Hillary supporters flood Obama-endorser's office with hate calls, threats


New member
What did the guy expect? Hillary has spent the last eight years actively trying to destroy anyone who got in the way of her Presidential aspirations. And she has gathered around her, people of a like mind, whose main reaction to opposition is violence, invective, and hate. Did Clyburn think there was some reason he would get a pass?

I especially like the last line quoted. How naive does he have to be, to think Hillary is interested in playing a role or unifying anything?



Clyburn: Clinton Supporters Flood Office With Hate Calls

by FOXNews.com
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

An angry and upset Rep. James Clyburn said Wednesday that his office has been deluged with nasty phone calls with racial overtones since his endorsement of Barack Obama a day earlier.

Clyburn told FOX News Radio’s “Brian and the Judge” that the callers identified themselves as Hillary Clinton supporters. Clyburn, an African-American and the third ranking House Democrat, said a white intern in his office was so upset by the calls that she had to be consoled by other workers and left the office early.

“We got more vitriolic, nasty phone calls, really racially tinged phone calls in my congressional office, so much so, until one of the interns, a young lady who is not a stranger to politics … and she is not a black person, she left the office, had to be consoled because of the kinds of phone calls from people who identified themselves as Hillary Clinton supporters,” he said.

Clyburn said some of the callers used “names that I would not repeat on this show today.”

“I was absolutely shocked, could not believe that this happened. I could understand people saying, ‘Why are you doing this or why would you not support Hillary Clinton?’ but to call me the kinds of names I have not heard since the ’40s and ’50s,” he said.

Clyburn said some of the callers threatened to “sabotage this election.” He added that he does not think Clinton understands her role in unifying the party.
The Clinton political machine was never about helping anyone but the Clintons. It was never about anything but a quest for more and more power.

These are the same people who, in order to get the state residency that Hillary needed to be a New York senator, bought a multi-million dollar house that has a monthly mortgage in the neighborhood of $10k. But they "had" to have a separate residence for the secret service detail that Bill has for life. Care to guess what they charge the federal government for the rent on the residence for the secret service detail? yep, about $10k a month.

Just about every person who opposed them when they were in the white house had the pleasure of an IRS audit.

Look at the interviews of people who campaigned against them in ANY political race. These two are a nasty pair who will stop at almost nothing to achieve their goals.
I don't know. It seems to me that ANY racist, whether a Hillary supporter or not, could call up with this kind of trash and simply claim to be a Hillary supporter.