History and stupidity repeat themselves with AOC and Sanders

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
AOC and Sanders, two economic illiterates, have just announced legislation as part of their insane New Green Deal to invest hundreds of billions into supposedly "green" public housing for low-income people.

AOC and Bernie Sanders Aim to Tackle Housing and Climate Change in One Bill

Never mind that mass public housing has a long and disastrous history of not working. The past to the radical Left is irrelevant. Like Bullwinkle Moose trying to pull a rabbit out of his hat, This time for sure! the Left is making another idiotic go at something that won't work but will cost hundreds of billions along the way to disaster.
AOC and Sanders are two of the great true patriots of my lifetime.

I agree with neither of them on everything,
and that would probably be true of every creature on Earth including my precious dog,

but I find them to both be moral beacons on a landscape
where morality is more scarce than intelligent words from Earl, volsrock, TDAK, Asshat....
or TAG.
AOC and Sanders are two of the great true patriots of my lifetime.

I agree with neither of them on everything,
and that would probably be true of every creature on Earth including my precious dog,

but I find them to both be moral beacons on a landscape
where morality is more scarce than intelligent words from Earl, volsrock, TDAK, Asshat....
or TAG.

Commies love dem some other commies.

AOC and Sanders are two of the great true patriots of my lifetime.

I agree with neither of them on everything,
and that would probably be true of every creature on Earth including my precious dog,

but I find them to both be moral beacons on a landscape
where morality is more scarce than intelligent words from Earl, volsrock, TDAK, Asshat....
or TAG.

AGAIN this ^^^^^^ from someone who voluntarily let people repeatedly punch him in the face. He actually thinks AOC and Bernie are great true patriots. Enough said.
AOC and Sanders, two economic illiterates, have just announced legislation as part of their insane New Green Deal to invest hundreds of billions into supposedly "green" public housing for low-income people.

AOC and Bernie Sanders Aim to Tackle Housing and Climate Change in One Bill

Never mind that mass public housing has a long and disastrous history of not working. The past to the radical Left is irrelevant. Like Bullwinkle Moose trying to pull a rabbit out of his hat, This time for sure! the Left is making another idiotic go at something that won't work but will cost hundreds of billions along the way to disaster.

Get a life DUDE!
AOC and Sanders are two of the great true patriots of my lifetime.

I agree with neither of them on everything,
and that would probably be true of every creature on Earth including my precious dog,

but I find them to both be moral beacons on a landscape
where morality is more scarce than intelligent words from Earl, volsrock, TDAK, Asshat....
or TAG.

Moral and smart people don't repeat mistakes of the past and use other people's money to do it. Socialists do that, and they fail every time. AOC and Sanders are socialists.
AOC and Sanders, two economic illiterates, have just announced legislation as part of their insane New Green Deal to invest hundreds of billions into supposedly "green" public housing for low-income people.

AOC and Bernie Sanders Aim to Tackle Housing and Climate Change in One Bill

Never mind that mass public housing has a long and disastrous history of not working. The past to the radical Left is irrelevant. Like Bullwinkle Moose trying to pull a rabbit out of his hat, This time for sure! the Left is making another idiotic go at something that won't work but will cost hundreds of billions along the way to disaster.
They could make it greener by not putting AC in it :thinking:
AGAIN this ^^^^^^ from someone who voluntarily let people repeatedly punch him in the face. He actually thinks AOC and Bernie are great true patriots. Enough said.

Ah, AOC is a legislator, she does what she was elected to do, as opposed to the Fox chasing House cultist who think getting fifteen minutes of fame for self promotion is why they were elected
AOC and Sanders, two economic illiterates, have just announced legislation as part of their insane New Green Deal to invest hundreds of billions into supposedly "green" public housing for low-income people.

AOC and Bernie Sanders Aim to Tackle Housing and Climate Change in One Bill

Never mind that mass public housing has a long and disastrous history of not working. The past to the radical Left is irrelevant. Like Bullwinkle Moose trying to pull a rabbit out of his hat, This time for sure! the Left is making another idiotic go at something that won't work but will cost hundreds of billions along the way to disaster.

All the major economic crashes happen under Republican economic manipulations of the market

This is where the AOC / Sanders' idea is heading:

The 7 Most Infamous U.S. Public Housing Projects


America’s Failed Experiment in Public Housing
It leaves families living in squalid conditions, trapped in segregated neighborhoods. Rather than spending billions on socialized shelter, we need to put money in their pockets to give them choices.


Public Housing Becomes the Latest Progressive Fantasy
A new generation of activists seeks to revive an old urban policy, despite its troubled history.

Last week, Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota put forth legislation calling for 9.5 million new public-housing units, at a cost of $800 billion over 10 years. Senator Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, has proposed repealing a federal law limiting the construction of new public-housing projects. The group Data for Progress has called for a “massive new commitment to publicly owned homes.” Advocates have not been discouraged by the fact that violence and neglect led to the demolition of previous generations of public housing.
First off, public housing has multiple definitions, and secondly, what do you recommend we do with the housing shortage for low income Americans

Well it just pretends it never helped any American family ever

You know

They just lie
This is where the AOC / Sanders' idea is heading:

The 7 Most Infamous U.S. Public Housing Projects


America’s Failed Experiment in Public Housing
It leaves families living in squalid conditions, trapped in segregated neighborhoods. Rather than spending billions on socialized shelter, we need to put money in their pockets to give them choices.


Public Housing Becomes the Latest Progressive Fantasy
A new generation of activists seeks to revive an old urban policy, despite its troubled history.

Last week, Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota put forth legislation calling for 9.5 million new public-housing units, at a cost of $800 billion over 10 years. Senator Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, has proposed repealing a federal law limiting the construction of new public-housing projects. The group Data for Progress has called for a “massive new commitment to publicly owned homes.” Advocates have not been discouraged by the fact that violence and neglect led to the demolition of previous generations of public housing.

E republic owns the first link site

They are Scientologists idiot

e.Republic was founded as GMW Communications, Inc. by Dennis McKenna and Bob Graves in 1984.[1] McKenna was spokesperson for the Church of Scientology in the 1970s.[2] In 1999, e.Republic started the Center for Digital Government, a division that provides research and consulting to state and local governments.[3]
An article in the Sacramento News & Review in 2001 reported that most of the management at e.Republic were Scientologists, and that new hires at the company were given Scientology reading materials and required to take courses on them.[4]
First off, public housing has multiple definitions, and secondly, what do you recommend we do with the housing shortage for low income Americans

No, public housing has one definition: It is housing owned and operated by the government.

Subsidized housing is housing that is privately owned and operated but receives a portion of, or the full rent, from government.