Hostiles On The Warpath


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When American Indians were on the warpath in Hollywood westerns screen writers often called them “Hostiles”.

“Hostile act” is a typical British understatement for an act of piracy as well as a diplomatic way to call Iranians Hostiles:

GENEVA/LONDON - Britain denounced the Iranian seizure of a British-flagged oil tanker in the Gulf as a "hostile act" on Saturday,

In plain English piracy is an act of war declared by Iran.

By the way, Pearl Harbor was an accident:

rejecting Tehran's explanation that it had seized the vessel because it had been involved in an accident.

UK calls seizure of ship a 'hostile act'; Iran releases video of capture - watch
July 20, 2019 23:14

Let me elaborate on the opening I see in Iran’s behavior.

Before anyone reads the rest of this message tell me why and how the United Nations is necessary to America’s security.

Years ago I said that Muslim countries should walk out of the United Nations en masse. A mass exodus is the only thing that will shutdown that cesspool. Americans cannot start a stampede for the exit because of their own traitors in the federal government and in the media. Indeed, the press is deathly afraid that Arab Muslims might get pissed off and walk out of the U.N. It only takes one to start a stampede.

Keeping a billion or so Muslims happy so they will not walk out of the U.N. goes right to the heart of the New World Order’s global government agenda. Withdraw from the United Nations and media decision-makers, congressional Democrats, and RINO, will vanish faster than yesterday’s news.

Incidentally, I do not expect Trump & Company to justify why the U.S. and the world has been going downhill since June 28, 1945. If there is a date that will live in infamy it is the day the U.S. Senate voted to ratify the U.N. Charter —— in effect surrendering America’s sovereignty to the United Nations.

Americans fighting and dying for self-defense is the price of sovereignty. Fighting and dying for a global government administered by the United Nations is a catastrophe.

I have a suggestion for Iran. Expand the Arab League (22 members) by getting all of the Muslim countries (a total of 50) to sign onto a NATO-type alliance.

Founded in March 1945, the League of Arab States (or Arab League) is a loose confederation of twenty-two Arab nations, including Palestine, whose broad mission is to improve coordination among its members on matters of common interest. The League was chartered in response to concerns about postwar colonial divisions of territory as well as strong opposition to the emergence of a Jewish state in Palestine, but it has long been criticized for disunity and poor governance. Critics also say it has traditionally been more representative of its various autocratic regimes than of Arab citizens.

Iranians might be able to unite MUSLIMS as a matter of self-defense if they confine a proposed alliance to one sentence —— “An attack against one is an attack against all.”

Before global government government freaks go bonkers let me repeat something I have been saying for years. I do not give a rat’s ass about Islam. My goal is every Muslim country walking out of the United Nations. My heart got to beating faster every time something popped up that might prompt the walkout. If not a mass exodus then boot the U.N. out of Muslim countries. Remaining in the U.N. is acceptable when it is reduced to nothing more than its original purpose —— a debating society.

NOTE: All of America’s enemies base their foreign policy on one threat. “We will walk out of the United Nations if you try to stop us from doing anything.” In fact, for all intents and purposes Russia and China already walked out except for their Security Council vetoes. They are too smart to walk out on that. The Muslim world does not have a SC veto; so they play it differently, but the threat, and the results, are the same. Everybody gets what they want except the U. S. of A.

Religion is a stronger glue than the United Nations. So it is must come down to Islam versus European Socialism/liberalism, and/or Islam versus Christianity.

There is no war more destructive than a war fought between two sides defending their moral beliefs. It tickles me to think that Socialists might finally be required to defend their own religion in a religious war against Islam. Socialists did their dirty business
throughout the Christian world from within. Socialists may find Islam a tougher nut to crack when they have to attack Islam from without.

Better that Muslim countries withdraw from the U.N. before their possession of nuclear weapons becomes the trigger for a nuclear war. Once Muslim countries are out of the U.N. their claim of sovereignty carries more weight, and it will put the brakes on the U.N. telling Muslims how to live in their own countries.

A U.N. functioning without approximately one sixth of the world’s population participating lessens, rather than increases, the chance of a nuclear war between Islam and Christianity, or between Islam and Socialism/Communism.

The mission for Americans is to prevent American totalitarians from tricking this country into fighting on the side of Socialism against Islam —— as well as prevent Islam and Socialism from becoming allied against the U.S. The fear is that Muslims will not see that Islam loses the most if Socialism advances though the U.N. The problem is that Muslims will take so many tiny bites doing the dirty work for United Nations Socialists without getting anything of value for Islam or for national sovereignty.

