Hillary Planning Another Arkancide?


Clinton Invokes RFK Assassination

By Anne E. Kornblut

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton invoked the memory of slain Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy as she explained her persistence in the Democratic race on Friday, saying that although the media and the Barack Obama campaign have been trying to usher her from the race, "historically, that makes no sense."

"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California," Clinton said in a meeting with the editorial board of the Argus Leader, a newspaper in South Dakota.

Her advisers later said she was using the historical reference to note that campaigns have stretched until the summer before, not to suggest that Obama might be assassinated. In the previous sentence, she had also noted that her husband's campaign in 1992 lasted until June as well.

But in a campaign in which voters have voiced concerns about the safety of the first African American front-runner in history, it was a surprising choice of words by Clinton, whose best hope for seizing the nomination now would be a major setback for Obama. Clinton has already faced harsh criticism for allegedly exacerbating racial divisions in the nominating process.

"Senator Clinton's statement before the Argus Leader editorial board was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.


Is that a warning to Obama? Will we read in June that Obama committed suicide under mysterious circumstances?
It was a real blowit statement. I think she is completetly burnt and cant even think straight anymore. She needs to leave the race and go take a break.
It was a real blowit statement. I think she is completetly burnt and cant even think straight anymore. She needs to leave the race and go take a break.

She's can't. Did you not listen to her ??? Something might happen like what happened in '68. Who else could save us from such a tragedy ?
Clinton Invokes RFK Assassination

By Anne E. Kornblut

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton invoked the memory of slain Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy as she explained her persistence in the Democratic race on Friday, saying that although the media and the Barack Obama campaign have been trying to usher her from the race, "historically, that makes no sense."

"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California," Clinton said in a meeting with the editorial board of the Argus Leader, a newspaper in South Dakota.

Her advisers later said she was using the historical reference to note that campaigns have stretched until the summer before, not to suggest that Obama might be assassinated. In the previous sentence, she had also noted that her husband's campaign in 1992 lasted until June as well.

But in a campaign in which voters have voiced concerns about the safety of the first African American front-runner in history, it was a surprising choice of words by Clinton, whose best hope for seizing the nomination now would be a major setback for Obama. Clinton has already faced harsh criticism for allegedly exacerbating racial divisions in the nominating process.

"Senator Clinton's statement before the Argus Leader editorial board was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.


Is that a warning to Obama? Will we read in June that Obama committed suicide under mysterious circumstances?
Only after a "thorough" investigation where they ignore things like the complete set of women's fingerprints that are on the gun.
seriously though, did anyone else get creeped out when she said it? I'm a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, so it really freaked me out. Just wondering if any of you guys thought for even a second that Hillary knows something about a plan B or something?
we have all thought it. shes definitely capable of giving the nod. i woud 100% believe Hillary behind i if something happens. shes almost hitler evil