Hot & Cold Scams


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Is it hot in here, or is it just the fusion reactor?

China broke a record with its Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) fusion reactor on Friday when it sustained a plasma temperature of 120 million degrees Celsius for 101 seconds, according to the state-run outlet Global Times. The reactor was also able to sustain a temperature of 160 million degrees Celsius for 20 seconds.

For perspective, the core of our solar system’s Sun “only” reaches about 15 million degrees Celsius, according to So, for a moment, EAST got more than 10 times hotter than that.

This marks a big milestone for the EAST reactor, which has been dubbed the “artificial Sun” for its ability to replicate the natural nuclear fusion process of stars. Doing so could help unlock the mystery to creating sustainable, reliable fusion power.

China’s “Artificial Sun” Fusion Reactor Just Set a World Record
May 29
by Tony Tran

Whenever I come across anything about alternative energy sources I get a whiff of environmental parasites, Wall Street sharpshooters, and the United Nations’ claim to ownership of the atmosphere and the oceans. That is why Hot fusion reminded of Cold fusion.

Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged surely thought Cold fusion would be the power source for Galt’s Gulch.

While in the valley, Dagny develops a romantic relationship with Galt, although it remains physically unconsummated – which is linked to her refusing to join the strike. After she returns home to New York, Galt takes over the airwaves, delivering a lengthy speech that explains what he sees to be the irrationality of collectivism and offers his own philosophy (Ayn Rand's Objectivism) as an alternative. Galt speaks against what he sees as the evil of collectivism and the idea that individuals must be responsible for each other, and says that should be replaced by voluntary association and adherence to rational self-interest. Seeking Galt after the speech, Dagny accidentally leads the authorities to him, and he is arrested. She and the strikers rescue Galt as the government tortures him. They return to Galt's Gulch and prepare to rebuild the rest of the world, as the collapse of the incompetent government nears.

NOTE: The Bible is the only book that sold more copies than Atlas Shrugged. That is reason enough to combine a masterpiece to make a point. Unfortunately, Cold fusion contained all of the elements needed for a “clean energy” investment scam.

Cold fusion is a hypothesized type of nuclear reaction that would occur at, or near, room temperature. It would contrast starkly with the "hot" fusion that is known to take place naturally within stars and artificially in hydrogen bombs and prototype fusion reactors under immense pressure and at temperatures of millions of degrees, and be distinguished from muon-catalyzed fusion. There is currently no accepted theoretical model that would allow cold fusion to occur.

In 1989, two electrochemists, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, reported that their apparatus had produced anomalous heat ("excess heat") of a magnitude they asserted would defy explanation except in terms of nuclear processes. They further reported measuring small amounts of nuclear reaction byproducts, including neutrons and tritium. The small tabletop experiment involved electrolysis of heavy water on the surface of a palladium (Pd) electrode. The reported results received wide media attention and raised hopes of a cheap and abundant source of energy.

Big money scams begin in institutions of “HIGHER LEARNING” —— they employ thousands of tax dollar parasites —— and rake in BILLIONS OF FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS annually for research and development projects alone. God only knows how high the money will go to after environmental parasites get control of the education industry trough. And that is not counting the subsidies private companies will get, or the money Wall Street hustlers will shake loose in stock scams like Cold fusion.

p.s. Media reporting a scam as though it is the real thing is necessary to gain access to tax dollars. The way Cold fusion was reported years ago told me that Cold fusion was a Wall Street scam. Getting in on the ground floor was the sales pitch 30 years ago. Back then the hucksters claimed Cold fusion was five years away from reality.

Wall Street hustlers stopped pushing Cold fusion after suckerfish stopped biting. Not to worry, the hustlers moved onto selling virtual-reality nonsense that still shows up as the plot in sci-fi movies and TV shows. I guess getting in on the ground floor means the ground floor is made of quicksand.
After she returns home to New York, Galt takes over the airwaves, delivering a lengthy speech that explains what he sees to be the irrationality of collectivism and offers his own philosophy (Ayn Rand's Objectivism) as an alternative.​

A bit more about Ayn Rand’s foresight:

On a recent trip to Colorado, I fired up the Atlas Shrugged audiobook. As I passed a line of train cars sitting empty and idle, noted the high gas prices, and listened to complaints about gas station supplier shortages, it occurred to me that Rand’s 1957 novel made a number of chillingly accurate predictions about our modern Wokestopia (i.e. Woke-dystopia).

Like many immigrants who escaped communism, Rand knew firsthand the corrosive effect of politicizing the industries that supply and feed our economy. The central plotline of Atlas Shrugged follows the accelerating political corruption of American corporations. Rand painted a picture of a kind of corporate/leftist fascism that feels familiar to us in 2021. Below are some of the predictions that have partially or completely come true.

1) Politicizing industry strangles production.

Near the end of the novel, Rand wrote about a fictional (at the time) “Railroad Unification Plan,” under which, the “railroads of the country have been unified into a single team, pooling their resources. All of their gross revenue is turned over to the Railroad Pool Board in Washington, which acts as a trustee for the industry as a whole.” Something almost exactly like that happened in 1970 when President Richard Nixon signed into law the, “Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970,” which transferred railroad passenger service to the “National Railroad Passenger Corporation,” now known as “Amtrak.”

The railroads eagerly abandoned all passenger traffic because, for political reasons, government regulators required providers to maintain lightly-used lines at unprofitable rates leading to billions in losses. Amtrak since has operated at a loss as routes continue to be selected based upon political considerations instead of market conditions. Amtrak has performed exactly as Rand predicted—unreliably, inefficiently, and unsafely. Like any other politicized corporation, Amtrak’s focus has shifted from its business line to political priorities such as climate change and diversity. We’ve also seen education, healthcare, electric utilities, and many more industries become so dominated by government intervention as to totally disrupt normal market forces.

