Hillary Clinton 2015- A Year Of 111 Scandals, Lies, And/Or Flip-Flops



From her email scandal and foundation scandals, to her flip-flops on immigration and profiling Muslims, 2015 was an interesting year for former first lady, senator, and secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Most of her cover-ups and policy changes were under-reported by the mainstream media or not reported at all.

In reviewing posts put up on this site during the past 12 months, there were 111 articles exposing a lie, scandal or flip flop by the presumptive Democratic Party nominee. Some of them were early in the year and may have been forgotten, others were scandals that were sub-sets of other scandals.

So to help readers remember (and to remind Santa that she deserves lots of coal in her stocking) below is a list of the 111 posts exposing a naughty deed by Hillary Clinton. Each post on the list is linked to the original article, in case the reader would like to refresh their memory about the details of the year in Hillary: Scandals, Lies and Flip-Flops:

Clinton State Department Waived Visa Ban for Democratic Donors
One of Taliban 5 Traded For Bergdahl Returns To Conflict (But Hillary Said They Weren’t Threat)
In 2008 Hillary Linked Autism To Vaccines #Grandmother’sGoingSenile?
Hillary and Clinton Foundation “Gamed” The Donation Restrictions System
Hillary Violated Federal Rules–Used Personal Email As Secretary of State
3/4/15Video From 2007-When Hillary Slammed Bush WH For Using Private Emails
3/5/15Hillary’s State Dept. Forced Out US Ambassador To Kenya For Using Private Email
3/5/15Hillary’s Fake Email Transparency Obscures Her Lack Of Regard for National Security
3/9/15Axelrod: Hillary’s ‘Given Oxygen To The Story By Not Just Coming Out’ And Explaining Emails
3/11/15The Eight Biggest Lies Hillary Told At Her Email Press Conference
3/16/15Hillary Changes Her Story On Deleting Personal Emails
3/27/15Chuck Todd: Nothing [Hillary’s Loyal] Sid Blumenthal Does Surprises Me–Zero
3/27/15Trey Gowdy: Hillary Wiped The Mail Server Clean
4/12/15We Waited For THIS ???? Hillary Makes Announcement Via MEH Video
4/15/15Hillary’s Email Scandal Just Got Worse
4/15/15NOW?? Why Is Hillary First Hiring People Now To Develop Her Agenda?
4/16/15Hillary Meets Iowa Dem. Leaders But First Makes Them Turn In Phones And Cameras
4/17/15Chuck Todd: Hillary ‘Swung And Missed’ Her First Campaign Week
4/19/15WOW! Even Mika Brzezinski Crapped All Over Hillary’s First Week
‘Clinton Cash’ The Book Which May End the Hillary for President Campaign
4/23/15NY Times Reports Clinton Foundation Donations May Have Allowed Russia To Buy Control Of US Uranium
4/24/15Latest Scandal Eruption-> Pay Clinton Foundation For State Dept. Haiti Contract
4/24/15Trey Gowdy To Clinton Lawyer: Here’s 136 Unanswered Questions About Hillary’s Email
4/26/15WSJ And NY Times Warned About Hillary/Clinton Foundation & Kazakhstan Uranium In 2008
4/28/15Hillary Voted For India Nuke Deal- Clinton Foundation Got Millions From Indian Politician
4/30/15Video: In 2009 Hillary Promised That All Bill’s Foreign Donors Were Disclosed
5/4/15Bill Clinton “Hillary Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Donor”
5/6/15Hillary Clinton In 2003: ‘I Am, You Know, Adamantly Against Illegal Immigrants’
5/7/15Breaking Audio–Hillary Clinton In 2003: ‘I Am, You Know, Adamantly Against Illegal Immigrants’
5/11/15Clinton Foundation Tried To Strong-Arm Charity Watchdog That Gave It Bad Rating
