Hillary Clinton please SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I just saw a NEW press conference from today; she used the same line, talking about national security: "I have a lifetime of experience, John McCain has a lifetime of experience, and Barak Obama has a speech he gave in 2002."

F'in despicable. I can't wait until this lame excuse for a Democrat has to concede & head back to Chappaqua.

Leave it to Hillary to shift the campaign to national security during a recession....
Hi, I'm Hillary Clinton.

I was too stupid to notice my husband was a serial adulterer and the fact that he was getting his jollies being blown by that fat intern but i ask you to trust my judgement with the future well-being of the world...i've got 35 years of experience, you know.

I know how to handle world affairs, even though i couldn't actually name the new President/Putin puppet, of Russia. I know the best policy, in dealing with hostile nations, is the roman policy of divide and rule.

That Barack Hussein Obama is a bit of a card isn't he? Have you noticed he's black? You know what those people are like...they vote Democrat, so they must be stupid. I'm the last person to play the race card but how many Latinos are going to vote for a ni...black guy?

I'm Hillary Clinton and i approved this message (i'm not the real one you know, she's far more underhand)
Hi, I'm Hillary Clinton.

I was too stupid to notice my husband was a serial adulterer and the fact that he was getting his jollies being blown by that fat intern but i ask you to trust my judgement with the future well-being of the world...i've got 35 years of experience, you know.

I know how to handle world affairs, even though i couldn't actually name the new President/Putin puppet, of Russia. I know the best policy, in dealing with hostile nations, is the roman policy of divide and rule.

That Barack Hussein Obama is a bit of a card isn't he? Have you noticed he's black? You know what those people are like...they vote Democrat, so they must be stupid. I'm the last person to play the race card but how many Latinos are going to vote for a ni...black guy?

I'm Hillary Clinton and i approved this message (i'm not the real one you know, she's far more underhand)


Ripping Obama is one thing....Praising McCain is another....

When you do that you cross a line....

I dont understand why the dumb Democrats keep on praising McCain....

When I was ripping on big Mac we had Desh of all people defending that wife cheater.....

Unbelievable how stupid most Desh Democrats are....



it is an old tried and true tactic, praise your opponent and throw him off guard, especially if one opponent is of another party and you are trying to win your party's nomination

mc and hc both can claim more experience than bo

the chief differences between hc and mc are out there but the differences between bo and hc and much smaller

a dem ticket with bo and hc as p and vp (take either as p) would likely be the dem's strongest ticket
hillary only cares about seizing power by whatever means necessary. the party she is in and the voters are second fiddle. Those that don't recognize this are basically morons in my book.
Hey Chap,

I'm willing to sell my vote in tommorrow's pivotal Mississippi primary. How much would you be willing to pay? Otherwise I'm voitng for Hillary.
whats your rational for voting for clinton over obama? of course you dont have to say.. its your vote. I am just curious.
whats your rational for voting for clinton over obama? of course you dont have to say.. its your vote. I am just curious.
This is a politics site. We expect a full detailed reasoning, or an emotive charge, but a non-answer is unacceptible!

I just want to say that I'm grateful for the introduction of STFU. I've noticed that the internet, allowing us to communicate instantly across various cultures, is allowing us to learn more from each other. I'm pretty sure that American media we import wouldn't have given us STFU (we don't get Howard Stern) and I find it so expressive. It's much more elegant, structurally than our native FSU (no, that's got nothing to do with Seminoles). I find STFU much more satisfying, it's length allows much more expression. But what is pleasing to see is that so many Americans have finally learned to spell "arse" properly. Next is proper pronunciation but that will come with Internets II.

As you were.