Holy Cow! (Mitt Takes NV, RP Way Better than Expected)


Staff member
Ron Paul with 15%?


Mitt is already declared the winner of the R NV Caucus...

Mitt Romney won the Nevada Republican caucuses Saturday, scoring dramatic back-to-back victories in the race for the nomination.

Early returns showed him taking 46 percent in the state, followed by Ron Paul and John McCain with 15 percent each, Mike Huckabee with 9 percent, Fred Thompson with 10 percent and Rudy Giuliani with 3 percent.

The former Massachusetts governor was one of the few Republicans with any campaign presence in the state, as his top competitors stayed in South Carolina ahead of its influential first-in-the-South primary the same day. Paul was airing television ads in Nevada, and Romney left South Carolina to make a final push in the state Thursday.

More at link...
Yeah, I'm stunned. 15% of the vote? Listed before McCain?

I am however sticking to my prediction that in SC he will only get 4 to 5% of the vote.
Oh, you tricked me. These are early results, they just hit a place with lots of RP support. RP's going down in the polls after that initial burst.
Oh, you tricked me. These are early results, they just hit a place with lots of RP support. RP's going down in the polls after that initial burst.
I wonder what they'll do here. It's a straw poll on Feb 5th. The newsies keep saying that we are part of Super Tuesday, but we don't apportion delegates until after the August Primary.
People know McCain is a pander man. Heck, the guy is a liberial running on the Republican ticket. I guess we are not that stupid to believe it, and it is about time (go consertative talk raido) I would trust him to take care of the radical extreemists though--but some illegal alien would be a citizen overnight (what is wrong with the current citizenship qualifications--my mother did it. It just took 5 years, and a test she studied for--but there was really no test--she is a retired dietition now, and they talked about nutrition.)

Romney is saying what the American people want to hear. I do feel he is a bit of a pander man also though. What a exciting running---no clear front runners yet but may be Romney. He got 2 firsts and 2 seconds--that is pretty tough to beat. I think Fred Tompson will become more popular also--I hope he can stay in to see. Same with Ron Paul, which is why I voted for him in the MI primary. (my first time voting guys--I am not a virgin anymore)

Watermark---it was a liberial rumor that Romney was done and way premature. It was done to make it look to the people, that the rest of the people don't care for him. The dem liberials don't want Romney in there if a Republican wins. They want a liberial McCain or Huckster just like Bin Laden wants Hillery or Obamma--and probably Paul also. (because Paul wants to pull all troops now and knock down all of the US buildings we built there---about 20 since we invaded them-notice how all other candidates will leave the buildings) It did not work. Nice try though libs. lol

weee seeeee youuuuuuuu----------for the commies you are.
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People know Mccane is a pander man. Heck, the guy is a liberial running on the Republican ticket. I would trust him to take care of the radical extreemists though--but some illegal alien would be a citizen overnight (what is wrong with the current citizenship qualifications--my mother did it. It just took 5 years, and a test she studied for--but there was really no test--she is a retired dietition now, and they talked about nutrition.)

Romney is saying what the American people want to hear. I do feel he is a bit of a pander man also though. What a exciting running---no clear front runners yet but may be Romney. He got 2 firsts and 2 seconds--that is pretty tough to beat. I think Fred Tompson will become more popular also--I hope he can stay in to see. Same with Ron Paul, which is why I voted for him in the MI primary.

Watermark---it was a liberial rumor that Romney was done. It was done to make it look to the people, that the rest of the people don't care for him. The dem liberials don't want Romney in there if a Republican wins. They want a liberial McCain or Huckster just like Bin Laden wants Hillery or Obamma--and probably Paul also. (because he wants to pull all troops now and knock down all of the buildings we built there--notice how all other candidates will leave the buildings) It did not work. Nice try though libs. lol

I didn't say Romney was done. I said I thought Paul was done. But the caucus format seems to favor him.

Romney is doing pretty good. To call McCain a "liberal" though - LOL. McCain is, if anything, more fiscally conservative that Romney.
I didn't say Romney was done. I said I thought Paul was done. But the caucus format seems to favor him.

Romney is doing pretty good. To call McCain a "liberal" though - LOL. McCain is, if anything, more fiscally conservative that Romney.

Opps--I read that wrong man--sorry. (I thought RP was done also) But a short two weeks ago th libs said Romney had to do well in Michigan--or he is done. Then they said NH. It was a sham.
I didn't say Romney was done. I said I thought Paul was done. But the caucus format seems to favor him.

Romney is doing pretty good. To call McCain a "liberal" though - LOL. McCain is, if anything, more fiscally conservative that Romney.

I don't agree with McCain being more fiscally consertative than Romney. I think the only person that fits that bill is RP or Fred T.. The herritage foundation did a study on how much it would cost the tax payer if we made 30,000 aliens citizens over night (they just want the votes--but I bet most don't want to be citizens). The cost analysis the Herritage foundation did said it would cost the tax payers over a trillion dollars over the next 10 years. I don't know what factors are involved with the analysis, but no candidate that supported the amnisty bill (like McPain did) ever did a cost analysis---because they don't care about it. Hannity asked one senator lib if they did a cost analysis--and the lib thought he was being ambushed by Hannity. Hannity kicked his butt really good. :) It was beautifull.
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