Hillary whines about media, but both candidates have challenges


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Hillary wants it both ways: she wants to the mantle of the tough, unrelenting fighter, but man, does she love paying the victim. Whining about media bias is usually reserved for the GOP, but it has arguably been the centerpiece of her campaign for the past week.

In the meantime, Obama has had to deal with a much more insidious, "under the radar" campaign via the internet, with daily rumors that he is a Muslim who refuses to pledge allegiance to the flag. This is compounded by the "fun" radio hosts & others are having with his middle name, and idiocy like that picture of him in Somali garb. This HAS been effective, and has created a lot of doubt about Obama & his campaign, particularly among those who are relatively uneducated.

I think Hillary could win tomorrow, and from there, it's not inconceivable that she could go on to win the nomination. They won't ever be able to gauge it, but I would wager that the rumors about Obama, when all is said & done, will have had much more of an influence on voter's decisions than any perceived "media bias."
Hillary wants it both ways: she wants to the mantle of the tough, unrelenting fighter, but man, does she love paying the victim. Whining about media bias is usually reserved for the GOP, but it has arguably been the centerpiece of her campaign for the past week.

In the meantime, Obama has had to deal with a much more insidious, "under the radar" campaign via the internet, with daily rumors that he is a Muslim who refuses to pledge allegiance to the flag. This is compounded by the "fun" radio hosts & others are having with his middle name, and idiocy like that picture of him in Somali garb. This HAS been effective, and has created a lot of doubt about Obama & his campaign, particularly among those who are relatively uneducated.

I think Hillary could win tomorrow, and from there, it's not inconceivable that she could go on to win the nomination. They won't ever be able to gauge it, but I would wager that the rumors about Obama, when all is said & done, will have had much more of an influence on voter's decisions than any perceived "media bias."

The difference is that the Muslim crap is coming from the right wing blogs and right wing radio shock jocks. As far as the mainstream media go, they are tougher on Hillary than they have been on Obama. They even say it themselves if you watch the shows and I think you do, they couch it in “well, not me, but a lot of reporters complain that the Clintons have always been mean to them, and they don’t like the Clintons.” I don’t know of anyone who is denying this, and it’s something Obama I think knows, and better know because in my opinion, when he is the nominee, the msm is going to turn on him, quickly.

It’s like a love affair. They have been loving John McCain for 20 years now. Obama is hot, he’s fresh, he’s new and he has given them some excitement. But when it comes down to it –they’re not leaving their wife, and that’s John McCain.