Hillary threatens AGAIN to use nukes in Mideast


New member
As I said before, Hillary has been chronically, and rabidly, anti-military her entire life. It's doubtful that she ever devoted any time to thinking about the existence of nuclear weapons and the ways of using and restraining them when negotiating with other nations. Most of her "thinking" about nukes, proably simply concerned getting rid of them.

Now, twice in as many weeks, she has suddenly started announcing that she will use them in the middle East, this time against Iran if that nation attacks Israel. The only time in the history of the world when such language has been used, was when the USSR was invading other countries in the "cold war", and had armies far larger than ours, while we had the only viable nuclear weapons and delivery systems.

Now the picture is very different, with many nations possessing nuclear arms and missiles and more developing them every day. Now, nuclear weapons consist solely of a deterrent: the threat that if one nation uses them, the result will be nuclear holocaust, literally the end of the world.

U.S. Presidents (and every other ruler whose country has nukes) have carefully toed that line, NEVER offering profligate use of their nukes.

Until Hillary.

This woman's inexperience and lack of wisdom is showing up more and more, as she approaches defeat in her crowning attempt to gain the Presidency. And that inexperience couldn't show up in a worse place, than in her lack of understanding of the role nuclear weapons play in world politics and the balance of power.

Give unreconstructed hippies access to nuclear weapons, and you are playing with fire. LOTS of fire.



Clinton says U.S. could "totally obliterate" Iran

Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:43pm EDT
by David Morgan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned Tehran on Tuesday that if she were president, the United States could "totally obliterate" Iran in retaliation for a nuclear strike against Israel.

On the day of a crucial vote in her nomination battle against fellow Democrat Barack Obama, the New York senator said she wanted to make clear to Tehran what she was prepared to do as president in hopes that this warning would deter any Iranian nuclear attack against the Jewish state.

"I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran (if it attacks Israel)," Clinton said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."

"In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them," she said.

"That's a terrible thing to say but those people who run Iran need to understand that because that perhaps will deter them from doing something that would be reckless, foolish and tragic," Clinton said.

Her comments appeared harder than a week ago, when during a presidential debate she promised "massive retaliation" against any Iranian attack on Israel.
Regardless of the fact that the US already maintains the ability to “totally obliterate” Iran, the statement is shocking for two reasons.

First, in the past, Hillary has demurred from answering such questions on the grounds that it would be irresponsible to engage in the discussion of such hypothetical nightmare scenarios. This coming from the candidate that insisted to voters they need her and not the neophyte Obama answering the red phone in the White House at 3am when visions of sugarplums are dancing through the sleepy heads of American children and evil is afoot.

Next, there is the starkly undiplomatic and provocative nature of the comment. Such aggressive demarches are best made behind closed doors, not on the stage of a nationally televised morning news show. Initiating nuclear war in the Middle East is hardly what one expects to find between the latest spring fashions and Diane Sawyer’s tips for how to make your home Earth-friendly, after all.

Furthermore, this comes from one of the most vociferous critics of the Bush administration and it’ unilateral and militarily-heavy-handed foreign policy. So much for rebuilding America’s image through engagement and diplomacy. A billion Muslims be damned, light up the Big Board in the Pentagon and nuke Tehran already! Where is George C. Scott when you need him?

In related news, the Clinton campaign has announced that Hillary will be reprising Slim Pickens’ role in “Dr. Strangelove” and will appear riding a nuclear bomb as it is dropped over Tehran in her next campaign ad. This will be interspersed with footage of Barak Obama screaming like a 10 year old girl, tied to a railroad track wearing a pink gingham dress as a train driven by Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and Osama Bin Laden comes barreling down on him.

Say your prayers and stock your backyard bomb shelters, faithful readers! Stay tuned for further updates as developments demand
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned Tehran on Tuesday that if she were president, the United States could "totally obliterate" Iran in retaliation for a nuclear strike against Israel.

The problem is, I do not believe she would really do it. I think she would say anything to get elected. She wants people to believe she is a hawk, but everyone knows she is not.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned Tehran on Tuesday that if she were president, the United States could "totally obliterate" Iran in retaliation for a nuclear strike against Israel.

The problem is, I do not believe she would really do it. I think she would say anything to get elected. She wants people to believe she is a hawk, but everyone knows she is not.

Jewish votes and more importantly Jewish money.
I'm not quite so sure about that!

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned Tehran on Tuesday that if she were president, the United States could "totally obliterate" Iran in retaliation for a nuclear strike against Israel.

The problem is, I do not believe she would really do it. I think she would say anything to get elected. She wants people to believe she is a hawk, but everyone knows she is not.

She and Madeline Halfbright think the same...they would do anything to hold power...think and remember the Bosnia/Kosovo war....Madeline Halfbright turned on her own people the Serbs in favor of the Muslim community...the Serbs took a beating! and the Clintons were in the White House calling the shots!

As for the statement itself saying the US would retaliate if Iran nuked Israel...well I do believe no matter which President, except maybe Obama, would do the same!
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You know that there is something bizarre about our country when a candidate must threaten nuclear war to be viable.
Jewish votes and more importantly Jewish money.

How many Jewish votes do you think there are. Only about 3% of the register voters are Jewish. If you figure that 2/3 vote for the Democrat candidate, you are looking at a very small minority.
I hate her guts. She's frigging crazy. Don't even give her the key to the toolshed in the White House, she'd probably grab the secateurs and kill all the roses.
How many Jewish votes do you think there are. Only about 3% of the register voters are Jewish. If you figure that 2/3 vote for the Democrat candidate, you are looking at a very small minority.

How much money do you think this 3% can offer the Clinton campaign ?
The truth about who runs this country is coming out.

Had she vowed to use nukes to defend americans, it would have been a problem.
You know that there is something bizarre about our country when a candidate must threaten nuclear war to be viable.


...and something creepy when the discussion revolves around not voting for her because you don't believe she'd go through with it.