Horror: Man sets NYC Subway Passenger on Fire with Flaming Liquid- and He’s a Repeat Offender


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HORROR: Man Sets NYC Subway Passenger on Fire with Flaming Liquid – And He’s a Repeat Offender – Second Attack with Flaming Liquid in 4 Months


Nile Taylor with flaming liquid in February

Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of New York City…A New York City subway passenger was set on fire by a fellow straphanger on Saturday and ended up with burns on 30% of his body.

23-year-old Petrit Alijaj said the assailant, now identified as 49-year-old Nile Taylor, threw a cup of flaming liquid at him on Saturday as he was on his way to see the Statue of Liberty with his fiancée and cousin.Alijaj, who is from Albania, told the New York Post that he jumped in front of his fiancée to protect her.

Continue voting for these far left Democratic Socialist loons and they will continue putting far left prosecutors and DA’s in office.
