Holocaust scholars explain why Trump has ramped up his Nazi-style rhetoric

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
"Words can kill"

As we have seen repeatedly throughout the last seven years (and beyond), Trump and his allies will also channel antisemitism, racism, and white supremacy in these attacks and other attempts to derail the investigations and criminal trials. On cue, after being indicted by the Department of Justice on Tuesday, Donald Trump issued a statement via his Truth Social disinformation platform where he attacked the prosecutors for being Nazis.

In an attempt to understand resurgent antisemitism and its connections to Trumpism, neofascism and America's larger democracy crisis, I recently spoke with Holocaust scholars Leonard Grob and John K. Roth. Grob is professor emeritus of philosophy at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Roth is the Edward J. Sexton professor emeritus of philosophy at Claremont McKenna College and the founding director of the Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights (now the Mgrublian Center for Human Rights). Their new book is titled, Warnings: The Holocaust, Ukraine, and Endangered American Democracy.

"I am not surprised that American democracy is endangered by Donald Trump and his MAGA faithful. I am angered and dismayed that so many Americans seem prepared to trash democracy by stupidly following Trump and Trumpism to the bitter end. These moods intensify my commitment to protest against those trends and to resist them, which I do as an eighty-something philosopher who still writes and teaches."

At a time when liberal democracy is under attack at home and in many places abroad, despair lurks around the edges of my consciousness. As a scholar of the Holocaust and a grandson of grandparents murdered by Nazis, echoes of what was resound in my mind. A summons—more felt than thought—counters the temptation to lose hope: I must resist.

"I must not wallow in discouragement but rather pick myself up to enter the fray, to work at this inflection point in U.S. history to oppose growing authoritarianism. Action for good repels anguish. I'm moved by the example of Christian rescuers during the Holocaust, those who resisted evil with their lives and the lives of their families at stake. Compared to theirs, my situation is one of safety and privilege. Their example inspires and insists that I must work in their spirit to help preserve our fragile democracy."

Roth: "Failure of imagination could doom American democracy. Americans tend to be asleep at the switch. We either take democracy for granted or think that losing it wouldn't matter much. But Americans can scarcely imagine how vicious, divided, corruption-prone, racist, and violent the country will become if Trump and Trumpist Republicanism prevail in the 2024 elections. Justice, freedom of the press, reliable education, racism, patriarchy, Christian nationalism, and sexualized persecution of minorities will ascend. Fair and free elections will decline. The rule of law will be jeopardized. Truth itself will be a casualty."
It seems like we in America and the West have forgotten many of the lessons of the near past. At times it feels like we are stuck in a state of organized forgetting with Trumpism and neofascism — and resurgent white supremacy, racism, and antisemitism. To that point, we need to go to the basics. What is antisemitism? How is antisemitism connected to racism and white supremacy?
It has long been clear that the entire profession of historian has capitulated to WOKE.

You type the craziest shit. You cannot believe something that nuts, so you are just maintaining your horrible Trump/fascist slant. Woke? Good grief are you being handled like a child.

Yea quackery, from historians that had family in the holocaust and knows the history and who sees trump and hid gaggle of trash mirror the 30's and 40's
It has long been clear that the entire profession of historian has capitulated to WOKE.

You didn't get the Memo?

80% of Republicans said they are tired of the Anti-woke campaigns and ready for the candidates to move on to dealing with the true problems America is dealing with- Inflation and Border control.

Even Trump said just today, the people are tired of the Anti-WOKE movement because they don't even understand what WOKE is- but they are tired of hearing the word!

So, you seem to be the last idiot standing here- repeating WOKE like the idiot you are!
That is NOT what the thread says. You trumpys go straight to lies and deflection. , such simple predictable people.

It is what the author of it wrote and what those two academics said the article, drivel.

Let's start with this: (all citations are from the article in the OP)

The article's author quotes this:

Donald Trump issued a statement via his Truth Social disinformation platform where he attacked the prosecutors for being Nazis. Of course, that is a lie:

Why did they wait two and a half years to bring these fake charges, right in the middle of President Trump's winning campaign for 2024?.... The answer is, election interference! The lawlessness of these persecutions of President Trump and his supporters is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, the former Soviet Union, and other authoritarian, dictatorial regimes.

From that he makes these conclusions:

In essence, Donald Trump is comparing the Holocaust, which is one of the greatest crimes in human history, to his being held accountable in a court of law where he will be allowed a robust defense and his civil and human rights respected. To distort and minimize the realities of the Holocaust is itself an act of antisemitism.

How the hell do you get that Trump is comparing the Holocaust to anything out of what Trump said? Then, to extend that to calling Trump an antisemite. That is pure drivel concocted out of thin air.

