Hillary Clinton’s Bargaining Chips


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Hillary Clinton has three bargaining chips:

1. Clinton can avoid impeachment if she surrenders all of hers perks; i.e. not“. . . Profit under the United States. . .”

(Article II, Section 4)

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

2. Hillary plays her second chip when she rolls over on her co-conspirators. That is the only way she can stay out of jail.

Article I, Section 3, Clause 7

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Usually small fish rat out a bigger fish. The people who made Hillary’s crimes possible do not have a bargaining among them because the big fish is already in the net.

Copies of nearly all of the emails Hillary Clinton sent and received while she was secretary of state – including the infamous missing 30,000 messages – were stored at a cryptically named Gmail address, according to a new Senate report.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported the newly disclosed finding means that copies of classified and deleted emails likely existed on Google’s U.S.-based servers.

The FBI, according to the Senate report, was aware of that fact and the suspicious explanation for it but did not alert other intelligence agencies or the public.

The suspicious Gmail address was set up by an IT aide, Paul Combetta, who worked for a company that managed Clinton’s unauthorized server, Platte River Networks, according to the FBI.

It was Combetta who used the software program BleachBit to permanently erase copies of Clinton’s emails after they were subpoenaed by the House.

Combetta misled the FBI about his actions and was given immunity from prosecution, the Daily Caller noted.

He refused to cooperate with the Justice Department Inspector General and with the authors of the Senate report about his use of the Gmail address. He previously pleaded the Fifth before Congress in September 2016 about his deletion of emails.

The investigative team of Charles McCullough, the intelligence community inspector general, found that every one of Clinton’s emails except four were secretly copied to the the Gmail address,

CarterHeavyIndustries@gmail.com, according to the report.

McCullough investigator Frank Rucker told Senate investigators that when he brought the findings to Peter Strzok, the anti-Trump FBI agent seemed uninterested and did not ask any follow-up questions.

A redacted and paraphrased version of the interview transcript was released Wednesday.

Rucker told the Senate staffers the Gmail address “appears in the metadata of almost all of her emails.”

He also told investigators that an email on Clinton’s server from former congressman and convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner said that Weiner’s email had been hacked. The system was configured to forward all his emails to someone else, further raising Rucker’s suspicions that something similar could be happening on Clinton’s server.

Rucker said that the FBI refused to tell him the explanation for the email address, leaving him concerned.

The IT aide Combetta refused to speak to both the Justice Department inspector general and Senate investigators.

FBI agents believed that Combetta repeatedly lied to them, declaring he did not delete emails. After prosecutors gave him immunity, he confessed to doing so.

Gohmert: ‘Raises more questions’

In a House Oversight and Judiciary Committee hearing in July 2018, Strzok told Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, he didn’t remember what Rucker told him.

The Senate report also says Strzok and another FBI official denied remembering anything Rucker told them.

“The trouble is the version of the truth that’s come out now only raises more questions,” Gohmert told the Daily Caller News Foundation Thursday.

“When Peter Strzok said I remember Rucker coming over but I don’t remember anything we talked about, that’s when I knew he was lying,” Gohmert continued.

“Whether they knew about it before or not, there’s no way that kind of blockbuster info would not have made an impression on Strzok as head of intelligence,” he said. “You’re disinterested because you don’t want to know or you don’t want anyone else to know.”

Gohmert said it “raises more questions about the honesty and integrity of those in the FBI that they gave a pass on this and during the House and Senate inquiries into this, nobody mentioned that he had set up another address.”

“It makes the FBI look either incompetent or dishonest, because it didn’t come out from the FBI until the ICIG was so forthcoming that the FBI had no choice,” the congressman said.

“I think Combetta ought to be prosecuted,” Gohmert, a former judge, said.

He noted that typical immunity deals can be canceled if the person has lied at any point.

“And just because there’s incompetence, doesn’t mean there’s not also conspiracy there.”

Hillary’s 30,000 deleted ‘yoga’ emails found
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published August 16, 2019 at 7:54pm


3. FORMER-President Obama is a much bigger fish than Hillary Clinton. That is her biggest bargaining chip of all. The question is: Will the Department of Justice let her cash in?

Finally, the crimes Hillary Clinton & Company committed were so treacherous the SCOTUS might be forced to finally settle the question of “late impeachments.”


Frankly, if a federal official cannot be impeached after they leave office there is nothing to stop them from committing crimes while they are in office. I am betting that Hillary Clinton and the rest of her gang did what they did because they were certain they would never be impeached let alone charged in a criminal court.
Finally, the crimes Hillary Clinton & Company committed were so treacherous the SCOTUS might be forced to finally settle the question of “late impeachments.”



