Hillary Clinton Instigator Of Cop Killings


Verified User
Hillary Clinton has allied herself with these people. She’s taken sides and she’s shown her true colors.

Hillary Clinton is campaigning on the theme of uniting America and the Obama lie of an America more united racially than most people believe to be true.

Out of the mouth of the Benghazi Bitch comes her pandering to black violence while she pretends to promote a unified Country.

Hillary Clinton’s life itself is an entire lie. She’s a world class liar and total incompetent. She’s a “yet to be tried and convicted felon.”

Hillary Clinton cannot rationally explain how her support for the black mob “Black Lives Matter” and their racist, evil and violent chants to kill cops will cause cops to take their finger off of the trigger when dealing with blacks. Quite the opposite reaction is inspired by the Benghazi Bitch and her BLM allies.

Hillary is one of the two major political candidates for the office of president of the United States. Our history of rancorous partisan politics aside, this country has been a beacon to the world as an example of the possibility of peaceful democratic political transition.

Yet, you are willing to destroy this hallmark of our founders vision, for a claim that your political enemy is not just your political opponent, but rather a criminal opponent? Are you willing to water the tree of liberty? Not against the despotic leaders that our founders feared we might face, but simply against a person that you claim to be untruthful, and negligent? What will you possibly do if Hillary wins? Move to Moldavia? Oppose the transition with arms? Why don't you simply get in your '55 ford and drive across this country to proselytize for your champion, the great and wonderful Don? THAT would be the American way.
Bobo destroys nothing.

Bobo accomplishes nothing.

He doesn't vote.

His internet rants have never changed a single voter's mind as far as I know.

Poor Bobo.
Hillary is one of the two major political candidates for the office of president of the United States. Our history of rancorous partisan politics aside, this country has been a beacon to the world as an example of the possibility of peaceful democratic political transition.

Hillary is one of the two felons running for President as mandated by the crooked duopoly dictatorship. The duopoly has managed mostly peaceful transitions from one crooked politician to another because there is no “democracy,” there’s only the duopoly’s rigged elections. They own the national media, the ballot access system, the national debate and every dime of the special interest money they buy their way into power with.

America has the best government Wall Street and special interest money can buy. America is a nation run “by” the bribery, “of” the bribery and “for” the bribed.

Yet, you are willing to destroy this hallmark of our founders vision,

America is no longer the “hallmark” of our founders vision. The duopoly has trashed the Bill Of Rights, and eliminated limited government and created a goliath infested malignancy tumor we now suffer known as BIG INTRUSIVE GOVERNMENT.

For a claim that your political enemy is not just your political opponent, but rather a criminal opponent?

Donald Trump is a publicly confessed felon confessing to making his fortune by bribing public officials.

Hillary Clinton is an incompetent felon that is guilty of incompetence in the Middle East and a felon for her gross negligence and incompetence in her handling of classified government materials.

They’re not just my criminal enemies, they’re America’s criminal enemies!

Are you willing to water the tree of liberty?

I water the tree of liberty daily by educating fools who vote in crooked rigged elections for crooked duopoly candidates. Pay attention and I’ll educate you, fool!

Not against the despotic leaders that our founders feared we might face, but simply against a person that you claim to be untruthful, and negligent?

The correct word would be (person(s)). Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both world class liars and egotistical narcissists power mad intellectual midgets.

What will you possibly do if Hillary wins? Move to Moldavia? Oppose the transition with arms?

I will continue to educate morons like you! Pay attention and even a brain-dead loser like you might learn something!

Why don't you simply get in your '55 ford and drive across this country to proselytize for your champion, the great and wonderful Don? THAT would be the American way.

I drive my American made cars because I’m an American patriot!

You know squat about my heros. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are two of the last people on earth I could ever respect. I despise incompetence and liars!