Hillary prefers Kerry over Rice for replacement

It's not her decision. The GOP opposition to Rice is just another case of GOP politics of personal destruction. The point being made here is the GOP will not decide who the next SOS will be and if the GOP does't like it, then tough shit. Elections have consequences. Besides she's been a vastly superior Secretary to the UN then that moron neocon John "I like killing brown people" Bolton by leaps and bounds. So the GOP can spare me their crybaby hypocrisy.

I have no doubt in my mind that a very large part of the GOP's opposition to Rice has little to do with the made up Benghazi controversy and more to do with her color and gender.

Personally I give Rice high praise as she's done an incredible job of undoing the terrible damage that Bolton did to our nations reputation abroad.
It's not her decision. The GOP opposition to Rice is just another case of GOP politics of personal destruction.

Thats laughable....so lets reminisce a little.

When liberals are losing a political issue, they won’t hesitate to smear their opponents, even if the attacks are unfounded.
They are master of character assassination........

1. Robert Bork: When President Reagan nominated Robert Bork to the Supreme Court, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy led the charge to defeat the brilliant jurist by any means necessary. Kennedy went to the Senate floor with this fanciful smear: “Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the government.”

2. Sarah Palin: The Left was so obsessed with the former Alaska governor that a new disorder—the Palin Derangement Syndrome—has been termed. While the media forgot to vet the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee, news organizations sent teams of reporters to Alaska when e-mails from her administration were released years after Palin's term was over. From questioning her child’s birth to moving in next door in Wasilla, the liberal mainstream gets frenzied at the mere mention of her name.

3. Dick Cheney: The Left’s hatred of Vice President Dick Cheney reached epic proportions by the end of his eight years in office. He was portrayed as “Darth Vader” and supposedly led the U.S. into war against Iraq to help his buddies at Halliburton. There were calls for his impeachment and death. Liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy suggested that Cheney’s daughter should “do one thing with your useless life that will have some meaning. Go plan your father’s funeral.”

4. Clarence Thomas: Clarence Thomas endured a “high-tech lynching” when liberal groups used Anita Hill’s sexual harassment charges to try to stop his ascent to the Supreme Court. As Thomas said at his1992 confirmation hearing, “This is a circus. It's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves. … You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.”

5. Tea Party: Ever since the Tea Party movement burst onto the national scene in 2009 in opposition to President Obama’s Big Government agenda, it has been vilified by the Left. Liberal commentators and public officials have slurred the group, using a vulgar term to characterize it, saying it was full of racists, comparing it to terrorists, and likening it to the Taliban.

6. George W. Bush: The Left never forgave George Bush for defeating the sainted Albert Arnold Gore Jr. in the 2000 contested election, and spent the next eight years (with a slight respite following 9/11) trying to smear the President. He was characterized as a dimwit led by Dick Cheney, Karl Rove or the neo-conservatives. Lefties chanted, “Bush lied, people died.” Dan Rather pushed forged Air National Guard records. Movies were made about his assassination.

7. Ronald Reagan: While liberals now grudgingly acknowledge that President Reagan was a transformative leader, during his administration he was alternatively derided as a dangerous extremist or a lightweight “amiable dunce.” The Gipper deftly ignored their yapping and took his message of liberty and economic freedom directly to the American people.

8. Religious right: The Washington Post in 1993 described Christian evangelicals as “poor, uneducated and easy to command,” and the rare time there is violence at an abortion clinic, the entire pro-life movement is characterized as wild-eyed extremists. No demographic segment in America is as routinely mocked by the liberal media as conservative Christians.

9. Newt Gingrich: Even before Republicans took back the House in 1994, Newt Gingrich was called a backbench bomb-thrower by the liberal media, and when he began to implement the Contract with America, the personal attacks accelerated. As he launched his current run for President, the media was more concerned about his Tiffany's bill and staffing issues than his policy agenda.

10. Herman Cain: aka, Uncle Tom.... Just as the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza rose in the polls, Politico launched its hit job on Herman Cain with charges of an unstated nature from unnamed sources, all from more than a decade ago. Whoever ultimately wins the nod, expect the Left to drop a pile of slime on the 2012 GOP contender for President.

11. And now its Mitt Romney....
a. Mitt Romney may be felon ?
b. Independent fact checkers confirmed multiple times, Gov. Romney left Bain Capital in February of 1999 to run the Olympics and had no input on investments or management of companies after that point.”(But not according to the Dems)
c. Romney paid no taxes ?
d. A failure as Governor of MA ?
e. Romney responsible for women death from cancer ?
f. Romney responsible for GST Steel closing?, 2 years after he left the company ?