5/11/15Team Clinton’s New Campaign Slogan ‘The Ends Justify The Means’
5/12/15National Archives Inspector General Said Hillary’s Private Email Server Was A Concern
5/13/15Despite Promise, Clinton Foundation Took Foreign Donations LAST WEEK!
5/14/15ABC’s Mickey Mouse Move With Story George Stephanopoulos Hid Donations To Clinton Foundation
5/18/15Clinton Crony-Foundation Employee Advised Hillary At State W/Bad Info From Libyan Biz Clients
5/18/15Judicial Watch Documents: Obama and Hillary Were Lying About Benghazi From The Beginning
5/18/15Progressives Getting Super Angry About Hillary’s Super PAC Hypocrisy
5/19/15Ron Fournier: Hillary’s Email Excuse Is ‘From Old Clinton Playbook’ ‘Laughable’
5/19/15Another Hillary Lie: Used Email Address At State She Said Didn’t Exist
5/20/15Former Defense Sec. Bob Gates Throws Obama And Hillary Under The Bus
Emails Point To Sidney Blumenthal As Source of The Mohammed Video/Benghazi Story
5/22/15New Emails Show Hillary Was Warned About A Benghazi Attack Year Before 9/11/12
5/22/15Hillary Was Pushing For Tax Breaks To Benefit Clinton Library Donors
5/26/15Bill Clinton Created Shell Company So Hillary Wouldn’t Have To Report Income In Financial Disclosure
6/1/15Hillary Gave Sweetheart Arms Deals To Clinton Foundation Donors
6/2/15Few Takers–So Hillary Allows Men Buy Tkts. To Event ‘Just For Women’
6/3/15New Hillary Revelation: State Department Sold Toxicological Agents To Foundation’s Donor Nations
6/15/15Former Israeli Ambassador To U.S- Obama Purposely Screwed Up Relationship W/Israel (With Hillary’s Help)
6/15/15Afraid of Something? Hillary Campaign Bans “Pool Reporter” From Monday’s NH Events
6/23/15Hillary Tries To Explain Scandal But Gets Decimated By Clinton Cash Author
6/26/15State Dept.: Hillary Never Gave Us Blumenthal Emails (What Else Did She Omit?)
7/3/15Refuting Hillary’s Ridiculous Claim- She Will NOT Be Better For Israel Than Obama: Here’s Proof
7/5/15What Is Hillary Afraid Of?
7/8/15Hillary Lied To CNN: House Committee Releases Subpoena She Claimed She Didn’t Get
7/9/15Gowdy: There Were THREE Subpoenas-TWO Issued Way Before Hillary Destroyed Evidence
7/14/15Hillary Clinton May Have Just Gotten Congressional Approval For The Iran Deal
7/23/15Just As She Did With Mrs. Arafat, Hillary Wont Rebuke Questioner Who Slandered Israel
7/24/15Inspectors General Ask DOJ For Criminal Inquiry Into Hillary’s Emails
7/30/15Protecting Hillary? Kerry’s Trying To Delay State Dept. Email Release
7/30/15Wow: Another Strange Hillary State Dept.-Clinton Foundation ‘Coincidence’
7/31/15Intelligence Fears Hundreds Of U.S. Secrets Leaked In Hillary’s Private Emails
8/5/15FBI Investigating Security Of Hillary’s Email Server, Morning Joe-Email Story Is Getting Uglier
8/11/15At Least Two Emails On Clinton’s Server Were “Top Secret”
8/13/15Judge Wants Hillary’s PERSONAL Emails–Intelligence Wants Her Security Clearance Suspended
8/17/15Prosecuted For Mishandling Secret Info, Two Former Officials Ask, What About Hillary?
And Mika Too! Morning Joe Panel Eviscerates Hillary’s Handling Of Emails
8/19/15Asked About Emails, Hillary Does A “Walk-off” Arm Wave
8/20/15NBC News: Democrats Believe Clinton Staffers In Denial About Server Scandal
8/21/15Team Hillary Trying To Blame Scandal On GOP, But Dems Freaking Out Anyway
8/24/15State Dept. Never Told DHS About Hillary’s Server Despite The Rules
