

SF, you didn't sign up for this by any chance, did you?

“Spread John McCain's official talking points around the Web -- and you could win valuable prizes!

That, in essence, is the McCain campaign's pitch to supporters to join its new online effort, one that combines the features of "AstroTurf" campaigning with the sort of customer-loyalty programs offered by airlines, hotel chains, restaurants and the occasional daily newspaper.

On McCain's Web site, visitors are invited to "Spread the Word" about the presumptive Republican nominee by sending campaign-supplied comments to blogs and Web sites under the visitor's screen name. The site offers sample comments ("John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan . . .") and a list of dozens of suggested destinations, conveniently broken down into "conservative," "liberal," "moderate" and "other" categories. Just cut and paste.

Activists and political operatives have used volunteers or paid staff to seed radio call-in shows or letters-to-the-editor pages for years, typically without disclosing the caller or letter writer's connection to a candidate or cause.

Like the fake grass for which the practice is named, such AstroTurf messages look as though they come from the grass roots but are ersatz.
McCain's campaign has taken the same idea and given it an Internet-era twist. It also has taken the concept one step further.

People who sign up for McCain's program receive reward points each time they place a favorable comment on one of the listed Web sites (subject to verification by McCain's webmasters). The points can be traded for prizes, such as books autographed by McCain, preferred seating at campaign events, even a ride with the candidate on his bus, known as the Straight Talk Express, according to campaign spokesman Brian Rogers.
I'll get called a hack, but I'd bet that efforts like this have far more success on the right than on the left. There are just more automotons on that side. It's not even rare anymore that I hear a debate point from a rightie and find out later that it's something that Limbaugh said verbatim.
I'll get called a hack, but I'd bet that efforts like this have far more success on the right than on the left. There are just more automotons on that side. It's not even rare anymore that I hear a debate point from a rightie and find out later that it's something that Limbaugh said verbatim.

Well, so far, the right are the only ones caught doing this, and this makes twice. It was reported in the run-up to the 04 election, that the RNC was actually paying people to post on political message boards. You really never know who you are talking to.
I'll get called a hack, but I'd bet that efforts like this have far more success on the right than on the left. There are just more automotons on that side. It's not even rare anymore that I hear a debate point from a rightie and find out later that it's something that Limbaugh said verbatim.


I can't imagine why that would be hackish?


I can't imagine why that would be hackish?


Okay, it is, but just a little. When you think about it, it's always acknowledged that it's the Dems who are "pulling defeat from the jaws of victory" through their discord and inability to unite.

We're more free thinking; really. It's our downfall.
Sect members are often called on to do the needful, even for Flip floppers and charlatans like McCain. It's all in fun.

Election Trolling, is it moral in a democracy?

* Posted by midcan5
* April 26, 2008

Is it moral to vote for a candidate of the other party in the primaries because you want them to lose in the general election?

Is it moral to post questionable negative information about a candidate of the other party you think would be more difficult to be beaten by your preferred candidate?

The question is morality, intention, dishonesty - if I cannot be honest with my voting what does that say? The issue that interests me is this counters the purpose of a democracy, one vote.

Our primary system supports the purposes of a democracy. The primaries also serve to hash out ideas and to develop candidates, if the process is distorted with cross over voting it upsets the entire idea.

“It is not enough to ask, ‘Will my act harm other people?’ Even if the answer is No, my act may still be wrong, because of its effects on other people. I should ask, ‘Will my act be one of a set of acts that will together harm other people?’ The answer may be Yes. And the harm to others may be great…” Derek Parfit
Sect members are often called on to do the needful, even for Flip floppers and charlatans like McCain. It's all in fun.

Election Trolling, is it moral in a democracy?

* Posted by midcan5
* April 26, 2008

Is it moral to vote for a candidate of the other party in the primaries because you want them to lose in the general election?

Is it moral to post questionable negative information about a candidate of the other party you think would be more difficult to be beaten by your preferred candidate?

The question is morality, intention, dishonesty - if I cannot be honest with my voting what does that say? The issue that interests me is this counters the purpose of a democracy, one vote.

Our primary system supports the purposes of a democracy. The primaries also serve to hash out ideas and to develop candidates, if the process is distorted with cross over voting it upsets the entire idea.

“It is not enough to ask, ‘Will my act harm other people?’ Even if the answer is No, my act may still be wrong, because of its effects on other people. I should ask, ‘Will my act be one of a set of acts that will together harm other people?’ The answer may be Yes. And the harm to others may be great…” Derek Parfit

If it is immoral, then you should immediately delete your account.
LOL fabulous prizes like "Sit in the front row at rallies" and "meet McCain!"

Yeah, make sure you bring breath mints for him.

And am I the only one who has noticed that SF has not been seen since I put up this thread?

Ah Ha! Foiled again, SF.
Yeah, make sure you bring breath mints for him.

And am I the only one who has noticed that SF has not been seen since I put up this thread?

Ah Ha! Foiled again, SF.

Such a funny guuuurrrlll.

Of COURSE I have subscribed... I mean how else am I going to get to sit up front at a rally?
Such a funny guuuurrrlll.

Of COURSE I have subscribed... I mean how else am I going to get to sit up front at a rally?

It took you two days to come up with this? Is that what your Messiah/Employer told you to say?

Let’s face it, I’ve busted this case wide open!
It took you two days to come up with this? Is that what your Messiah/Employer told you to say?

Let’s face it, I’ve busted this case wide open!

The fact that you posted it less than 24 hours ago seems to mean you are LYING when you say it took me two days.
