Hillary's litany of lies becoming almost Nixon-esque


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The Clinton Credibility Gap: More Nixon than Gore

by Chip Collis
Posted March 25, 2008 * 10:45 AM (EST)

How can you tell Hillary Clinton is lying? Howard Wolfson's lips are moving.

Clinton suffered another daily gotcha when her self-proclaimed GI Jane moment - dashing across the Tuzla tarmac while ducking sniper fire - was revealed to be a typical prosaic airport greeting: a cute kid, flowers, the double air kiss, even a poem! Apparently, it took actual footage for the Clinton campaign to realize that Sinbad wasn't just being funny when he called her a liar last week. I could have told them that; Sinbad hasn't been funny since her husband's first term.

In trying to walk back this latest of Clinton's dalliances with dishonesty, Wolfson was quoted as saying, "it is possible in the most recent instance with which she discussed this that she misspoke, with regards to the leaving of the plane."

To say someone misspoke usually connotes that the untrue statement was made inadvertently. We all do it. "I played golf last Saturday," says I. "No, we went to lunch last Saturday. You played golf on Sunday," says she who is always right. "Oh, yeah, I misspoke, thank you dear. You're the best wife in the world."

Now, if we replay that last vignette Clinton/Wolfson-style, it might go something like this: "I single-handedly foiled an armed bank robbery last Saturday," says I. "No you didn't, you played golf," says she. "Oh yeah, I misspoke."

Did you catch the subtle difference?

How do you misspeak about something like that? What were you getting mixed up over?

"Oh, no, it was the OTHER war zone I flew into and ducked sniper fire and ran to the cars. I misspoke."

"Did I say sniper fire? I meant mosquitoes. Huge mosquitoes in Bosnia. I misspoke."

"Did I say I only got sent to countries that are too dangerous, too poor or too small, thereby implying that I was an inconsequential and expendable member of the Administration? I meant that I was VERY important. I misspoke."

"Wait, did I say that there are countries too poor for the President to go to? I meant that...um... Leave me alone, I misspoke!"

This unfortunate episode joins a cavalcade of other statements in which Hillary has been caught misspeaking like a rug. And the most prominent of these statements have been those that were used to pad her resume so much that you'd need an oversized pantsuit coat to hide it.

"Did I say I was instrumental to peace in Belfast? I mean that I was instrumental to TEAS in Belfast."

"Did I say I always disliked NAFTA? I mean I couldn't stand ASTA - stupid little terrier."

"Did I say it was an honor to be here with Barack? I mean I'm gonna rip his lungs out! And we'll still be friends."

All these are part and parcel of a broader pattern of what begins as self-deception, where previous goalposts cease to be operative, where people who dare to cross you get labeled as "Judas," and where by some weird transference, you not just accuse, but actually BELIEVE that your opponent is guiltier of all your sins than you are.

Some people are mistakenly equating Hillary's growing credibility gap with what happened to Al Gore. Leaving aside that Gore was unfairly smeared, while Hillary is self-inflicting these wounds, it's more accurate to equate her with Richard Nixon.

Nixon destroyed himself because he obsessed over what the Kennedys had "done to him." He went nutsy-commando with the Plumbers, with the Ellsberg break-in and the enemies list and, of course, with Watergate, because he rationalized that it had been done to him, and everyone else was doing it, and so he had to do it to protect his Presidency because he was what was best for - and about - America.

Hillary Clinton has become Nixon.

Clinton feels that all their years of being Atwatered and Starred and Roved meant that she HAD to play the game at sewer level just to survive. In fact, she was JUSTIFIED to play that way, because of what had been done to her and to Bill.

Justified, pre-absolved, sanctified and anointed.

And just as McGovern became the unwitting stand-in for the Kennedys as the focus of Nixon's ire and the target of his tricks, so too has Barack Obama become Hillary's bayonet dummy stand-in for the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

So when Hillary's - and Wolfson's - lips are moving, they're not misspeaking. They're getting even.
This is what bothers me about Hilliary's getting the nomination. Though she's a great candidate and would certainly be a good President, morons like little dick and their wing nut buddies will have a field day and, as Menken stated, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" (As Bush has proven) this could be a problem.
This is what bothers me about Hilliary's getting the nomination. Though she's a great candidate and would certainly be a good President, morons like little dick and their wing nut buddies will have a field day and, as Menken stated, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" (As Bush has proven) this could be a problem.

so Hillary is shown to be lying over and over and its the American people who are stupid for recognizing it? That's a new one.