Hitler’s Dream Of A German Empire


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WWI was fought between two colonial empires. WWII saw the end of colonial empires. Germany lost two World Wars, yet Hitler’s dream of empire is thriving.

QUESTION: How many leaders in EU member states realize that the European Union is a German Empire?



Take a look at the Holy Roman Empire (H.R.E.) in relation to Hitler’s promise of a Reich that would last as long as the H.R.E. Start with WWI:

Many factors contributed to WWI. Factors like England's determination to prevent Germany from becoming a world power that would challenge the British Empire in commerce, but it is Woodrow Wilson's true motives that American historians should examine in more detail.

Why did Wilson consider England the better ally prior to WWI? In my opinion Wilson's decision was prompted by his own Presbyterian beliefs. In short: President Wilson abandoned this country’s strict neutrality and sided with Great Britain for no reason other than his personal hatred of the Holy Roman Empire. At that point in time the United States had never fought against Germany, while Americans had twice fought the British? Depending upon your interpretation, Germany was burned twice by the British/American alliance.

NOTE: Hitler, WWII, the United Nations, and Communism’s tenacity, were the results of Wilson’s unintended consequences.

The new religion, Communism, prior to WWI must be viewed in relation to the final days of the H.R.E. The German States were the Holy Roman Empire for nearly a thousand years. So it was inevitable that Germany was destined to produce the strongest reaction to Communism. Rather than being a new political philosophy, Nazism was attempting to regain some sense of Germany’s lost morality in the face of worldwide Communism. Conquest, extermination camps, and racial purity were the methods Hitler’s Nazis adopted in a world that was already turned upside down in German eyes.

The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire; lasting from 962 until 1806.

The Second Reich lasted from 1871 until 1918. Not as many years as the First Reich, but time enough to bury Communism had the U.S. remained a neutral country in WWI.

The Third Reich did not work out too well for Germany; lasting from 1933 until 1945.

The H.R.E.’s life span lasted from 962 to 1945. In my chronology the the Holy Roman Empire was uninterrupted even though Hitler’s insane Reich can in no way be compared to the First Reich. Throughout the centuries the H.R.E. was the light of the world —— until March 4, 1789:

“America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere." Ronald Reagan

That's a pretty big jump. The Nazis wanted a German Nationalist empire. The EU is very Globalist. Yeah, Nazi Germany and the EU were both run by Germans, but that's one of the very few things they have in common.
That's a pretty big jump. The Nazis wanted a German Nationalist empire. The EU is very Globalist. Yeah, Nazi Germany and the EU were both run by Germans, but that's one of the very few things they have in common.

To StoneByStone: Hitler picked up where WWI ended. Basically WWII in Europe was a continuation of WWI.

WWI was fought between two colonial empires.


. . . England's determination to prevent Germany from becoming a world power that would challenge the British Empire in commerce, . . .

Lebensraum was Hitlarian doublespeak for empire by military conquest.

lebensraum (noun, often capitalized)

1. territory believed especially by Nazis to be necessary for national existence or economic self-sufficiency

2. space required for life, growth, or activity

The EU is Lebensraum by economic conquest, but only if today’s Germany can make it stick.
To StoneByStone: Hitler picked up where WWI ended. Basically WWII in Europe was a continuation of WWI.

Lebensraum was Hitlarian doublespeak for empire by military conquest.

lebensraum (noun, often capitalized)

1. territory believed especially by Nazis to be necessary for national existence or economic self-sufficiency

2. space required for life, growth, or activity

The EU is Lebensraum by economic conquest, but only if today’s Germany can make it stick.

Yes, but Lebensraum was about securing and advancing the existence of the German people. The EU conquest is doing the opposite. It's a Globalist empire that is bringing thousands of non-white immigrants to Europe and specifically Germany. The Nazis would have hated the current German government.

WWI was fought between two colonial empires. WWII saw the end of colonial empires. Germany lost two World Wars, yet Hitler’s dream of empire is thriving.

QUESTION: How many leaders in EU member states realize that the European Union is a German Empire?

Which Country is ruled by a German who shares all Hitler's qualities except intelligence and competence? Not the EU, no. In your glass house, of course, you shoot people rather than throw stones!
It's a Globalist empire that is bringing thousands of non-white immigrants to Europe and specifically Germany. The Nazis would have hated the current German government.

To StoneByStone: Black Muslims, and Nazi Germany’s racial purity laws, notwithstanding, Muslims from the Middle East are Caucasian.


In any event:

A sympathetic strain runs between Islam’s genetic theocracies and Germany.

Turkey was Germany’s ally during WWI, and remained neutral in WWII until Muslim pragmatists lined up with the winners in 1945 when the war was almost over. To my way of looking at the historical relationship between Germany and Muslims, nobody admired Nazi Germany more than Muslims. In truth, Hitler admired Islam —— the admiration was reciprocal.

To StoneByStone: Black Muslims, and Nazi Germany’s racial purity laws, notwithstanding, Muslims from the Middle East are Caucasian.


Non-Aryans were allowed to fight in the Wehrmacht, but they weren't allowed to join the NSDAP or get German citizenship. Nazism was for Germans.
Now compare that to modern Germany where anyone can get citizenship and become "German."

In any event:

A sympathetic strain runs between Islam’s genetic theocracies and Germany.

Turkey was Germany’s ally during WWI, and remained neutral in WWII until Muslim pragmatists lined up with the winners in 1945 when the war was almost over. To my way of looking at the historical relationship between Germany and Muslims, nobody admired Nazi Germany more than Muslims. In truth, Hitler admired Islam —— the admiration was reciprocal.


The Nazis admired a lot of Non-Aryans. They also really liked the Japanese and the Chinese. But even they weren't allowed to immigrate to Germany in large numbers or get German citizenship