8/25/15New Revelation-Hillary’s Emails Were Classified BEFORE She Received Them (And Remain Classified)
8/26/15Undercover O’Keefe Video Shows Hillary Campaign Skirting Election Laws
8/28/15Hillary Clinton HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A NAZI!!!!
8/31/15Hillary’s Email Problems Getting Much Worse (Will She Blame The Email Server Fairy?)
9/8/15Bad News For Hillary? Senate Offers Her ‘Server Guy’ Immunity
9/8/15Special Intelligence Review Confirms Hillary’s Server Had Top Secret Emails
9/9/15Hillary Clinton Makes Speech In Support Of (Awful) Iran Deal She Helped To Craft
9/10/15Dept. Of Justice Covers Up For Hillary Clinton In Federal Court
9/17/15Hillary Clinton Won’t Say If She Saw Planned Parenthood “Selling Baby Parts” Videos
9/17/15Before It Was Revealed To Public She Had Them-State Dept. Asked Clinton To Destroy Classified Emails
9/28/15‘Meet The Press’ Runs Brutal Video Of Hillary’s Flip-Flops
10/1/15 In 2012 Hillary Clinton Also Bashed Romney’s Warning About Russia
10/2/15 Video: ‘Her Majesty’s Secret Server: For Hillary Clinton’s Eyes Only’
10/7/15 Hillary’s #2 At State Shared Now-Classified Info With Clinton Foundation
10/6/15Clinton Email Scandal Grows: Server Company Worried About Being Roped Into Cover-Up
10/13/15 Hillary’s Server Wasn’t Just Vulnerable, It Was EXTRA-Vulnerable To Hackers
10/17/15Democratic Party Committee Woman Says Party Mgmt’s In Tank For Hillary
White House & Hillary First Tried To Link Benghazi Attack To A Different Video
Hillary’s Latest Benghazi Lie: Attack Was Caused By A Low Budget
There Was Much New Info During Hillary’s Benghazi Testimony But It Won’t Hurt Her (Yet)
Bob Woodward Explains How Hillary Is Like Nixon
10/30/15Debunking the Media Lies About Hillary’s Benghazi Video Lie
11/3/15Email Release Reveals Hillary’s Sidney Blumenthal Lies
11/4/15RNC Scares Clinton Foundation Into Refiling Tax Returns
11/8/15Lexis/Nexis Search Shows Mainstream Media Covering Up Hillary Clinton Scandal
11/10/15If Politico Is Fair, Why Doesn’t It Vet Hillary Claim She Tried To Join Marines?
11/11/15Clinton Doubles-Down On ‘Fishy’ Story That She Tried To Join Marines (Politico’s Silent)
11/12/15FBI Expanding Clinton Email Probe Again, Investigating ‘Materially False Statements’
11/12/15Hillary’s Mom Must Have Traveled Through Time & Five Other Underreported Clinton Lies
11/16/15Hillary Gets Environmental Endorsement, Then Hops on Gas-Guzzling Learjet
11/16/15Judicial Watch Releases Huma Abedin Email Where She Says Clinton’s ‘Often Confused’
11/16/15Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street 9/11 Donor Gaffe Was Also A Lie (Then She Lied About The Lie)
Clinton Slams Comedians for Making Jokes About Her (Demands Their Personal Info)
11/24/15Why Is The Laborers’ International Union Hiding Clinton’s Keystone Opposition From Its Members?
11/30/15Clinton Used State Dept. To Speak With Corporate Donors, Political Supporters
12/8/15Hillary: I Was Happy With Obama’s ISIS Address
12/11/15MISSING: The State Department Emails Of Hillary Clinton’s Computer Guy
12/18/15Documents Reveal Clinton Ignored State Dept. Security Warning Not To Use Blackberry
12/21/15No Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Is NOT ISIS’ Best Recruiter
12/22/15In 2001 Clinton Wanted To Profile Muslims. Was That An ISIS Recruitment Video?

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Hillary Caught Lying Again: State Denies 90%-95% Of Her Work Emails Already On Their System