Yea....the left are the Masters of Personal Destruction....
Thats laughable....so lets reminisce a little.

When liberals are losing a political issue, they won’t hesitate to smear their opponents, even if the attacks are unfounded.
They are master of character assassination........

1. Robert Bork: When President Reagan nominated Robert Bork to the Supreme Court, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy led the charge to defeat the brilliant jurist by any means necessary. Kennedy went to the Senate floor with this fanciful smear: “Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the government.”

2. Sarah Palin: The Left was so obsessed with the former Alaska governor that a new disorder—the Palin Derangement Syndrome—has been termed. While the media forgot to vet the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee, news organizations sent teams of reporters to Alaska when e-mails from her administration were released years after Palin's term was over. From questioning her child’s birth to moving in next door in Wasilla, the liberal mainstream gets frenzied at the mere mention of her name.

3. Dick Cheney: The Left’s hatred of Vice President Dick Cheney reached epic proportions by the end of his eight years in office. He was portrayed as “Darth Vader” and supposedly led the U.S. into war against Iraq to help his buddies at Halliburton. There were calls for his impeachment and death. Liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy suggested that Cheney’s daughter should “do one thing with your useless life that will have some meaning. Go plan your father’s funeral.”

4. Clarence Thomas: Clarence Thomas endured a “high-tech lynching” when liberal groups used Anita Hill’s sexual harassment charges to try to stop his ascent to the Supreme Court. As Thomas said at his1992 confirmation hearing, “This is a circus. It's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves. … You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.”

5. Tea Party: Ever since the Tea Party movement burst onto the national scene in 2009 in opposition to President Obama’s Big Government agenda, it has been vilified by the Left. Liberal commentators and public officials have slurred the group, using a vulgar term to characterize it, saying it was full of racists, comparing it to terrorists, and likening it to the Taliban.

6. George W. Bush: The Left never forgave George Bush for defeating the sainted Albert Arnold Gore Jr. in the 2000 contested election, and spent the next eight years (with a slight respite following 9/11) trying to smear the President. He was characterized as a dimwit led by Dick Cheney, Karl Rove or the neo-conservatives. Lefties chanted, “Bush lied, people died.” Dan Rather pushed forged Air National Guard records. Movies were made about his assassination.

7. Ronald Reagan: While liberals now grudgingly acknowledge that President Reagan was a transformative leader, during his administration he was alternatively derided as a dangerous extremist or a lightweight “amiable dunce.” The Gipper deftly ignored their yapping and took his message of liberty and economic freedom directly to the American people.

8. Religious right: The Washington Post in 1993 described Christian evangelicals as “poor, uneducated and easy to command,” and the rare time there is violence at an abortion clinic, the entire pro-life movement is characterized as wild-eyed extremists. No demographic segment in America is as routinely mocked by the liberal media as conservative Christians.

9. Newt Gingrich: Even before Republicans took back the House in 1994, Newt Gingrich was called a backbench bomb-thrower by the liberal media, and when he began to implement the Contract with America, the personal attacks accelerated. As he launched his current run for President, the media was more concerned about his Tiffany's bill and staffing issues than his policy agenda.

10. Herman Cain: aka, Uncle Tom.... Just as the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza rose in the polls, Politico launched its hit job on Herman Cain with charges of an unstated nature from unnamed sources, all from more than a decade ago. Whoever ultimately wins the nod, expect the Left to drop a pile of slime on the 2012 GOP contender for President.

11. And now its Mitt Romney....
a. Mitt Romney may be felon ?
b. Independent fact checkers confirmed multiple times, Gov. Romney left Bain Capital in February of 1999 to run the Olympics and had no input on investments or management of companies after that point.”(But not according to the Dems)
c. Romney paid no taxes ?
d. A failure as Governor of MA ?
e. Romney responsible for women death from cancer ?
f. Romney responsible for GST Steel closing?, 2 years after he left the company ?

Yea....the left are the Masters of Personal Destruction....

Who's paying you to post this stuff? Inquiring minds want to know.
It's not her decision. The GOP opposition to Rice is just another case of GOP politics of personal destruction. The point being made here is the GOP will not decide who the next SOS will be and if the GOP does't like it, then tough shit. Elections have consequences. Besides she's been a vastly superior Secretary to the UN then that moron neocon John "I like killing brown people" Bolton by leaps and bounds. So the GOP can spare me their crybaby hypocrisy.

