Hmmm, do I hate the UK more than I hate America?


New member
They said it was good for pregnant women too.

Police have been given the go-ahead to use Taser stun guns against children.

The relaxing of restrictions on the use of the weapons comes despite warnings that they could trigger a heart attack in youngsters.

Until now, Tasers - which emit a 50,000-volt electric shock - have been used only by specialist officers as a "non lethal" alternative to firearms.
Electrocution makes such a nice change from shooting innocent, but foreign looking, electricians in the face.

We just get worse i'm afraid.
I've been reading about what the Labour party is doing to your country, and it's just getting worse and worse. And I doubt the Conservatives are any better. If you guys go another term or two you'll have no freedoms left.
I've been reading about what the Labour party is doing to your country, and it's just getting worse and worse. And I doubt the Conservatives are any better. If you guys go another term or two you'll have no freedoms left.

If Labour get in again i'm seriously thinking of getting the hell out of here.

I don't think the Tories offer much but the one thing they do seem quite keen on is scrapping ID cards. I never thought i'd say it but i'd like to see a Tory government again, even if it is only for the salacious sex scandals.
If Labour get in again i'm seriously thinking of getting the hell out of here.

I don't think the Tories offer much but the one thing they do seem quite keen on is scrapping ID cards. I never thought i'd say it but i'd like to see a Tory government again, even if it is only for the salacious sex scandals.

Better yet Tory-LibDem! :clink:
Oh, I get it now. But you still hate America too, right?

I see the UK and the US as two deranged sisters in competition for my loathing, both adopting increasingly bizarre methods to attract my attention.

However, today, i'm mostly hating Great Britain. Try harder USA.
Electrocution makes such a nice change from shooting innocent, but foreign looking, electricians in the face.

We just get worse i'm afraid.
So long as he was foreign looking and standing in the wrong place it was his fault. Just be glad he wasn't in the US and reaching for a wallet, he'd have been shot at least 30 times....
I see the UK and the US as two deranged sisters in competition for my loathing, both adopting increasingly bizarre methods to attract my attention.

However, today, i'm mostly hating Great Britain. Try harder USA.

Yep, they just recently passed a law the other day in Britian that allows them to detain people for over a month without charges.

Yep, they just recently passed a law the other day in Britian that allows them to detain people for over a month without charges.


I don't think it's passed yet. After failing to get 90 days, they've gone and had a re-think, pulling 42 days out of the air for no reason in particular.

So we're still on 28 days for the time being.
It works better if you thrust your fist in the air as you say it. We can get flags made with Blair's face over a Brit flag and everything.
Here's how your next election is going to go, Charver:

The Conservatives are going to get the most seats, but it will be a hung parliament. The LibDems will go into negotiations with the Conservatives, but then Labour will cry "PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION", and the LIbdems will start salivating mindlessly, and run off after the meat. For the next four years, Labour will conveniently forget to hold that referendum, and then, eventually, they'll ask to pass something entitled an "enabling act" as the precondition for getting proportional representation. The LibDems will play the part of the Centre party, and the next thing you know, Gordon Brown will declare himself dictator, ban free speech, raise taxes to 100%, and ban all other political parties. The LibDems will feel very bad about this, and still wonder whether or not they can get proportional representation.