Then he brings in the two "scholars."

Roth: I view the Age of Trump, the rise of the global right and illiberalism, through a Holocaust lens.

Okay, that drivel is expected from a radical Leftist. He views Trump through a Holocaust lens? What the hell does that even mean?

Then the other academic quack weighs in:

Grob: At a time when liberal democracy is under attack at home and in many places abroad, despair lurks around the edges of my consciousness. As a scholar of the Holocaust and a grandson of grandparents murdered by Nazis, echoes of what was resound in my mind.

To the radical Leftist, any pushback to their dogmatic political agenda is an "attack." Liberal democracy--used here as nothing but empty rhetorical buzzwords--isn't under attack. It's working fine. What's under attack is ending popular elections, free speech, and a right to assemble, and that's all coming 100% from the radical Left. As but one example, parents go to their school board to object to radical Leftist nonsense in their schools. The radical Left responds by getting the DOJ to sic the FBI on them as "domestic terrorists."

Then the first quack adds this inane drivel:

Roth: Failure of imagination could doom American democracy. Americans tend to be asleep at the switch. We either take democracy for granted or think that losing it wouldn't matter much. But Americans can scarcely imagine how vicious, divided, corruption-prone, racist, and violent the country will become if Trump and Trumpist Republicanism prevail in the 2024 elections.

He's correct about one thing. If Trump were to win the 2024 election, the radical Left will take to the streets in far more violence than they did when he was last in office. That's how the Left rolls.
The rest of that is empty rhetorical nonsense. It's a meaningless string of buzzwords and jargon tossed out to read.

Oh, also note how the article's author, and those academics, completely ignore Trump mentioning the Soviet Union and other authoritarian, dictatorial regimes in his statement cited above. They, instead, focus only on the Nazi part because that's all they have to cling to. In their world Nazis are on the far Right while the rest of those evil empires and countries with dictators are on the radical Left, something they have to ignore least they implicate themselves in the hate.

The article is drivel, and the academics quoted in it are quacks.
Roth: "Failure of imagination could doom American democracy. Americans tend to be asleep at the switch. We either take democracy for granted or think that losing it wouldn't matter much. But Americans can scarcely imagine how vicious, divided, corruption-prone, racist, and violent the country will become if Trump and Trumpist Republicanism prevail in the 2024 elections. Justice, freedom of the press, reliable education, racism, patriarchy, Christian nationalism, and sexualized persecution of minorities will ascend. Fair and free elections will decline. The rule of law will be jeopardized. Truth itself will be a casualty."

Not sure how you figure Trump is racist, he's never even hinted at that.

He is also a huge supporter of Israel.
What would Lincoln, Eisenhower or even Reagan have thought of something like Trump? We know what Bush41 thought: he refused to vote for it.

Trump and his enablers have turned the GOP into a party of divisiveness and lies which exists for only one purpose: to serve Trump. America is great again.
It seems like we in America and the West have forgotten many of the lessons of the near past. At times it feels like we are stuck in a state of organized forgetting with Trumpism and neofascism — and resurgent white supremacy, racism, and antisemitism. To that point, we need to go to the basics. What is antisemitism? How is antisemitism connected to racism and white supremacy?

just because you and your sort suffer from delusions doesn't mean the world needs to change to accommodate you...
80% of Republicans said they are tired of the Anti-woke campaigns and ready for the candidates to move on to dealing with the true problems America is dealing with- Inflation and Border control.

I agree......so what is your plan to counter Biden's inflation and border crisis?.....because so far it seems your solution is transgender rights.....
I agree......so what is your plan to counter Biden's inflation and border crisis?.....because so far it seems your solution is transgender rights.....

I do not see any short term fixes for inflation. Meat prices are being affected by the drought and high feed costs for the cattle farmers. I am not sure what Biden can do about that.

And the High price of gasoline is due to the fact that the major oil companies are intentionally not drilling and still purchasing Oil from the Mid East. And even the Mid East has narrowed down their drilling, bringing up the cost of their crude to the Oil Companies. But Biden cannot force the Saudis to increase their drilling, and he cannot make the American Oil Companies drill on the thousands of domestic oil leases that are available and no one is acting on them. As of 2021, of the 25 million onshore acres leased to the oil and gas industry, approximately 12.6 million, or 49%, are currently unused and nonproducing. This doesn't include leases on Native American territories. Offshore, 77% of the 12 million acres leased are nonproducing.

And the crisis is pretty much over on the Border, as things have returned to normal on the border since the lifting of the Trump immigration ban put in place during the pandemic that backed up the processing of immigrants to a crisis stage. It has eased since the ban was lifted.
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