Holding War Apologists Accountable

Darla said:
Wow. That is something. I can hardly believe it.

I guess it's just about time to start wondering how a three-way general plays out.

Its gonna be either Lieberman or Lamont.

The GOP doesn't have a credible candidate. Even in a three-way race, the polls I've seen as the GOP candidate polling at between 11 and 13%
Cypress said:
Its gonna be either Lieberman or Lamont.

The GOP doesn't have a credible candidate. Even in a three-way race, the polls I've seen as the GOP candidate polling at between 11 and 13%

Really? I'd hate to lose that seat to a republican...but even with that possibility, I strongly supported this challange. It's time for hardball with these guys.

But that's good news. I imagine Liberman, who really is a moderate Republican (I use the word moderate not in its old sense, but in its new sense, ie: he is not completely bugfuck nuts, and therefore he could not be elected on a republican ticket in say, Utah), will pick up many Republican voters. I would think that most CT Republicans are only slightly to the right of NY Republicans, and that would make them social moderates, but fiscal conservatives, with some mixed feelings about the war. He'll pick a lot of them up. How hard will the dems get behind Lamont. What will the turnout be? What will be the biggest issue driving that turnout? That's what will matter I bet. I can't wait to see it.
Liebeman is a liberal, he's always been a liberal. He sides with Liberals on every single issue except the war, and always has. He's not a moderate, he's not a republican, he is a Liberal! A died-in-the-wool, northeastern, blue-blooded, bean-sprout eating, LIBERAL! He votes with liberals, for liberals, and in support of liberal issues, 98% of the time.

You people have either gone completely insane, or you've driven your party so far to the left you can't see reality anymore. It's apparent that you have to spew hate-speech like Howard Dean, if you want to be welcome in the Democratic Party, there is certainly no room for anyone who tries to be 'bipartisan' or support America at a time of war.

calm down dixie.

Lieberman is being held accountable not because he's a centrist, but becuase he's dangerously delusional. He thinks the iraq war was a brilliant move, and that its going swell.

That's simply delusional.

Moderate democrats are winning and getting nominated all across the country: Webb in Virgina, Tester in Montana. Centrist democrats like Wes Clar, John Murtha, and Bill Clinton are heros to the democratic base. Its got very little to do with lieberman simply being a "centrist". The dude has fallen off the cliff into delusion. We can't have Democratic leaders like that.
Cypress said:
calm down dixie.

Lieberman is being held accountable not because he's a centrist, but becuase he's dangerously delusional. He thinks the iraq war was a brilliant move, and that its going swell.

That's simply delusional.

Moderate democrats are winning and getting nominated all across the country: Webb in Virgina, Tester in Montana. Centrist democrats like Wes Clar, John Murtha, and Bill Clinton are heros to the democratic base. Its got very little to do with lieberman simply being a "centrist". The dude has fallen off the cliff into delusion. We can't have Democratic leaders like that.
Had LBJ not chosen to escalate the war in Vietnam from a ghastly mistake into an international crisis, he might well be remembered as one of the great liberal presidents of the 20th century. Instead, he's villified as a war monger and a failure.

Joe Lieberman, meet LBJ. I hope you'll have a nice time together.
Dixie said:
Liebeman is a liberal, he's always been a liberal. He sides with Liberals on every single issue except the war, and always has. He's not a moderate, he's not a republican, he is a Liberal! A died-in-the-wool, northeastern, blue-blooded, bean-sprout eating, LIBERAL! He votes with liberals, for liberals, and in support of liberal issues, 98% of the time.

You people have either gone completely insane, or you've driven your party so far to the left you can't see reality anymore. It's apparent that you have to spew hate-speech like Howard Dean, if you want to be welcome in the Democratic Party, there is certainly no room for anyone who tries to be 'bipartisan' or support America at a time of war.

If I have a choice between two liberals.. one who supported and supports the idiotic war catrosphe in Iraq and one who does not support the war... Ill go with the one who does not support Bush's war. Noone owes support to a canidate because he was 99% on your side... Support the one who is 100% on your side! I am proud of Con. Democrats
either one of these democrats can beat the republican.... so why not go with the guy who has been on the correct side of the single biggest issue in the eyes of the voters?