Hiding Biden: Joe’s Allies Push for ‘Rose Garden Strategy’ to Limit Gaffe Exposure
by Haris Alic
16 Aug 2019


Democrats need not put a gag on Joe Biden. He gets a pass because nobody wants to punish the village idiot for crimes committed by the mayor.
Google executives must spend a lot time jerking off if they expect the public to believe they wanted to elect unlovable Hillary Clinton because they loved her, nor would Google big shots do Hillary Clinton’s bidding out of the goodness of their mercenary hearts. People like that never do anything for free. So how much money did change hands to buy the presidency for Hillary?

“Hillary Clinton blasted President Trump for tweeting about what she described as a “debunked study” that suggests “millions” of voters in 2016 were manipulated in her favor by Google.

That’s the Fox story on the latest Clinton-Google story. For those who still believe in whatever they read on Fox News, that is.

But in rude point of fact, Hillary Clinton didn’t “blast” President Trump because he “blasted” her by showing that she is still out there dog paddling to keep from drowning in Google Gravy.

“Hillary Clinton blasted President Trump for tweeting about what she described as a"debunked study” that suggests “millions” of voters in 2016 were manipulated in her favor by Google. (Fox News, Aug.19, 2019)

Hillary Clinton Ties To Google Impossible To Deny
By Judi McLeod
August 20, 2019

Hillary Clinton has three bargaining chips:

1. Clinton can avoid impeachment if she surrenders all of hers perks; i.e. not“. . . Profit under the United States. . .”

(Article II, Section 4)

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

2. Hillary plays her second chip when she rolls over on her co-conspirators. That is the only way she can stay out of jail.

Article I, Section 3, Clause 7

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Usually small fish rat out a bigger fish. The people who made Hillary’s crimes possible do not have a bargaining among them because the big fish is already in the net.

Copies of nearly all of the emails Hillary Clinton sent and received while she was secretary of state – including the infamous missing 30,000 messages – were stored at a cryptically named Gmail address, according to a new Senate report.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported the newly disclosed finding means that copies of classified and deleted emails likely existed on Google’s U.S.-based servers.

The FBI, according to the Senate report, was aware of that fact and the suspicious explanation for it but did not alert other intelligence agencies or the public.

The suspicious Gmail address was set up by an IT aide, Paul Combetta, who worked for a company that managed Clinton’s unauthorized server, Platte River Networks, according to the FBI.

It was Combetta who used the software program BleachBit to permanently erase copies of Clinton’s emails after they were subpoenaed by the House.

Combetta misled the FBI about his actions and was given immunity from prosecution, the Daily Caller noted.

He refused to cooperate with the Justice Department Inspector General and with the authors of the Senate report about his use of the Gmail address. He previously pleaded the Fifth before Congress in September 2016 about his deletion of emails.

The investigative team of Charles McCullough, the intelligence community inspector general, found that every one of Clinton’s emails except four were secretly copied to the the Gmail address,

CarterHeavyIndustries@gmail.com, according to the report.

McCullough investigator Frank Rucker told Senate investigators that when he brought the findings to Peter Strzok, the anti-Trump FBI agent seemed uninterested and did not ask any follow-up questions.

A redacted and paraphrased version of the interview transcript was released Wednesday.

Rucker told the Senate staffers the Gmail address “appears in the metadata of almost all of her emails.”

He also told investigators that an email on Clinton’s server from former congressman and convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner said that Weiner’s email had been hacked. The system was configured to forward all his emails to someone else, further raising Rucker’s suspicions that something similar could be happening on Clinton’s server.

Rucker said that the FBI refused to tell him the explanation for the email address, leaving him concerned.

The IT aide Combetta refused to speak to both the Justice Department inspector general and Senate investigators.

FBI agents believed that Combetta repeatedly lied to them, declaring he did not delete emails. After prosecutors gave him immunity, he confessed to doing so.

Gohmert: ‘Raises more questions’

In a House Oversight and Judiciary Committee hearing in July 2018, Strzok told Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, he didn’t remember what Rucker told him.

The Senate report also says Strzok and another FBI official denied remembering anything Rucker told them.

“The trouble is the version of the truth that’s come out now only raises more questions,” Gohmert told the Daily Caller News Foundation Thursday.

“When Peter Strzok said I remember Rucker coming over but I don’t remember anything we talked about, that’s when I knew he was lying,” Gohmert continued.

“Whether they knew about it before or not, there’s no way that kind of blockbuster info would not have made an impression on Strzok as head of intelligence,” he said. “You’re disinterested because you don’t want to know or you don’t want anyone else to know.”

Gohmert said it “raises more questions about the honesty and integrity of those in the FBI that they gave a pass on this and during the House and Senate inquiries into this, nobody mentioned that he had set up another address.”

“It makes the FBI look either incompetent or dishonest, because it didn’t come out from the FBI until the ICIG was so forthcoming that the FBI had no choice,” the congressman said.

“I think Combetta ought to be prosecuted,” Gohmert, a former judge, said.

He noted that typical immunity deals can be canceled if the person has lied at any point.

