Hillary Promises That Bill Will Be Her Economic Guru In Her Administration


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Hillary Clinton say's her soulmate Slick Willy will be her Economic Guru in her administration.

Here's some facts about Slick Willy's economic genius.

First the touted grand Clinton economy of yesteryear was actually conducted by a Republican controlled Congress for most of Clinton's watch, (a fact that nary a single Democrat will ever reveal).

Secondly, both the Republican Congress and Slick Willy served at probably the economically luckiest period of the federal government in decades. They had in hand the "Peace Dividend" from the collapse of the Soviet Union and thirdly, they were serving in the federal government smack dab in the heart of the "DOT.COM BOOM." The Dot.Com Boom startup of hundreds of new internet businesses pouring loads of new tax revenues into the federal coffers, and the Peace Dividend relieving any and all pressure on military spending. Even the Washington duopoly spending cartel couldn't keep up with the windfall of loot. Your 10 year old son/brother could have balanced the federal budget that Slick Willy got hero status over.

The truth about American politics is never pretty.
Yeah, hard to believe she would go there. But the fringe still believe algore invented the internet and Bubba had anything to do with the economy.
Yeah, hard to believe she would go there. But the fringe still believe algore invented the internet and Bubba had anything to do with the economy.

The President getting more credit or blame than they deserve for the economy is nothing new.
Hillary Clinton say's her soulmate Slick Willy will be her Economic Guru in her administration.

Here's some facts about Slick Willy's economic genius.

First the touted grand Clinton economy of yesteryear was actually conducted by a Republican controlled Congress for most of Clinton's watch, (a fact that nary a single Democrat will ever reveal).

Secondly, both the Republican Congress and Slick Willy served at probably the economically luckiest period of the federal government in decades. They had in hand the "Peace Dividend" from the collapse of the Soviet Union and thirdly, they were serving in the federal government smack dab in the heart of the "DOT.COM BOOM." The Dot.Com Boom startup of hundreds of new internet businesses pouring loads of new tax revenues into the federal coffers, and the Peace Dividend relieving any and all pressure on military spending. Even the Washington duopoly spending cartel couldn't keep up with the windfall of loot. Your 10 year old son/brother could have balanced the federal budget that Slick Willy got hero status over.

The truth about American politics is never pretty.

You are correct. And just to add that the federal budget was never really balanced, without social security revenues counted in the mix there would have been a deficit

Also the leftists seem to have amnesia about Bills tax policy. They seem to forget that he cut taxes on the rich which helped fuel the stock market rise thanks to his capital gains tax cut.