Hillary's black problem

Interesting. Didn't realize the turnout was so low. I wonder if an anti-Trump sentiment will turn out support come election time?
Hillary's black oroblem

Black Dems ARE NOT turning out for Hillary like they did for Obama... http://nypost.com/2016/03/18/black-dems-arent-turning-out-for-hillary-like-they-did-for-obama/

Article correctly states some dropout was expected but upwards of 40% ? That's bad and what can a rich old white woman say to charge them up ?

Considering this not news and is getting worse after stump tweeking, may be nothing left but buying them. Not with empty promises but cash in hand.

I am sure they will claim that we will make them slaves again and force them to pick cotton. Of course she will get a high percentage of those that turnout, but I said along time ago that it is fool hearty to think that the blacks would care about the first woman President like they would the first affirmative action President.
Hillary's black oroblem

Two other things

1) the lefties will try to spin this and complain that it isn't fair to compare Shrillary today to 2008

2) they will also tell themselves that people will turn out to vote against Trump. But that is all it will be is a big lie

You see people turn out to vote FOR someone. If you don't believe me see 1980 and 2012
Interesting. Didn't realize the turnout was so low. I wonder if an anti-Trump sentiment will turn out support come election time?

Maybe, but it's not something I'd be comfortable counting on if I was waving pompoms for The Hildebeast. You also have to wonder if anti-Trump fatigue might set in. The election is months away.