Hiv and it origin

Did you read about how african aids and American aids are different and that the strain that is in the US seem to florish in cetain parts of the boby that are involved with gay sex while the African type florishes in the female genitalia. They are different strains. There was certain testing that used gay men from NY and SF in the years leading up to the aids epidemic. That actually started befor ethe African strain did.
hi d

my wife has researched this rather extensively and there appear to be three theories as to the origin and spread of aids in africa

one people having sex with primates

two eating primates without proper cooking

three sloppy lab work when making polio vaccines

try stupidity before cupidity - you will be correct more often

if someone or group created aids, do you not think that they may be bright enough to recognize that it would spread beyond the target group

or maybe they just wanted to reduce the human population, the problem with that, is that it is not working - we have more to worry prions in our meat supply produced by idiot workers and greedy producers

oh well
Don I did not say I believed it I was just looking at the theories some believe.

There are more people in this country than you think who give these theories some mommentum and can you blame some for thinking they could be true when we have a history which includes the Tuskegee Airmen case.

I dont know what the truth is and I dont think anyone has the definative answer to what happened. There is a possiblity that more than one theory is part of the answer.
HIV is caused by masturbation.
You go blind and then die :shock:
And people who associate with evil masurtbators get it as well.
Did you read about how african aids and American aids are different and that the strain that is in the US seem to florish in cetain parts of the boby that are involved with gay sex while the African type florishes in the female genitalia. They are different strains. There was certain testing that used gay men from NY and SF in the years leading up to the aids epidemic. That actually started befor ethe African strain did.


aids has mutated and a more virulent form is on the loose

as for where it resides, it takes over the immune system which, last time i looked, was most of the body

while it is transmitted via sexual intercourse, the entry point will vary (anal, oral and vaginal)

the thought in parts of africa is that a man who has sex with a virgin will be cured of aids - unfortunately all it really does is spread the disease to the uninfected
Don I did not say I believed it I was just looking at the theories some believe.

There are more people in this country than you think who give these theories some mommentum and can you blame some for thinking they could be true when we have a history which includes the Tuskegee Airmen case.

I dont know what the truth is and I dont think anyone has the definative answer to what happened. There is a possiblity that more than one theory is part of the answer.


tuskegee can happen any where any time when oversight fails

however, as i said before, think stupidity before cupidity

as for belief, people will believe the damdest things, usually regardless of facts to the contrary

of the three things i mentioned, any of them could have turned loose different strains

well we have the disease(s) now we need the cures

tuskegee can happen any where any time when oversight fails

however, as i said before, think stupidity before cupidity

as for belief, people will believe the damdest things, usually regardless of facts to the contrary

of the three things i mentioned, any of them could have turned loose different strains

well we have the disease(s) now we need the cures

Hey DQ, I read that and it seems like a bunch of wing nut conspiratorial cr*p that is wasted time I can't get back (even though I do buy the argument that reading even conspiratorial stuff can help expand's one mind by understanding the arguments nut cases make). Am I that far off on this?