Hillary supporter former Gov.Tom Vilsack: "It's over"


The Force is With Me
Former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, one of Hillary Clinton's most ardent supporters, said Sunday it's time for Hillary Clinton to acknowledge she has lost her bid for the Democratic nomination.

Vilsack, who was briefly a presidential candidate himself last year, told the Associated Press it's "pretty clear that Senator Obama is going to be the nominee."

"After Tuesday's contests, she needs to acknowledge that he's going to be the nominee and quickly get behind him," Vilsack also said.

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It's time to move on
She's going to concede, and she's going to work her @ss of to get Obama elected. I'm 99% sure of that.

My God, I've never seen such a bunch of cry babies as that small subset of Clinton voters that are having a meltdown. Jesus Christ, MY candidate, Edwards, didn't win but I didn't have a heart attack about it!