Hillary is past being a joke


Verified User
You guy's know I was way in her corner when she was the frontrunner.
Today she drops the Rocky analogy of going up all the steps and not quiting.
To a totally quiet audience of up to dozens, while Obama farts and thousands applaud.:cool:
You guy's know I was way in her corner when she was the frontrunner.
Today she drops the Rocky analogy of going up all the steps and not quiting.
To a totally quiet audience of up to dozens, while Obama farts and thousands applaud.:cool:

I literally almost spit my coffee out.......:cof1:


"farts and thousands applaud:"
I was just tickled that you admit to being a top dawg follower.
Was a bushman, until he fell from favor, then a hillary boy until she fell from favor, etc...
I really just change to being a democrat like millions of other americans.
Desh just cause your on meds doesn't mean most of the world is. I actually leave my house.
USGED, your nothing put a trailor park education level agitator.
I'm way more open minded than you are gramps.
I'm used to dealing with college educated people.
Your bowling alley humor and picking is not my thing.
I'm used to dealing with college educated people.
Your bowling alley humor and picking is not my thing.

I am used to dealing with college educated folks as well. Wonder why I can't deal well with you ?

I don't limit my dealings to college educated though. I just avoid assholes..hmm maybe there lies the rub....
I break you in person for saying that.
But I can understand you limitations in debate with only a ged.