“And just because there’s incompetence, doesn’t mean there’s not also conspiracy there.”

Hillary’s 30,000 deleted ‘yoga’ emails found
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published August 16, 2019 at 7:54pm


3. FORMER-President Obama is a much bigger fish than Hillary Clinton. That is her biggest bargaining chip of all. The question is: Will the Department of Justice let her cash in?

Finally, the crimes Hillary Clinton & Company committed were so treacherous the SCOTUS might be forced to finally settle the question of “late impeachments.”


Frankly, if a federal official cannot be impeached after they leave office there is nothing to stop them from committing crimes while they are in office. I am betting that Hillary Clinton and the rest of her gang did what they did because they were certain they would never be impeached let alone charged in a criminal court.

It would better for everyone involved if you simply gave up alcohol, ma'am.

Clinton cannot be impeached and doesn't need any chips to bargain with.
Money certainly buys white friends, but can money buy political influence so far away from the swamp?

Notice that the Chicago sewer rat ain’t moving into a black neighborhood where he got started. For a wealthy parasite who never contributed a thing to this country, or to black Americans, one would think a guy who hates white people would at least hangout with all those brown Hawaiians.

Hell no! The sewer rat is moving in with all those lily-white folks 10,000 miles away from Hawaii:

Report: The Obama Family Is Purchasing Massive Martha’s Vineyards Mansion
William Davis
August 22, 2019
10:32 AM ET


QUESTION: Does the sewer rat’s wealthy white neighbors have enough juice to protect him from the Steele dossier closing in on Hillary? ANSWER: If I was Hillary Clinton right about now I would start looking to make deal before Obama lays it off on her and Bubba:

Usually small fish rat out a bigger fish. The people who made Hillary’s crimes possible do not have a bargaining among them because the big fish is already in the net.


3. FORMER-President Obama is a much bigger fish than Hillary Clinton. That is her biggest bargaining chip of all. The question is: Will the Department of Justice let her cash in?
Google executives must spend a lot time jerking off if they expect the public to believe they wanted to elect unlovable Hillary Clinton because they loved her, nor would Google big shots do Hillary Clinton’s bidding out of the goodness of their mercenary hearts. People like that never do anything for free. So how much money did change hands to buy the presidency for Hillary?

“Hillary Clinton blasted President Trump for tweeting about what she described as a “debunked study” that suggests “millions” of voters in 2016 were manipulated in her favor by Google.

That’s the Fox story on the latest Clinton-Google story. For those who still believe in whatever they read on Fox News, that is.

But in rude point of fact, Hillary Clinton didn’t “blast” President Trump because he “blasted” her by showing that she is still out there dog paddling to keep from drowning in Google Gravy.

“Hillary Clinton blasted President Trump for tweeting about what she described as a"debunked study” that suggests “millions” of voters in 2016 were manipulated in her favor by Google. (Fox News, Aug.19, 2019)

Hillary Clinton Ties To Google Impossible To Deny
By Judi McLeod
August 20, 2019


My guess would be a LOT of money. And Killery STILL didn't win! That's the funniest part of the scenario.
Money certainly buys white friends, but can money buy political influence so far away from the swamp?

El Rusho nailed something I never thought of:

The Obamas have just sunk $15 million into something that may not be there in 10 years because of climate change and rising sea levels. So why would the Obamas do that? Why would the brilliant Barack Hussein O plunk down $15 million on a property that’s gonna be ruined and destroyed inside of 10, maybe 12 years at the outside because of climate change?

Why Would the Obamas Buy a Doomed Beach House?
Aug 23, 2019


There is no logical explanation for Obama to buy underwater property. The only thing that makes sense is: Captain Obama decided to go down with his house!

Or maybe Mencken and me were right:

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken

I was sure the plain folks reached their heart’s desire on the day the Chicago sewer rat was sworn in. Now comes living proof that the dumber you are the more qualified you are for the presidency.

Terrible dental work. Those veneers are shade B1. Nobody has that as a natural shade. A3 would be more appropriate for a 78 yr. old. I need sunglasses when he smiles.
The plugs look pretty good.

:rolleyes: Surely you don't think it's the original photo without some editing? Look at this one.

Terrible dental work. Those veneers are shade B1. Nobody has that as a natural shade. A3 would be more appropriate for a 78 yr. old. I need sunglasses when he smiles.
The plugs look pretty good.

Leave it up to a dentist to notice that & in detail........:laugh::laugh:

& you are correct... Although I see it less now, a few years ago all the kids had teeth almost glowing, including my own... Two of their cousins were in Dental School @ SF & hooked them up w/ all the freebies a small army would need..... They grew out of it fortunately..

I use to work w/ this lady that did that & the fake tan.... She thought she was hot as all the men, & women would stare @ her as she strolled by :laugh::laugh:

She had that dirty orange tan & glowing teeth mid January, looked like an orange Cheshire cat..