Home truths

Liberals fled the US to avoid service in our military, and would do so again if the draft was reinstated.


Liberals give aid and comfort to America's enemies.

Liberals spit on troops returning from Vietnam.
Amazon.com: Homecoming: Bob Greene: Books

Liberals applaud when US soldiers are described as rapists and war criminals.

Liberals cut the Defense budget and tie up legislation (meant to enhance the lives of our military and their families) with pork projects and poltically-motivated amendments.

Liberals put bumper stickers on their hybrids that read "Won’t it be a grand day when the Air Force has to hold bake sales to get a new bomber and the schools have all the money they need?".
This liberal was drafted and served in Nam. Right along with a whole bunch more that did not have suction to get in the guard or get exemptions.
A few liberals may actually have served with honor.

Ironic, since it was LBJ who put many of them in Vietnam.

Liberal John "Effin'" Kerry was there 4 months, writing self-glorifying after-action reports, before he betrayed his fellow troops and his country.

On July 22, 1971, Kerry held a press conference where he urged America to accept the Communist enemy's "7-Point Peace Plan". The event was reported in The Communist Daily World on July 24, 1971.

Kerry gave testimony to Senator Fulbright's (BJ Clinton's racist mentor) Foreign Relations Committee in which he said the American military was like the "army of Ghengis Khan".

No wonder liberals received praise from the enemy's leader, Pham Van Dong, the Prime Minister of Communist North Vietnam.

Dong wished the traitorous liberals well when he said "may your fall offensive succeed splendidly".

General Vo Nguyen Giap, Supreme Commander of the North Vietnamese Communist forces gave credit for America's defeat to the liberal media and liberal protestors like Kerry.

Now, liberals want to accomplish the same heinous goals in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A few liberals may actually have served with honor.

Ironic, since it was LBJ who put many of them in Vietnam.

Liberal John "Effin'" Kerry was there 4 months, writing self-glorifying after-action reports, before he betrayed his fellow troops and his country.

On July 22, 1971, Kerry held a press conference where he urged America to accept the Communist enemy's "7-Point Peace Plan". The event was reported in The Communist Daily World on July 24, 1971.

Kerry gave testimony to Senator Fulbright's (BJ Clinton's racist mentor) Foreign Relations Committee in which he said the American military was like the "army of Ghengis Khan".

No wonder liberals received praise from the enemy's leader, Pham Van Dong, the Prime Minister of Communist North Vietnam.

Dong wished the traitorous liberals well when he said "may your fall offensive succeed splendidly".

General Vo Nguyen Giap, Supreme Commander of the North Vietnamese Communist forces gave credit for America's defeat to the liberal media and liberal protestors like Kerry.

Now, liberals want to accomplish the same heinous goals in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Why of course the people don't want war... That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Hermann Goering, Nazi officer