Hillaryland is hell, staffers say


New member
Hardly surprising. The woman's shrewish temperment and tendencies to burst out angrily when displeased, is nothing new. Where Bill couldn't sue her for throwing lamps and ashtrays at him, her campaign staff can. Her options are thus necessarily more limited than they have been, so when explosions do occur they tend to be more abrupt and violent. As detailed here, her advisors tend to clam up when things get rough

Hillary doesn't have a "likeability" problem. She has a personality problem - one she will carry with her into the White House (as she did before) if elected. Cowing and intimidating your advisors there, can have VERY bad effects, both for Hillary and for the country. How many are looking forward to that?



Hillaryland Is Hell, Staffers Say

By: Newsmax Staff
Friday, January 25, 2008 12:44 PM

Despite Hillary Clinton’s surprising win in the New Hampshire primary, discontent remains the order of the day in “Hillaryland,” according to an article in the liberal New Republic.

“For all of Team Hillary’s gifts, it is not known as a happy group,” Michelle Cottle writes in the magazine.

“‘I’ve never seen a campaign where everyone feels so bad about themselves,’ says one campaign staffer, echoing others.”

That feeling was palpable the morning after Clinton’s defeat in the Iowa caucuses, when a “sad and sorry Team Hillary” gathered for a conference call with the candidate, Cottle relates.

After Hillary came on the line, message guru Mandy Grunwald tried to spur conversation by asking staffers if they had any thoughts. No one spoke. After a pregnant pause, Hillary began talking for a few minutes about the campaign. Again, silence.

An angry Hillary finally snarled: “This has been very helpful talking to myself” — and hung up.

Following Iowa, rumors began circulating that there would be a major shakeup in the Clinton campaign staff. Then came the New Hampshire win. But discord remains in Hillaryland, the New Republic article disclosed.

The unease has been spurred in large part by the “fear-inducing, high-handed” leadership of the advisors known as “the Five” – Grunwald, campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle, top strategist Mark Penn, policy chief Neera Tanden, and communications director Howard Wolfson.

The five, called by Cottle the “devout members of Hillaryland,” have kept “an iron grip on everything from ideas to access.”

The staffer deemed most likely to be replaced after Iowa was Penn, according to Cottle.

“The reasons are legion: his high profile; his right-of-center politics; his myopic focus on issues; his dismissal of the need for Hillary to get personal and address her likability problem; his unusual dual role as top strategist and pollster; and, of course, his famously rough manner.”

New Hampshire brought Penn a reprieve — and not everyone in the Clinton campaign was happy about that.

“So strong was the desire for change,” Cottle writes, “that the Granite State miracle, while obviously a godsend, left some staffers deflated as it became clear that the planned overhaul had been derailed.”
I've heard this to be true, albeit second hand, from her SS detail. People don't call her a bitch just to be nasty, but to be accurate.
and here I thought I was bad on Bush bashing
You're not incorrect. But here it's Hillary's own campaign staff, and the extreme-left New Republic, talking about how rough it is under Hillary. On Hillary, it's not "bashing", it's merely the truth. And it's an ominous portent of things to come if the woman should be come President.



“She is angry. Not all of the time. But most of the time,” wrote a usually sympathetic Gail Sheehy in her Clinton biography, Hillary’s Choice, which was released just a few months before the first lady began zeroing in on Guiliani’s temper.[Gail Sheehy, Hillary’s Choice{New York Random House,1999}p.11.] The referance was to Sheehy’s first impression of Mrs Clinton, after spending time with her right after the first couple’s triumphant 1992 appearance on 60 Minutes.

Long time Hillary aid Carolyn Huber, who saved Mrs Clinton’s buns in 1996 with a convenient cover story about how her mysterious Rose Law Firm billing records magically appeared in the White House book room, described the first lady’s fits of rage to Sheehy as nearly lethal. “The person on the receiving end never gets over it,” Huber remembered, reportedly shivering as she spoke those words.[Sheehy, p.139″] Another former Clinton adviser revealed anonymously that Mrs Clinton “is in a perpetual state of suspended anger because of all that she has absorbed.”
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So it is accurate to bash Hillary who has never screwed us as president but not accurate to bash bush who has screwed the pooch several times as president ?

So it is accurate to bash Hillary who has never screwed us as president but not accurate to bash bush who has screwed the pooch several times as president ?


Let me get this straight.

No one can be criticized unless they've been President?

Wow. When you leftists get caught promoting a bad candidate, you twist yourselves into the most amazing contortions to pretend your accusers said something else.

Why not just respond to the actual issue at hand? :pke:
Did I say that little nut ? I was just pointing out how you bushies try and slam me for bush bashing while you engage in Hillary bashing. and sh has done far less harm to us that bush has.
Reading comprehension is clearly not your strong point.
Did I say that little nut ? I was just pointing out how you bushies try and slam me for bush bashing while you engage in Hillary bashing. and sh has done far less harm to us that bush has.
Reading comprehension is clearly not your strong point.
The difference? You go into a thread talking about the whiteness of clouds and post some totally divergent one-line post about Bush.
I have never discussed the whiteness of clouds on this board Damo. How disingenuious :D
You rignt leaners just resent the FACT that I was RIGHT about bush all along you you were WRONG.

Then there is the Hillary hatred derangement syndrome afflicting the right.
I have never discussed the whiteness of clouds on this board Damo. How disingenuious :D
You rignt leaners just resent the FACT that I was RIGHT about bush all along you you were WRONG.

Then there is the Hillary hatred derangement syndrome afflicting the right.
Rubbish. Most of the board trashes Bush, they just don't jump into a thread about <insert innocuous or funny subject here, or choose a post about somebody unrelated dying> and start in on it. Nobody is upset about people trashing Bush, they are just tired of seeing it no matter the subject and time.
Rubbish. Most of the board trashes Bush, they just don't jump into a thread about <insert innocuous or funny subject here, or choose a post about somebody unrelated dying> and start in on it. Nobody is upset about people trashing Bush, they are just tired of seeing it no matter the subject and time.

Bashing bush is current, He is still president after all.
I am darned proud to be a bush basher.
You know I have to agree that too many people immediately fall into calling Hillary a bitch when asshole or cocksucker would be just as good. Why always bitch? Lets mix it up a little and come up with some other names for her as well as bitch and then only use bitch every so often then it won't look like we just hater her cause she is a woman.
You know I have to agree that too many people immediately fall into calling Hillary a bitch when asshole or cocksucker would be just as good. Why always bitch? Lets mix it up a little and come up with some other names for her as well as bitch and then only use bitch every so often then it won't look like we just hater her cause she is a woman.
I don't call her anything other than HillBillary.
So it is accurate to bash Hillary who has never screwed us as president but not accurate to bash bush who has screwed the pooch several times as president ?


Oh yes. The noble hillary, her savings and loan scandal, her personal destruction of bill's rape victims. What a gem.
You know I have to agree that too many people immediately fall into calling Hillary a bitch when asshole or cocksucker would be just as good.
I have never called Hillary any of those things. I call her a leftist extremist, and sometimes a socialist fanatic. Those appellations are far more accurate, and far more condemnatory.

Usig profanity on her, would say more about me than about her.
I gotta say, with all the redolent shit available on hillary, the dems will be foolish to put her up. The right has moved on for now, to make dems think they will actually get this crazy stalinesque butch dyke lesbian in office, but the big guns will come out.