Rand correctly foresaw that corporations would eagerly comply to gain favor from an all-powerful regulatory state that possessed the power to harass any business into bankruptcy.

2) Freedom of speech is an endangered species.

According to a recent lawsuit, the government pushed social media to censor politically inconvenient questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Gone are the days when we believed that good speech overcame bad speech. Rand’s novel depicts something similar as the government pressured and blackmailed the main character into making sure her public statements conformed with the mandate to praise its bankrupt policies.

3) Political corruption will sap our ability to get things done.

Returning to the example of railroads, the recent collapse of the high-speed rail project in California illustrated Rand’s premise. In 2008, the voters of California authorized a $33 billion project to connect Los Angeles and San Francisco with the kind of high speed rail service utilized by the Japanese or the French. As recently noted by Kevin McCarthy,

The California High-Speed Rail project is one of the most expensive failures in State history and could cost $100 billion, more than three times the $33 billion that was initially estimated. This project, still nowhere near completion, was also expected to begin service in 2020. But that timeline has since come and gone, and now rather than three years behind schedule—which was already inexcusable to California taxpayers that were sold a bill of goods in 2008—it is once again off the rails. As a comparison, the Transcontinental Railroad was built in 6 years almost completely by hand and over a century and a half ago.

All government-led construction projects seem to be taking longer and longer as the projects become increasingly weighed down by myriad lawyers and consultants who don’t build anything. Like an animal drained of its life by parasites, the California project simply died under the weight of opportunists cashing in on their political power.

4) “Temporary emergencies” created by bad policies are never temporary.

Rand depicts a vicious cycle of government intervention leading to bigger and bigger problems which, in turn, lead to even more calls for more government intervention. Economists have noted that the two industries suffering from the most inflation—education and healthcare—also have the most government intervention targeted at making the services affordable.

As the Rail Passenger Service Act destroyed the market for private passenger rail service, the 2008 Affordable Care Act ( ACA) “wreaked havoc on individual insurance markets.” These effects included astronomical increases in health insurance costs that required massive taxpayer subsidies, inadequate coverage for ACA participants, and shortages due to healthcare providers rejecting the oppressive ACA participation regulations. As Rand would have predicted, the failure of the ACA generated political demand for even more government intervention in the healthcare market. Indeed, the lack of affordable health insurance helped propel Biden to the presidency in 2020 in spite of the fact that Biden proudly boasts of his role in the original ACA legislation.

5) Everything is illegal.

Rand predicted that administrative agencies eventually would seize the power to promulgate laws. She described an agency, the Bureau of Economic Planning and National Resources, that had the power to issue “directives” with the full force of law.

We have only to reflect on 2020 and the many quarantine-related “recommendations” the government enforced as vigorously as any act passed by Congress. With the stroke of a governor’s pen, politically motivated mandates closed churches and canceled concerts while abortion clinics and liquor stores continued operations as usual. Rand’s character, Dr. Ferris, who bears an eerie resemblance to Dr. Fauci, explains the Left’s fetish for laws:

Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?. . . We want them broken . . . We’re after power and we mean it. . . . There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. . . . [Just] pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted—and you create a nation of lawbreakers—and then you cash in on guilt.

In 2018, New York state and local governments collected $1.21 billion in criminal and traffic fines and fees as revenue while its murder rate continues to soar. The Drug Enforcement Administration has made a business of seizing billions of dollars in cash from Americans without bothering to charge them with crimes. Meanwhile, the illegal drug trade in the United States shows no sign of relenting.

When Democrats lost the 2016 presidential election, they immediately launched a multi-front legal assault on the elected president that continues to this day. Even as I write this, a New York prosecutor is working up a dubious criminal case against the former president based on the idea that it’s criminal fraud for Trump to argue for high asset valuation on an insurance or loan application if he also pressed for a lower valuation of that same property for purposes of his property taxes. We all know that it doesn’t matter what Trump did or didn’t do. The law will be bent to punish him for taking power away from Democrats. It’s that simple.

Rand’s vision had flaws. But history has vindicated her dire warnings about politicized corporate/government partnerships oppressing freedom. Central planning of an economy always leads to corruption, inefficiency, and oppression. The historical examples are abundant and consistent as similar tragedies played out in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and now the United States. Yet even after the spectacular collapse of the Soviet empire, pernicious socialism has accelerated from creeping incrementalism to a full-on march.

Five Ways Ayn Rand’s 1957 Novel Predicted Our Present Condition
By Adam Mill
June 2, 2021
Big money scams begin in institutions of “HIGHER LEARNING” —— they employ thousands of tax dollar parasites —— and rake in BILLIONS OF FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS annually for research and development projects alone.

Do not pay your property taxes and Socialist teachers’ unions will bounce you out into the street faster than an old-time slum lord ever dreamed of doing. I am singling out the teachers’ unions because they are the primary beneficiaries of property taxes but they are not the only ones.

Increasing local property taxes enriches parasites in the education industry. So with billions of property tax dollars going to education industry parasites every year how come American children are getting dumber by the hour? The day is not far off when a vast majority of Americans will be legally defined as idiots. I say Americans because ill-educated children become dumb adults.

QUESTION: How many thousands of new parasites will get UNCONSTITUTIONAL jobs in the education industry’s latest money-grab?

Joe Biden calls for an increase in education from 12 to 14 years and child tax credits extension
By Emily Goodin
Published: 15:59 EDT, 7 July 2021 | Updated: 21:20 EDT, 7 July 2021