Hmm.. Something is missing!

Democrats can talk a good game of smack, no doubt. Since the Ryan pick, they have been vociferous in their attacks on him, boasting with confident certainty that this ensures a win for Obama, no doubt about it. No doubt, they will soon have all kinds of polling data to 'prove' their point, that people just aren't liking Ryan, and the ticket is a failure. Then there will be the obligatory smearing of his family members, you know that's coming. But there is something missing here, something that I don't know if anyone else has picked up on.

I recall, in 2008, when McCain picked Sarah Palin, of course the left crucified her as expected, but on the right there were a great many who voiced displeasure in the pick. Some on the right thought Palin was a brilliant choice, others thought it was a terrible pick... there were mixed emotions with Republicans about Sarah Palin, even though she remains one of their most popular figures. Going further back, when Dole picked Kemp, or even when Bush picked Cheney or his father picked Quayle, there were people on the right who shook their heads and thought it was a dumb pick to make. I suppose this is normal, you can't please everyone, right? Or can you?

Has anyone noticed, there isn't much noise coming from the right in objection to Paul Ryan? Even the more moderate independent types, have acknowledged he is a brilliant man and an exceptional pick. Across the board, just about everyone on the right is in agreement, Paul Ryan was a good choice. Democrats can say whatever they want to about him, it's not like the GOP was going to win them over with the VP pick. It's almost comical the way they are falling all over themselves to condemn and trash Paul Ryan, as if no one saw that coming. Oh my goodness, you mean we didn't pick someone the left is in love with, like Debbie Wasserman-Cuntface? Awww... too bad, so sad!

This VP pick was crucial to Romney in a lot of ways, but most importantly, it solidifies his support with the base. Those on the right who weren't keen on Romney, or maybe just weren't real sure about Romney, are suddenly reassured with such a stellar pick. It shows that Romney is a true conservative who is genuinely committed to conservative principles and ideas. Paul Ryan definitely adds something to the equation. The lefties can continue their predictable bashing and trashing, and they can be as arrogantly confident as they please, but the proof is in the pudding. You aren't seeing people on the right who don't like the Ryan pick, or who have a problem with Ryan. Most on the right have had nothing but praise for the man, and the pick. This is indeed, unusual.
I'm afraid that you haven't been paying much attention to what is coming from your own side of the divide.

GOP pros fret over Paul Ryan

"In more than three dozen interviews with Republican strategists and campaign operatives — old hands and rising next-generation conservatives alike — the most common reactions to Ryan ranged from gnawing apprehension to hair-on-fire anger that Romney has practically ceded the election."

That apprehension will grow in the coming days.

But here's what I've noticed .. that the last two GOP nominees have had to reach for "inspiration" from their VP choices.
Yes, after I posted, I did find that there have been some criticisms of Ryan from the "Bush-ites" in the party. I guess I spoke too soon. These are people who are going to try and sabotage the candidate because they are selfish egotistical pricks who's time has come and gone. The Huffington Post had an article from some "anonymous source" who was a "prominent Republican strategist" and he said.... blah blah blah... I read it, and it sounds like Karl Rove to me.

Now Karl is upset that it wasn't Jeb Bush. Do you think Romney would have been better off to pick Jeb Bush?

The point is, Karl Rove doesn't speak for the masses, and whoever the "unnamed sources" might be, they don't speak for the American people, most of whom seem to be perfectly fine with Paul Ryan as the VP pick. When I was making my predictions, I never really considered Paul Ryan, because I see him as too much of a valuable asset in the Congress, and would rather have him there... but of course, as VP, he will still be there, just in a different capacity. I am okay with that.

I can just recall 4 short years ago, the sharp divide on the Republican side, over the VP pick. Some people liked Palin, but a whole lot of people didn't. I'm not seeing the same dynamic with regard to Ryan, he seems to be pretty universally accepted by the conservatives and the Tea Party base, and frankly... the Karl Rove Bush Dynasty throwbacks can all go to hell, for all I care.
I'm afraid that you haven't been paying much attention to what is coming from your own side of the divide.

GOP pros fret over Paul Ryan

"In more than three dozen interviews with Republican strategists and campaign operatives — old hands and rising next-generation conservatives alike — the most common reactions to Ryan ranged from gnawing apprehension to hair-on-fire anger that Romney has practically ceded the election."

That apprehension will grow in the coming days.

But here's what I've noticed .. that the last two GOP nominees have had to reach for "inspiration" from their VP choices.

dick Cheney is inspiring? O_o?
Yes, after I posted, I did find that there have been some criticisms of Ryan from the "Bush-ites" in the party. I guess I spoke too soon. These are people who are going to try and sabotage the candidate because they are selfish egotistical pricks who's time has come and gone. The Huffington Post had an article from some "anonymous source" who was a "prominent Republican strategist" and he said.... blah blah blah... I read it, and it sounds like Karl Rove to me.

Now Karl is upset that it wasn't Jeb Bush. Do you think Romney would have been better off to pick Jeb Bush?

The point is, Karl Rove doesn't speak for the masses, and whoever the "unnamed sources" might be, they don't speak for the American people, most of whom seem to be perfectly fine with Paul Ryan as the VP pick. When I was making my predictions, I never really considered Paul Ryan, because I see him as too much of a valuable asset in the Congress, and would rather have him there... but of course, as VP, he will still be there, just in a different capacity. I am okay with that.

I can just recall 4 short years ago, the sharp divide on the Republican side, over the VP pick. Some people liked Palin, but a whole lot of people didn't. I'm not seeing the same dynamic with regard to Ryan, he seems to be pretty universally accepted by the conservatives and the Tea Party base, and frankly... the Karl Rove Bush Dynasty throwbacks can all go to hell, for all I care.

Romney would have been much better off with Jeb Bush. He would have been better off with Pawlenty.

Ryan is a one-trick pony .. and on close scrutiny, that pony can't dance.

The reality is that nobody likes or trusts Romney .. for good reason.

I agree with you on Rove.