hillary is a BS'er.. You know one of those that prop up every tale they tell

Good thing is its vertually impossible for her to win now. The number game of delegates is just unwinable and the talking heads on the TV are now even starting to say it.
When I pointed that out on this very board I was castigated and shouted down because I must be misogynist because I point out being married to the President is not experience.
yeap democrats really dont want to do that repeteing the same family memebers thing. I guessd it will considered a Republican thing only now.
I am very glad that there will be an election I get to vote in that no Bush or Clinton will be running in. Finally.
Its a very good thing. Except that a McSame vote is very little change from either Bush or Clinton.
McSame, I like that......

I visualize a commercial... in black and white of course....
with Candidate Ronald McSame.... doing thru a drive thru political service window. All people get the same stuff in their bag..until a limo goes thru and he gets about 1,000 bags and things switch to color while on the rich guy.
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Did you see the desperation in the campaign now. They are claiming that the states that Hillary has won have 219 electoral college votes and that Obama only has like 206 or something. But if you look I think that McCain has won in even MORE states so he has even more electoral college votes IF you are going to use that stupid logic. So the dems should just give up now and go home. McCain has got it all sowed up. This is pure desparation on the Clinton campaign. Almost as desperate as comparing Bill Richardson to Judas, which would make Hillary what? Jesus?