Holy election, that felt good!


Tax and Shameful democrats~

Bell, CA city fathers frog marched to the slammer

They're gone, wearing jumpsuits, all eight former officials of Bell, the modest California city whose citizens, for 25 years, were plundered by shamelessly corrupt Democrats.
- Teresa Jacobo
- Luis Artiga
- George Mirabel
- Oscar Hernandez
- Victor Bello
- Robert Rizzo
- George Cole
- Angela Spaccia

This ring of Democrats makes fellow Dems, Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd and Charles Wrangel, look tentative. You'd think most Democrats would "skim," a thou here, a thou there, playing on the bloat of fungible budgetary. But, no, these crooks went bonkers for fame. Their take, a model of malfeasance, is the modern equivalent of medieval looting.

To wit: City council members awarded themselves $96,000 per/year compared to $4800 in similar-sized cities. Since 2001, the council approved annual 16% raises without a city audit or public comment period. Democrats, acting as tax-stewards, raised city manager Robert Rizzo's salary 16 times, leading to 53 fraud charges and inexplicable plunder. Bell, mind you, has a median income of $35,000, yet Rizzo, a part-timer, tucked away not one, not two, but EIGHT-hundred thousand, annually.

According to state official, John Chiang, Bell property owners also paid millions in extra taxes due to resolutions the council capriciously made "law." Similar crimes in nearby Vernon promise more revelations, more Dems behind bars, but don't expect media-coverage here. According to Newsbusters, 350 of 351 reports on Bell failed to mention the party of the perpetrators-DEMOCRATS! DEMOCRATS! Repeat-DEMOCRATS!

Holy election, that felt good!