Home invasion victim shoots, kills armed invaders


New member
Justice CAN be served. Just don't rely on the police to do it.

Good job.

Note that, if this had happened in Washington DC, the outcome would have been very different... because there, homeowners are not allowed to have handguns at all. And long guns must be kept unloaded, disassembled, locked etc... in other words, kept useless. These invaders would have had a free hand.

The good news in DC? The homeowner's next of kin would have been able to sue the invaders for violating the law forbidding them from carrying guns in the home. :eek:



Police: Home invasion victim shoots, kills suspects 7:50 AM

07:51 AM EDT on Thursday, March 20, 2008

E-mail Richard: rdevayne@WCNC.com

Men were breaking into victim's home

HICKORY, N.C. - Police say two suspects are dead after an attempted home invasion.

Catawba County sheriff’s deputies say two men dressed in black and carrying pistols forced their way into a home on 33rd Avenue in Hickory around 11:00 last night. According to a sheriff’s official, the homeowner was armed with his own gun, and shot the suspects. Both suspects were pronounced dead at the scene.

Major Coy Reid with the sheriff’s office said both men were wearing masks and latex gloves.

At this time, no arrests have been made.
2 v. 1 and homeowner comes out on top. Must have been military.

Not necessarily. You knew where the invaders are, since you can hear them working on the door and see it open. They don't know where you are - you could be behind another door, or behind the couch, or in another room peering around the wall, etc.

And they probably didn't expect armed resistance.

Now that this has happened, the whole town is probably safer. The next guys who contemplate a home invasion, may think twice, and go elsewhere. Or maybe even change jobs.

I especially liked the last line: "At this time, no arrests have been made."

None are needed as far as I'm concerned. The case is closed, justice served.
The appropriate method to deal with armed men:

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W1VY4b9IQQ"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
thats sweet.. and why its important to not only own a gun but to practice at the firing range with it. i can go accurately headshot from 25yards away and in the chest from 50yards with my beretta .380.
The point I was trying to make was that the steadily increasing number of pages newpeople have been devoting to crime has really scared the public into believing it's at endemic levels, whenever actually, crime has pretty much never been lower in the US.

But no, generally it doesn't matter whenever it happens to the underclass.

BTW, Epi, did you know that 20% of Americans think drug dealers should be executed? Sheesh. It's sensationalist fearmongering that's been scaring Americans into stuff like that.
And from what I've been reading, I'd think that every victim of kidnapping in America was of a pretty young white girl, when in fact, more than 70% of all people kidnapped are male and adult.
The point I was trying to make was that the steadily increasing number of pages newpeople have been devoting to crime has really scared the public into believing it's at endemic levels, whenever actually, crime has pretty much never been lower in the US.

But no, generally it doesn't matter whenever it happens to the underclass.

BTW, Epi, did you know that 20% of Americans think drug dealers should be executed? Sheesh. It's sensationalist fearmongering that's been scaring Americans into stuff like that.

Disappointing but not surprising.

Could you show me the poll?
The point I was trying to make was that the steadily increasing number of pages newpeople have been devoting to crime has really scared the public into believing it's at endemic levels, whenever actually, crime has pretty much never been lower in the US.

But no, generally it doesn't matter whenever it happens to the underclass.

BTW, Epi, did you know that 20% of Americans think drug dealers should be executed? Sheesh. It's sensationalist fearmongering that's been scaring Americans into stuff like that.

You have a link to that?
thats sweet.. and why its important to not only own a gun but to practice at the firing range with it. i can go accurately headshot from 25yards away and in the chest from 50yards with my beretta .380.
Always Always always shoot center mass. Practice double taps at the range till you can place two rounds in the center of your target. If you practice double tapping it will become second nature and you will kill your assailant. Aiming at the head and hitting it is a neat exercise, but in the heat of the moment you need to aim for the largest part of the body and put some holes in the chest.
Good advice. And say, "I shot to disable the intruder."

I got in strife in a FATSII for emptying six shots (three double taps) and the instructor told me, "we don't encourage that". He didn't like it when I responded, "well the fucker won't be stabbing anyone soon will he?" Surprising really because I'm very mild-mannered. I make Clark Kent look like a crazed druggie.
Did you hear about the fool in MO I think that was trying to literally shoot a hole in the wall of his home, problem with drilling I assume and killed his wife ?