
Abreast of the situations
Globe tabloid * 5-3-04 * Rafe Klinger

Posted on 04/22/2004 7:43:58 PM PDT by doug from upland

May 3, 2004
Rafe Klinger

HILLARY CLINTON had a lesbian roommate in college—a girl from a politically powerful family—who opened the future first lady’s eyes to the ways of the world, reveal sources.

That woman is Eleanor “Eldie” Acheson, a lawyer and admitted lesbian who now is a liaison to the gay community for presidential candidate John Kerry and is still one of Hillary’s closest friends, say sources.

“Many of the girls discovered gay sex, booze and pot at Wellesley,” says a former college classmate of Hillary. “Eldie was one of the people that turned Hillary around completely. She opened her eyes to possibilities she had no idea existed.”

For years, Hillary has been dogged by gay rumors and allegations that her marriageto Bill is a sham. Sources even say she drove Bill into affairs with other women—which triggered scandals that nearly toppled his presidency.

Amazingly Hillary was a straight arrow and totally naïve about sex—gay or straight—when she arrived at super-preppie Wellesley College, a top school attended by girls from wealthy and powerful families. There, she met Eldie, a fiery rebel from a politically connected family.

“Hillary was from a very sheltered background,” says a Clinton insider. “When she first arrived at Wellesley she was a virgin and hadn’t a clue about sex. Hillary was so uptight, she wore her shirts buttoned to the neck and called adults ma’am and sir.”

Adds another insider, “She laughs about how totally naïve she was until she met Elde and the other girls.”

Hillary, who would rom with Eldie for four years, was very ambitious and dreamed of a political future, says sources. She was super-impressed with Eldie, who, as the granddaughter of President Harry Truman’s secretary of state Dean Acheson, was Washington royalty.

“As soon as Hillary met Eldie she was starry-eyed and smitten,” says another Clinton insider. “Eldie held the key to power and power was what Hillary craved more than life itself.”

“Eldie had grown up spending holidays at her grandfather’s estate on the Caribbean island of Antigua and at the Kennedy’s compound in Hyannis Port, Mass.

“Eldie was exactly the kind of person Hillary had come to prestigious Wellesley to meet. She had been bounced on the knees of presidents. For Hillary that access was a powerful aphrodisiac.”

She was also impressed by Eldie’s fearlessness and sophistication.

“And Eldie’s utterly carefree attitude blew Hillary away,” says the second insider. “Eldie was far more sophisticated than Hillary about the ways of the world, sex and just about everything else.”

Eldie became notorious at Wellesley for making an oral-sex joke about their graduation year, 1969, and for taking part in a shocking nude prank, according to the book Rebels in White Gloves by Miriam Horn about Hillary’s class at the school.

“A picture meant for the yearbook frontispiece was pulled at the last moment by the college administration,” says the book.

“It featured the bare-bottomed figures of Eldie and (three) other girls standing atop their dorm room roof surveying the lush landscape.” The book also says oral-sex jokes were popular at the school and even part of their class cheers. But Eldie and the other girls had to explain them to the naïve Hillary, say sources.

Eldie also pressured the president of Wellesley, Ruth Adams, to let Hillary be the first student in the history of the school to deliver a speech at graduation. Hillary wound up in Life Magazine as a result and her career was launched.

Hillary returned the favor when Bill won the presidency and he appointed Eldie as assistant attorney general, say sources.

Since College, Hillary has become a champion of gay and lesbian rights, appearing at a gay Democrats rally in New York in 2000, where she gave lengthy speech.

According to the rumors, Hillary’s alleged lovers included a younger woman who often traveled with her, a popular TV and movie star, the daughter of a top government official and a stunning model who got a career boost after sleeping with Hillary.

A Washington insider says there were stories that Hillary used the presidential retreat at Camp David for romps with her gay friends during the Clinton White House years.

“A witness claimed he was making a night security round when he heard laughter and went to investigate,” says the insider. “He was shocked when he say Hillary and a brunette woman frolicking in the pool and quickly walked away.”

It’s (the file) political dynamite,” says a sources. “Its very, very powerful stuff.”

Despite therumors, Eldie has been Hillary’s most trusted friend since both women were teenagers and Hillary was a clueless virgin, say the sources.

“Eldie is the person Hillary most trusts in the world,” says a source. “She taught Hillary about life when they were roommates.”

