Hillary's cruel remark about some mentally challenged children


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Last night I read something that really ticked me off. Hillary Clinton is a cruel and disgusting woman. When Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, Hillary referred to some mentally challenged children as f****** retards.

She was overheard making that horrible remark when those mentally challenged kids were having an Easter egg hunt on the Governor's mansion. The children were having a hard time finding the eggs and Hillary became impatient and asked "When are they going to get those f****** retards out of here?" Mentally challenged people are human beings just like everybody else and they deserve to be treated with respect!

I've known since 1992 that Hillary is no good but I didn't know that she's that disgusting. I have a message for Hillary. "You'd better stay indoors because God might strike you with lightning."
She could pass for Bill's sister~or maybe his brother.??
Last night I read something that really ticked me off. Hillary Clinton is a cruel and disgusting woman. When Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, Hillary referred to some mentally challenged children as f****** retards.

She was overheard making that horrible remark when those mentally challenged kids were having an Easter egg hunt on the Governor's mansion. The children were having a hard time finding the eggs and Hillary became impatient and asked "When are they going to get those f****** retards out of here?" Mentally challenged people are human beings just like everybody else and they deserve to be treated with respect!

I've known since 1992 that Hillary is no good but I didn't know that she's that disgusting. I have a message for Hillary. "You'd better stay indoors because God might strike you with lightning."

Infowars? :rofl2:
Did the Hildebeast actually make the comment, or is someone just claiming that she did?

Inquiring minds want to know.