I have no doubt in my mind that a very large part of the GOP's opposition to Rice has little to do with the made up Benghazi controversy and more to do with her color and gender.

Personally I give Rice high praise as she's done an incredible job of undoing the terrible damage that Bolton did to our nations reputation abroad.

Why would the GOP support a black female, Condi Rice, for Sec of State if they are against black females for Sec of State?
It's not her decision. The GOP opposition to Rice is just another case of GOP politics of personal destruction. The point being made here is the GOP will not decide who the next SOS will be and if the GOP does't like it, then tough shit. Elections have consequences. Besides she's been a vastly superior Secretary to the UN then that moron neocon John "I like killing brown people" Bolton by leaps and bounds. So the GOP can spare me their crybaby hypocrisy.

I have no doubt in my mind that a very large part of the GOP's opposition to Rice has little to do with the made up Benghazi controversy and more to do with her color and gender.

Personally I give Rice high praise as she's done an incredible job of undoing the terrible damage that Bolton did to our nations reputation abroad.
Now that's pretty damn funny.

Are you for real or are you imitating a libtard?
Who's paying you to post this stuff? Inquiring minds want to know.

Someones got to put the lies and exaggerations into some kind of perspective.....

Isn't that what you try to do as an open-minded thinker using logic and reason to evaluate all sides of an issue....?

After all, the GOP opposition to Rice isn't personal or based on race and we both know that, don't we.....its her judgment and beliefs concerning the known events of 9/11

We have far too many 'blind followers' in Washington, on both sides, as it is....
It's not her decision. The GOP opposition to Rice is just another case of GOP politics of personal destruction. The point being made here is the GOP will not decide who the next SOS will be and if the GOP does't like it, then tough shit. Elections have consequences. Besides she's been a vastly superior Secretary to the UN then that moron neocon John "I like killing brown people" Bolton by leaps and bounds. So the GOP can spare me their crybaby hypocrisy.

I have no doubt in my mind that a very large part of the GOP's opposition to Rice has little to do with the made up Benghazi controversy and more to do with her color and gender.

Personally I give Rice high praise as she's done an incredible job of undoing the terrible damage that Bolton did to our nations reputation abroad.

remember when mott pretended to be a republican everyone?
Someones got to put the lies and exaggerations into some kind of perspective.....

Isn't that what you try to do as an open-minded thinker using logic and reason to evaluate all sides of an issue....?

After all, the GOP opposition to Rice isn't personal or based on race and we both know that, don't we.....its her judgment and beliefs concerning the known events of 9/11

We have far too many 'blind followers' in Washington, on both sides, as it is....

Yes, someone should. Unfortunately, you ain't it you delusional fool.
remember when mott pretended to be a republican everyone?
Yea, yea. When have you ever been active in politics? Have you ever really been a member of a party? Done any grunt work? Campaigned for any politician? Been an active member of your local party with local responsibilities? I have....all with the Republican party.

I never left the Republican party, it left me when it became the party of ignorant rednecks and reactionary angry white guy and Wall Street plutocrats.

When I was a Repubican, at least in the midwest and north east the Republican party was the party of professionals and not bigoted ignoramouses. Just look around you here at the self identified Republicans. That is what the Republican party has become and it's why most professionals have become Democrats.
mott you were probably just a dope that had no clue what the platform was about. Yeah, you left the republican party when it wasn't the democrat party that you thought it was. And p.s. you were calling yourself a moderate republican like... 5 years ago. The party hasn't changed that much in that time.
mott you were probably just a dope that had no clue what the platform was about. Yeah, you left the republican party when it wasn't the democrat party that you thought it was. And p.s. you were calling yourself a moderate republican like... 5 years ago. The party hasn't changed that much in that time.
Well no shit.....where have you been? The Republican party started swinging to the far right over 20 years ago and went over the top back in the late 90's when you were still a Gerber. Back in 1983 I was a member of the Young Republicans in college. A year later our group sat and had beers with John Boehner at Thompsons Cafe in Celina. In 1987 I was the Mercer county Republican party ward captain for Washington township, in 1989 I moved to Columbus, in 1990 I joined the Franklin county chapter of the Republican Party. Twice (1994 and 1996) I was a volunteer on Debra Price (another extinct Republican moderate) campaign and was responsible for recruitment in southern Grove City and Pleasant township. It was around the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal the rise of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and right wing media and the whole sale adoption by Republicans of the southern strategy that my alienation with Republicans began. So what were you doing in 94?