History Channel: The Genesis Of The "Teabagger" Genetic-Aberration???



"For over 60 years, teams within the U.S. Air Force and Intelligence services exploited and manipulated beliefs about UFOs and extraterrestrial visitations as part of their counterintelligence programs. In doing so, they spawned a mythology so powerful that it captivated and warped many brilliant minds, including several of their own. Now, some of those behind these operations, and their victims, speak out, revealing a true story that is part Manchurian Candidate and part Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

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Default NHS Socialized Medicine In Britain: Unmitigated Failure
NHS Socialized Medicine In Britain: Unmitigated Failure

Health Care: A new report on Britain's National Health Service notes that as many as 13,000 needless deaths have occurred in 14 NHS hospital trusts since 2005. This is no fluke. It's the result of socialized medicine, done by experts.

Britain's much vaunted public medical system, accountable for 82% of all health care spending, according to the OECD, is in shambles.

A warning shot was fired a few months ago when one hospital, Mid-Staffordshire, was found to be a veritable death trap of neglect, misspent funds and starved investment. Now a new report on 14 NHS trusts, released by government-appointed Prof. Sir Bruce Keogh this week, finds that neglect and "needless" deaths are pretty much a characteristic of the entire system.

"We hear of A&E departments 'in meltdown', GP services 'on the verge of failure,' the Welsh HNHS being 'on its knees,'" wrote Simon Jenkins in the left-leaning Guardian. "The 111 non-emergency telephone service is reportedly useless. On one evening, Cornwall was said to have just one agency GP to cover the entire county. Last week's Cavendish report on frontline nursing told of wards left in the hands of untrained assistants for hours, indeed whole weekends," Jenkins wrote.

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Then there was the "Liverpool Care Pathway" — an Orwellian death panel operation, where nurses shouted to visitors to not give their dying relatives sips of water for fear it would interfere with the hospital's death target. "No one was doing anything 'wrong' since everything was done by the book," wrote Jenkins.

Keogh found that as many as 13,000 "needless" deaths were the result, about 3 per day in each hospital district.

The U.K. has seen reform after reform of its health care system, but none has made much difference.

The problem is it's a socialized system. Unlike a private one — and in the OECD, only the U.S., Mexico and Chile have them — state priorities trump those of the consumer. That's why the NHS is celebrated as a patriotic duty — as it was during the absurd propaganda spectacle celebrating NHS at the 2012 London Olympics.

Big problems fester because the state can cover them up. Anyone criticizing the NHS is shouted down because bureaucracies resist change, Telegraph writer Daniel Hannan wrote.

So much for socialized medicine being a more "humane" form of health care. The Labour Party, which has touted and enshrined this socialism for decades, is now in crisis over the Keogh findings. Far from extending life, as private health care systems do, socialized health care is a reliable vehicle only for needless death. http://www.investors.com/politics/ed...gated-failure/

You teabagging perverts are so amusing.

True. Who even knew about this perverted sexual practice, obviously invented by liberal queers, before the Taxed Enough Already movement became popular?

Immature folks always accuse their enemies of practicing what they practice themselves.