's lying), I'll be more inclined to believe the story. But until then, I'm calling BULLSHIT on this one.

No way Hillary would be that dumb. Credit-card paper trails are a mile long, very clear to read, and would be possessed by every person she did this to... people whom she just royally pissed off. No way could it remain out of the national news, even with the liberal press we have in this country. Fox, Drudge, or even CNN would eventually ferret it out, gather evidence, interview the defrauded, and publish it bigtime.

That hasn't happened. And it's not hard to guess why: The story is completely fake.

I welcome any corrections or evidence for or against my conclusion.

Conservatives don't need to make up lies about extreme leftists like Hillary, to make them look bad. Hillary and her ilk look plenty bad and devious enough, just with their philosophy and antics that hit the national news every day... are are frequently touted by the candidates themselves as supposedly "good" or "fair" when they are plainly the opposite. All conservatives have to do, is point out exactly what these people are doing, saying, and promising. They are cutting their own throats - why distract from that, with irrelevant falsehoods?

Hillary Campaign Commits Credit Card Fraud Against Delightful Lady

How broke was the Hillary Clinton campaign? So broke that they were charging things to various staffers' credit cards -- a lady's credit cards, in fact. How racist is that? (Editor's note: Not racist at all, that I can see. Merely fraudulent. -LA)

Meet Kathy Callahan, who now supports Obama: "I voluntarily left the Hillary Finance Committee after I discovered more than $3,000 in unauthorized charges from HRC campaign on my own VISA card!" [What Would Mark Penn Say?] VISA doesn't matter because it is a caucus state.

When the Clinton campaign *allegedly* illegally made this woman pay for everything, it ruined her credit -- but in the name of Experience:

And that set off a wave of overdrafts and $400 in bank charges that I was stuck with. And the compliance officer Allison Wright at Hillary VA headquarters refused to reimburse me for the charges. And the senior finance reps who I notified about more than $3,000 in unauthorized Visa Charges never once aplogized or empathized with my plight, much less sent me a "sorry for all the trouble" note and a check!

According to Callahan, after a month of pleading the campaign responded, verbatim, "...let's leave the money where it is and we'll save time on inevitable future donations and transactions!" Ha ha, that is in no way legal! That's when Callahan went to the police, and the Clinton people started sobbing like enraged banshees:
It was then and only then and within a matter of seconds that I got a cell phone call and email from Allison Wright imploring me, "Kathy, please don't do anything, formally! I will send you whatever you want back, immediately!" I told her, "You can send all of my money back!"

She got most of her money back, just in time to write this horrible conclusion: "Every cloud has a green, gold and silver lining. And in my case it's Barack Obama."
And for that reason, we have rainbows.
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Yes, it's quite unbelievable. So unbelievable, that I frankly doubt it happened. Sounds like another Internet legend to me, when someone who didn't like Hillary noticed that she ran out of campaign money for a while and "lent" her own campaign $5M, and so they concocted a fake story about Hillary committing credit card fraud, hoping people would believe it.

If I see this Kathy Callahan person on TV and she repeats a lot of these charges publicly (thus risking arrest and prosecution if she's lying), I'll be more inclined to believe the story. But until then, I'm calling BULLSHIT on this one.

No way Hillary would be that dumb. Credit-card paper trails are a mile long, very clear to read, and would be possessed by every person she did this to... people whom she just royally pissed off. No way could it remain out of the national news, even with the liberal press we have in this country. Fox, Drudge, or even CNN would eventually ferret it out, gather evidence, interview the defrauded, and publish it bigtime.

That hasn't happened. And it's not hard to guess why: The story is completely fake.

I welcome any corrections or evidence for or against my conclusion.

My initial reaction was one of doubt as well. While it would not surprise me that a politician or political campaign would f*ck somebody like this to hear this story now... I don't know. I don't know if it is true or false but call me skeptical.
Conservatives don't need to make up lies about extreme leftists like Hillary, to make them look bad. Hillary and her ilk look plenty bad and devious enough, just with their philosophy and antics that hit the national news every day... are are frequently touted by the candidates themselves as supposedly "good" or "fair" when they are plainly the opposite. All conservatives have to do, is point out exactly what these people are doing, saying, and promising. They are cutting their own throats - why distract from that, with irrelevant falsehoods?
hard to believe it was done on purpose. only 1 side of the story here. but... we are talking about Hillary Clinton the most evil politician in America.
hard to believe it was done on purpose. only 1 side of the story here. but... we are talking about Hillary Clinton the most evil politician in America.

I suspect there are zero sides to this particular story. It never happened.

Hillary made the mistake of pissing off a lot of Democrats for one reason or another. Now she's getting what people always get who piss off the Democrats: Smears, character assassination, lies, all the trash they can possibly throw.

Republicans are used to such treatment, and brush it off easily. But to Democrats it's something new.
I suspect there are zero sides to this particular story. It never happened.

Hillary made the mistake of pissing off a lot of Democrats for one reason or another. Now she's getting what people always get who piss off the Democrats: Smears, character assassination, lies, all the trash they can possibly throw.

Republicans are used to such treatment, and brush it off easily. But to Democrats it's something new.

Make up your mind are we bleeding heart pansies or are we cold hearted opportunists?

You see everything as evil unless it is kissed with the R word huh?

Why is it you hate the majority of Americans?

You see the US's polulation is by far more liberal than you. The US exsists because of the people. Therefore you hate most of what the US stands for.

Why do you always hate America first little guy?
The average American may be more liberal than Acorn, desh, but they're MUCH more conservative than you.

You are further from the political center than he is.
You can accept it or not. I really don't care either way.

I am well aware and completely accept that I am fairly far from the political center. But you are too, in a different direction.

Your refusal to concede the obvious just further illustrates your own biases.
Nope , it aint.

Many people fear the liberal word and tell themselfs they have nothing to do with it because it has been made into a slur by current politics.

If you bothered to read any of those studies by PIPA you would see when you hand the American people a worksheet of the US budget and they are told to adjust it as they think would be best for the country guess what the vast majority do?

When you ask people in depth questions about the inner working of policy without telling them what current political Labels fit each choice they end up answering them with a very liberal trend.

In other words if you remove the POLITICS and just let them deside the greater questions that face our country quess what they do?

Now you can keep pretending you KNOW me so well you can predict what I will say or back in any situation but you are wrong. You are just filled with your own parties propaganda.
Nope , it aint.

Many people fear the liberal word and tell themselfs they have nothing to do with it because it has been made into a slur by current politics.

If you bothered to read any of those studies by PIPA you would see when you hand the American people a worksheet of the US budget and they are told to adjust it as they think would be best for the country guess what the vast majority do?

When you ask people in depth questions about the inner working of policy without telling them what current political Labels fit each choice they end up answering them with a very liberal trend.

In other words if you remove the POLITICS and just let them deside the greater questions that face our country quess what they do?

Now you can keep pretending you KNOW me so well you can predict what I will say or back in any situation but you are wrong. You are just filled with your own parties propaganda.

There were obviously a lot of different studies on that site. Which one are you referencing with regards to adjusting the budget? I would like to read that one.
