Hillary: FOX News is fairer to her than MSNBC


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Hillary Admits Fox News Is Fair

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 10:46 AM

By: Newsmax Staff Article Font Size

In a surprising admission, Hillary Clinton says Fox News Channel has actually been fairer to her presidential campaign than liberal MSNBC.

Clinton stated in an interview that aired on station WJLA in Washington, D.C., that her staff had delivered to her “some independent study” suggesting that “in terms of the fairness of the coverage,” Fox has treated her campaign more fairly than MSNBC.

Clinton was responding to a question from politico.com’s John Harris about MSNBC’s David Shuster, who was suspended last week for saying that Hillary’s daughter Chelsea had been "pimped out" by the Clinton campaign by asking her to phone superdelegates on her mother's behalf.

Clinton said: “I really am troubled by this pattern of behavior and comments that you hear on MSNBC.”

Hillary has sent a letter to the president of NBC criticizing what she called a "troubling pattern of demeaning treatment" of her campaign by the network's cable arm.
So she's now signing up for interviews with Hannity, Hume, and O'Reilly?

Haw. She simply found out that leftist smear machines such as MSNBC, don't only smear Republicans.

Could get interesting, though. An interview with a news show that's anywhere near "fair", is the LAST thing Hillary wants. They're apt to raise questions about the coercion and criminal penalties she intends to put into her Univeral Health Care plan, questions about why she thinks the economy will grow once she starts raising taxes on the very people who will grow it, etc. etc.

The ONLY kind of news station she dares talk to, are the ones that fawn over her, praise her vague plans, and generally abstain from all those uncomfortable questions.

And that ain't FOX... not because it's "unfair", but because it IS fair.
Fox has refrained from using the P-Word in the same sentence as Chelsea, except of course, when covering the story and providing the quote... :)