Hillary's Economic Plan


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Along the lines of what was asked of Rudy in an earlier thread regarding his proposed tax cuts how does Hillary propose paying for all these new programs?

Clinton econ plan aimed at struggling Dems

By: Mike Allen
Jan 11, 2008 09:45 AM EST

Amid talk of recession, Hillary Clinton reinforces her appeal to non-affluent Democrats with new economic plan.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) plans to propose a $70 billion economic stimulus package — including emergency housing and heating assistance — as part of an effort to reinforce her appeal to non-affluent Democrats.

Clinton is to announce her “plan to jump-start America's ailing economy” at a union training institute in City of Commerce, Calif., (part of Los Angeles County) Friday at 2:15 p.m. Eastern.

California, the nation's most populated state, is part of the huge round Feb. 5 primaries, which could determine the Democratic nominee.

The Hillary Clinton for President event will include questions from the audience.

The plan is part of the senator’s appeal to voters who need a president, as opposed to the more upscale Democrats where Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has won substantial support.

As part of her leadership pitch, Clinton casts the plan as what she would do if she were president now.

The senator is releasing the plan at a time when both the White House and Democratic leaders in Congress are making moves toward passing a stimulus package amid signs the U.S. could be tipping into a recess.

As part of her successful closing argument in the New Hampshire primary, Clinton deliberately made news at one of her events by citing new unemployment data to declare Jan. 5: “I think the economy is slipping toward recession."

Pocketbook issues are moving to the fore as gas prices go up and housing foreclosures increase. Indeed, strategists in both parties speculate that the economy could be a bigger issue than national security in next fall’s general election.

“Hillary believes we need real action now,” says a policy paper to be issued by the Clinton campaign Friday. “While economists may still be debating whether we’ve met the technical definition of a recession, for hard-hit middle class families that question has already been answered.

“That is why today Sen. Clinton called on the president and congressional leaders from both parties to enact an aggressive, fast-acting stimulus package based on common-sense economic principles.”

The elements of the package, as described by the campaign:

— Establishing a $30 billion Emergency Housing Crisis Fund to assist states and cities in mitigating the effects of foreclosures: “Her $30 billion fund would provide immediate, time-limited resources to states, cities and community organizations to help prevent unnecessary foreclosures. States and communities could also use the funds to offset the costs associated with vacant properties by supporting efforts like community-level anti-blight programs and helping local housing authorities buy up vacant properties and rent them to working families.”

— Providing $25 billion in emergency energy assistance for families facing skyrocketing heating bills: “The grants will the purchasing power of energy assistance to where it was five years ago. And they will ensure that hardworking families and seniors on fixed incomes will not have to choose between heating their homes, putting food on the table or purchasing prescription drugs this winter.”

— Accelerating $5 billion in energy efficiency and alternative energy investments to jump-start green collar job growth: “The immediate actions that could be part of a 2008 stimulus could include a crash weatherization program to cut home energy costs by up to 20 percent this winter; expanded tax credits to encourage families and businesses to accelerate purchases of hybrids and other low-emission vehicles and to reduce energy costs by purchasing efficient appliances, new windows and other clean, efficient technologies; and acceleration of a Green Building Fund and green collar job training program to put tens of thousands of people to work making schools and other public buildings energy efficient.”

— Investing $10 billion in extending and broadening unemployment insurance for those who are struggling to find work: “By strengthening our unemployment insurance program and extending unemployment insurance for workers who are laid off for extended periods, this effort will empower more Americans to re-enter the labor market in good-paying jobs.”

All are new proposals. Clinton is billing it as a five-point plan, including this previously announced plan for mitigating the housing crisis: "Sen. Clinton has called for a 90-day moratorium on subprime foreclosures and an automatic rate freeze on subprime mortgages of at least five years or until servicers have converted the unworkable mortgages into loans families can afford."

Shes a tax and spend liberal.. same old thing.. she DOES NOT represent any sort of change except for being the first woman as she said is her change in the debate last week. wink wink darla.
while I dissagree with this kind of bail out in housing I think this shit pile of give aways will sell like hotcakes to democrats. Republicans spend like druken sailors without regard to who's paying, dems don't need to worry about who's paying right now just who's buying it.