HLS visit for talking to boy scouts about the constitution?



This is one scary fricking story.

A student of a large bible college in east Texas was accused by federal agents of committing an "act of terror and espionage" after he gave a talk to a group of Boy Scouts in which he encouraged them to educate themselves about the U.S. constitution.

Jeff, who wishes to remain anonymous at present, is a student of the college and an interim pastor of a small church in Mount Vernon, Texas. He appeared today as a guest on the Alex Jones Show to relate what took place.

As part of his duties as an advisor in the college office, Jeff was tasked with the role of giving a short speech and a tour to a group of Boy Scouts that were visiting the college, with a focus on how patriotism and liberty are emphasized in the teaching style of the university.

Jeff said he told the boys, "It's going to be you who is going to take this country and either make or break it - you need to get back to your constitution, you need to get to know your bill of rights and you need to stand up for them."

Jeff also mentioned that the freedoms enumerated in the bill of rights were fast being usurped by the government and he briefly talked about the USA Patriot Act.

"I said they're stripping us of what we know to be America, what you need to do is re-orient yourself to the constitution because that is the very founding basis of our government and it is the supreme law of the land," he added.

The next day Jeff was called into the main administrative office of the university where he was met by college officials and two men wearing dark suits and sunglasses who did not identify themselves. A state trooper was also guarding the door to make sure everyone stayed inside the office.

Jeff was asked by the men if he talked to the Boy Scouts about the constitution the previous day. Jeff was then shown a transcript of what he said and asked to fill in the blanks.

"I saw the transcript of what I said and every word that those boys had said," stated Jeff.

Jeff speculated that the recording of his talk with the Boy Scouts may have been made by a scout master who looked like a Marine that was taking the tour with Jeff.

After asking the men where they were from, Jeff was told he was committing "acts of terror and espionage" by talking to the Boy Scouts about the constitution and the bill of rights.

Jeff was unable to ascertain exactly where the feds were from but university officials later indicated that DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and the FBI were involved.

Jeff said that the two men told him, "If you say anything, do anything, continue to talk about these kind of things, we can have your head on a silver platter and the University's head on a silver platter and all the programs they've got going on."

Jeff said that a high level college official who was present during the meeting, himself an ex-Marine Vietnam veteran, was extremely nervous and "shaking" as Jeff was being lectured by the two men.

"I went to my room and I broke down in tears," said Jeff after the meeting was finished, "That's it - our country's gone," he added.
I'd be concerned too if the story was true as headlined.....

that the freedoms enumerated in the bill of rights were fast being usurped by the government and he briefly talked about the USA Patriot Act.

"I said they're stripping us of what we know to be America, what you need to do is re-orient yourself to the constitution because that is the very founding basis of our government and it is the supreme law of the land," he added.

Now really...its not this clowns place to try to indoctrinate his views of the US Patriot Act into his little tour for the Boy Scouts...his personal beliefs of what is legal or illegal about the Act or his view that rights are being usurped by the government is his own views and he has no right to "preach" his "far left" views to a group of children that are there for a tour of the college...

If he was preaching some nutty biblical or religious crap to these kids that also would be inappropriate...
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I'd be concerned too if the story was true as headlined.....

that the freedoms enumerated in the bill of rights were fast being usurped by the government and he briefly talked about the USA Patriot Act.

"I said they're stripping us of what we know to be America, what you need to do is re-orient yourself to the constitution because that is the very founding basis of our government and it is the supreme law of the land," he added.

Now really...its not this clowns place to try to indoctrinate his views of the US Patriot Act into his little tour for the Boy Scouts...his personal beliefs of what is legal or illegal about the Act or his view that rights are being usurped by the government is his own views and he has no right to "preach" his "far left" views to a group of children that are there for a tour of the college...

If he was preaching some nutty biblical or religious crap to these kids that also would be inappropriate...
So anyone that opposes the patriot act is far left? Ron Paul is far left? Bob Barr is Far Left? You Bravo are one of those that would tell us all that 9-11 changed everything. That we have to put up with greater and greater intrusions by the government if we want to be safe. You are a frog and you don't even know that the temp of your water is being turned up every so slowly. You are one of those that will get the government you deserve.
This is from the same link that Desh gives above:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EahooGbQrUs"]YouTube - Alex Jones - 911 The Road To Tyranny part 10 of 16[/ame]
This is from the same link that Desh gives above:

You do know that the SCOTUS has upheld those things... Right?

Jeeeebus! They are all digging in the vehicle after she specifically informed them they needed a warrant to get in the car. One that they didn't have.

They are all about what she read... and whether they can seize it.

LOL. AHZ and I are terrorists! We talk about the NWO all the time!

*For the record I too am against it. I just think that the tone he uses promotes laughter and derision rather than an attitude of listening. Kind of like this video.
Yeah she is a little off the farm but they still had NO RIGHT to go in her car and start looking through her reading material. That is WAY beyond the scope of the inventory search. Once again it is cops fighting the war on ...what the fuck ever they were fighting against that day. And yes. I know that the SCOTUS has upheld some roadblocks, usually with the conservatives on the court writing the opinions upholding them.
Yeah she is a little off the farm but they still had NO RIGHT to go in her car and start looking through her reading material. That is WAY beyond the scope of the inventory search. Once again it is cops fighting the war on ...what the fuck ever they were fighting against that day. And yes. I know that the SCOTUS has upheld some roadblocks, usually with the conservatives on the court writing the opinions upholding them.
At first I thought it was going to be the crazy lady shouting at the cop then getting all mad. While there was a bit of excitement, it certainly wasn't uber-excited. But that stuff after she was arrested. That was just plain bad.

Going all through her books, wondering whether they could seize the titles...

It almost made me sick. Orwell was definitely right.
So anyone that opposes the patriot act is far left? Ron Paul is far left? Bob Barr is Far Left? You Bravo are one of those that would tell us all that 9-11 changed everything. That we have to put up with greater and greater intrusions by the government if we want to be safe. You are a frog and you don't even know that the temp of your water is being turned up every so slowly. You are one of those that will get the government you deserve.

Its that reading comp. problem again...

This nut thinks its within his rights to indoctrinate a group of boy scouts on his personal gripes with the Patriot Act during a tour....thats what gives him away as far left....
Normal people like Ron Paul or Bob Barr speak out their views in the appropriate venues....what your or my views are on the P. Act are irrelevant to the topic...
There is a time and place for everything....

we know how far down this road we as a nation have already gone but it just seems to get worse and worse

is the supreme court going along with this sort of thing - if so, we are truly lost

do we know why the officer stopped the woman?

i think that the principal of in plain sight may apply, but still what happened here :blowup:

as to the original post, we are on a long slide down - did anyone find another reference verifying the original post?
We have all the pieces in place for a police state. Now when they start to use all the pieces.
After the internment camps are built I would expect.