America’s greatest defense is its military strength.

The greatest deterrent to global nuclear war that I can think of is for everybody to mind their own business. That means Muslims, Christians, Communists, and everybody else. The U.N. and its advocates are busybody troublemakers with their noses in everybody business as things now stand. The U.N.’s call for universal Rights paid for with tax dollars is not the only piece of evidence that defines United Nations troublemakers.

The world has to become a safer place when an institution with the authority to meddle in the affairs of sovereign governments is dismantled.

Now that the R.C.Ch. is throwing in with the global government crowd the only way non-Muslims can avoid being enslaved by one or another form totalitarian government is for Muslim governments to wise up and dump the U.N. before Socialists and the Vatican swallow Islam in one gulp.

On the plus side, the Vatican sucking up to the United Nations shows the R.C.CH.’s hierarchy is running scared. Socialism/Communism has a clear-cut path for worldwide domination as does Islam, while the R.C.CH. lost the edge it had in the centuries before the League of Nations was tried and failed. The Vatican’s new alliance with the United Nations is a last ditch attempt to salvage its own one-religion-world agenda.

This is the straight of it. The minute Muslims see themselves losing their religion because of “peacekeeping missions” every Muslim country should walk out of the United Nations. That will be a good thing for America and the world. It is just a pity that a lot of Americans might die serving the U.N. before it goes belly up.

Finally, morons pushing a totalitarian one government world are too dull-witted to walk out of the United Nations for their own benefit.

p.s. Americans of military age should never believe anything the government and their television stooges tell them what they should fight for. Every American should know in their own minds what they fight for in foreign lands:

There is no objection to killing Muslims trying to kill you, while Constitution-loving Americans would cut their own throats if they fight to replace one religion with another. Americans must defeat Islam as a matter of self-defense, but they must not do it for Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Socialism, democracy, the United Nations, and certainly not for the New World Order. Fighting for their country is the only thing Americans should fight for.
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When American Indians were on the warpath in Hollywood westerns screen writers often called them “Hostiles”.

“Hostile act” is a typical British understatement for an act of piracy as well as a diplomatic way to call Iranians Hostiles:

GENEVA/LONDON - Britain denounced the Iranian seizure of a British-flagged oil tanker in the Gulf as a "hostile act" on Saturday,

In plain English piracy is an act of war declared by Iran.

By the way, Pearl Harbor was an accident:

rejecting Tehran's explanation that it had seized the vessel because it had been involved in an accident.

UK calls seizure of ship a 'hostile act'; Iran releases video of capture - watch
July 20, 2019 23:14

Let me elaborate on the opening I see in Iran’s behavior.

Before anyone reads the rest of this message tell me why and how the United Nations is necessary to America’s security.

Years ago I said that Muslim countries should walk out of the United Nations en masse. A mass exodus is the only thing that will shutdown that cesspool. Americans cannot start a stampede for the exit because of their own traitors in the federal government and in the media. Indeed, the press is deathly afraid that Arab Muslims might get pissed off and walk out of the U.N. It only takes one to start a stampede.

Keeping a billion or so Muslims happy so they will not walk out of the U.N. goes right to the heart of the New World Order’s global government agenda. Withdraw from the United Nations and media decision-makers, congressional Democrats, and RINO, will vanish faster than yesterday’s news.

Incidentally, I do not expect Trump & Company to justify why the U.S. and the world has been going downhill since June 28, 1945. If there is a date that will live in infamy it is the day the U.S. Senate voted to ratify the U.N. Charter —— in effect surrendering America’s sovereignty to the United Nations.

Americans fighting and dying for self-defense is the price of sovereignty. Fighting and dying for a global government administered by the United Nations is a catastrophe.

I have a suggestion for Iran. Expand the Arab League (22 members) by getting all of the Muslim countries (a total of 50) to sign onto a NATO-type alliance.

Founded in March 1945, the League of Arab States (or Arab League) is a loose confederation of twenty-two Arab nations, including Palestine, whose broad mission is to improve coordination among its members on matters of common interest. The League was chartered in response to concerns about postwar colonial divisions of territory as well as strong opposition to the emergence of a Jewish state in Palestine, but it has long been criticized for disunity and poor governance. Critics also say it has traditionally been more representative of its various autocratic regimes than of Arab citizens.

Iranians might be able to unite MUSLIMS as a matter of self-defense if they confine a proposed alliance to one sentence —— “An attack against one is an attack against all.”

