Hillary supporters in Oregon


I saw a bunch of them with placards causing traffic jams and endangering themselves and others by distracting drivers during the morning rush hour. What a bunch of idiots. Hillary is done. What do you suppose they're smoking? It is oregon ya know!
Yeah kinda reminds me of the bush speech a few months ago where the crowd started chanting 4 more years.
Both parties have stupid people.
but one party has a stupid platform.
When I did the caucus in my state there was a bunch of old ladies which were Clinton supporters. They just tried to hang up signs everywhere (against the rules,we were at a school) and just chanted Hillary. It was really sad. When the caucus began I started telling everyone how Hillary was taking a shit load of lobby money and the little head hillary lady came up to me and acted like I was not allowed to say anything because I was the caucus chair. I just looked at her and said Im allowed to caucus just like everyone else and kept telling the truth about Hillary. I said the possitives about Obamma and they just chanted hillary. I laughed at them. They were so pathetic.
When I did the caucus in my state there was a bunch of old ladies which were Clinton supporters. They just tried to hang up signs everywhere (against the rules,we were at a school) and just chanted Hillary. It was really sad. When the caucus began I started telling everyone how Hillary was taking a shit load of lobby money and the little head hillary lady came up to me and acted like I was not allowed to say anything because I was the caucus chair. I just looked at her and said Im allowed to caucus just like everyone else and kept telling the truth about Hillary. I said the possitives about Obamma and they just chanted hillary. I laughed at them. They were so pathetic.

You know, I don't look at them that way. They're old. They lived through times during which women were discriminated against to a degree we can't really completely fathom today. They never thought they'd live to see a woman president, and then all of a sudden...they thought they would live to see it. And unlike you and I, if Hillary didn't make it, and she won't, they won't live to see a woman president.

This is why, even though I was an Edwards supporter, I wrote so much about the misogyny raising its ugly head earlier in the primary. There were many cyber-based feminst writers, most of whom were not supporting hillary, who stood up on that. I was happy to add my small piece of it and my voice to theirs. I guess I must have done something right because that idiot Rush actually read one of my articles on his show to make fun of it. But what our point was, though we did not support Hillary, five very powerful white men in the media were not going to boot her ass back into the kitchen. The people were going to vote. Because if, in the year 2008, you allow five very powerful white men to say, oh no bitch, you aren't getting up here, you get back into the kitchen, then you and I and every young woman in this country will never live to see a woman President.

And if you think back, they were put on notice and they shut up. They sat down. They got the message, and the message was, this doesn't happen no more. And if you try it, your career is gone. It's gone.

So it was the people who voted and decided, as it should be. And if Hillary were a better candidate for our divisive times, she could have become president because women no longer sit down and shut up. But once upon a time, and not too long ago, those old ladies had to. And I feel for them.
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