“They have as close a relationship as it’s possible to have. They finish each other’s sentences.”

Now Eldie has come out as a member of the GLBT party, which stands for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgenders.

She was recently elected as an openly gay member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee and will help draft gay-friendly policies to be presented at the party’s national nominating convention in Boston this July.

And Hillary’s pal has signed on with the John Kerry campaign as a liaison to the gay community.

“Hillary is very proud of Eldie,” said the insider. “They were activists and rebels back in college and Eldie is still proudly standing up for what she thinks is right 35 years later.”
She roomed with Cheneys daughter ? who would have thunk it...

Unless it was Cheneys daughter I really do not care. I am a liberal on this type of thing.
well i was reading up on condi rice rumors and ran into this.. thought it was interesting.

Wellesley is know for it.... most definitely.. that and having serious sluts
well i was reading up on condi rice rumors and ran into this.. thought it was interesting.

Wellesley is know for it.... most definitely.. that and having serious sluts
? Please, why is it that a man can sleep with twice as many women as a woman does with men and they don't get called some bullshit name. A woman that is sexually agressive and knows what she wants is far better than some little titmouse that can't find her way around in the bedroom. We really need to purge the english language of this word.
? Please, why is it that a man can sleep with twice as many women as a woman does with men and they don't get called some bullshit name. A woman that is sexually agressive and knows what she wants is far better than some little titmouse that can't find her way around in the bedroom. We really need to purge the english language of this word.

because for the most part women control the power.
ahh come on.. just trash talk. didnt mean any offense by it.. just pointing it out. I went to a private high school where some of the girls went on to Wellesley... and i went to college in MA, and live in MA.. its not a big secret about that school to us around here.
ahh come on.. just trash talk. didnt mean any offense by it.. just pointing it out. I went to a private high school where some of the girls went on to Wellesley... and i went to college in MA, and live in MA.. its not a big secret about that school to us around here.

But it's the Globe, for Pete's sake, that supermarket tabloid that we all laugh at while standing in the checkout line -- isn't that the same as the National Enquirer only even smuttier? I thought they made everything up anyway. (This wasn't the Boston Globe, was it?)
ahh come on.. just trash talk. didnt mean any offense by it.. just pointing it out. I went to a private high school where some of the girls went on to Wellesley... and i went to college in MA, and live in MA.. its not a big secret about that school to us around here.

I don't know who I pissed off in California Chapdog but I've been sent to Boston to work for three months. I've been here one already. I haven't seen the sun or a hot chick in 30 days.

I've met several girls out from Wellesley so far. A couple looked good and looked like the partying type. It was the end of the night and too many dudes were jocking them so it didn't get far.

I met two more students last week and they had the look of they could swing either way. The minute they say Wellesley I take a step back. I want to make sure they aren't the man hating type at first. I don't want to get my *ss kicked.
I don't know who I pissed off in California Chapdog but I've been sent to Boston to work for three months. I've been here one already. I haven't seen the sun or a hot chick in 30 days.

I've met several girls out from Wellesley so far. A couple looked good and looked like the partying type. It was the end of the night and too many dudes were jocking them so it didn't get far.

I met two more students last week and they had the look of they could swing either way. The minute they say Wellesley I take a step back. I want to make sure they aren't the man hating type at first. I don't want to get my *ss kicked.

they are no where to be found in the winter but suddenly when warms up its like.. where the hell did these chicks come from. mark my words
they are no where to be found in the winter but suddenly when warms up its like.. where the hell did these chicks come from. mark my words

I know. I've been here in the summer and know Boston's a great city. I'm just a not a big fan of living on the East Coast. The cold does nothing positive. I'm sure the first day the sun comes out they'll tell my sorry ass to go back to California.
? Please, why is it that a man can sleep with twice as many women as a woman does with men and they don't get called some bullshit name. A woman that is sexually agressive and knows what she wants is far better than some little titmouse that can't find her way around in the bedroom. We really need to purge the english language of this word.

This goes back to the discussion we were having the other day about political correctness. You cannot really modify reality through a 'language first' approach.
I don't get it. No I've not taken home a lesbian before though I have tried.

If they hate men and you have nothing to personally worry about, what does that imply about your manhood?

A) You're the Brawny Paper Towel man
B) You're the son of Zeus.
C) You're not really a man at all.