Before global government government freaks go bonkers let me repeat something I have saying for years. I do not give a rat’s ass about Islam. My goal is every Muslim country walking out of the United Nations. My heart got to beating faster every time something popped up that might prompt the walkout. If not a mass exodus then boot the U.N. out of Muslim countries. Remaining in the U.N. is acceptable when it is reduced to nothing more than its original purpose —— a debating society.

NOTE: All of America’s enemies base their foreign policy on one threat. “We will walk out of the United Nations if you try to stop us from doing anything.” In fact, for all intents and purposes Russia and China already walked out except for their Security Council vetoes. They are too smart to walk out on that. The Muslim world does not have a SC veto; so they play it differently, but the threat, and the results, are the same. Everybody gets what they want except the U. S. of A.

Religion is a stronger glue than the United Nations. So it is must come down to Islam versus European Socialism/liberalism, and/or Islam versus Christianity.

There is no war more destructive than a war fought between two sides defending their moral beliefs. It tickles me to think that Socialists might finally be required to defend their own religion in a religious war against Islam. Socialists did their dirty business
throughout the Christian world from within. Socialists may find Islam a tougher nut to crack when they have to attack Islam from without.

Better that Muslim countries withdraw from the U.N. before their possession of nuclear weapons becomes the trigger for a nuclear war. Once Muslim countries are out of the U.N. their claim of sovereignty carries more weight, and it will put the brakes on the U.N. telling Muslims how to live in their own countries.

A U.N. functioning without approximately one sixth of the world’s population participating lessens, rather than increases, the chance of a nuclear war between Islam and Christianity, or between Islam and Socialism/Communism.

The mission for Americans is to prevent American totalitarians from tricking this country into fighting on the side of Socialism against Islam —— as well as prevent Islam and Socialism from becoming allied against the U.S. The fear is that Muslims will not see that Islam loses the most if Socialism advances though the U.N. The problem is that Muslims will take so many tiny bites doing the dirty work for United Nations Socialists without getting anything of value for Islam or for national sovereignty.

America’s greatest defense is its military strength.

The greatest deterrent to global nuclear war that I can think of is for everybody to mind their own business. That means Muslims, Christians, Communists, and everybody else. The U.N. and its advocates are busybody troublemakers with their noses in everybody business as things now stand. The U.N.’s call for universal Rights paid for with tax dollars is not the only piece of evidence that defines United Nations troublemakers.

The world has to become a safer place when an institution with the authority to meddle in the affairs of sovereign governments is dismantled.

Now that the R.C.Ch. is throwing in with the global government crowd the only way non-Muslims can avoid being enslaved by one or another form totalitarian government is for Muslim governments to wise up and dump the U.N. before Socialists and the Vatican swallow Islam in one gulp.

On the plus side, the Vatican sucking up to the United Nations shows the R.C.CH.’s hierarchy is running scared. Socialism/Communism has a clear-cut path for worldwide domination as does Islam, while the R.C.CH. lost the edge it had in the centuries before the League of Nations was tried and failed. The Vatican’s new alliance with the United Nations is a last ditch attempt to salvage its own one-religion-world agenda.

This is the straight of it. The minute Muslims see themselves losing their religion because of “peacekeeping missions” every Muslim country should walk out of the United Nations. That will be a good thing for America and the world. It is just a pity that a lot of Americans might die serving the U.N. before it goes belly up.

Finally, morons pushing a totalitarian one government world are too dull-witted to walk out of the United Nations for their own benefit.

p.s. Americans of military age should never believe anything the government and their television stooges tell them what they should fight for. Every American should know in their own minds what they fight for in foreign lands:

There is no objection to killing Muslims trying to kill you, while Constitution-loving Americans would cut their own throats if they fight to replace one religion with another. Americans must defeat Islam as a matter of self-defense, but they must not do it for Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Socialism, democracy, the United Nations, and certainly not for the New World Order. Fighting for their country is the only thing Americans should fight for.
You understand very little if you think Iran is trying to unite all Muslims. Saudi is standing with the US against Iran.

American Natives weren’t the hostiles, that is truly Hollywood.
You understand very little if you think Iran is trying to unite all Muslims.

To Phantasmal: Put more work in on your reading comprehension skills:

Iranians might be able to unite MUSLIMS as a matter of self-defense if they confine a proposed alliance to one sentence —— “An attack against one is an attack against all.”

Saudi is standing with the US against Iran.
To Phantasmal: Do not count on it lasting. Catholics and Protestants killed each in Europe for centuries. In short: Islam’s sects are no different than Christianity’s sects when it comes to defending their religion against attacks from nonbelievers.